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Anna Von Ritz: "The Dangers of Myth-Making"

Posted By: hobie
Date: Tuesday, 3-Jan-2023 04:23:01

In Response To: Anna Von Ritz: "Discharging the Past" (hobie)

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Monday, January 2, 2023

The Dangers of Myth-Making

By Anna Von Reitz

We are all getting double doses of pre-fabricated "Narratives" these days, often long, convoluted stories that amount to either fear-mongering or hopium, neither of which is helpful.

The fear- mongering ("We're all going to die!" --- as if this is news?) only leaves people paralyzed, and the hopium leaves them paralyzed, too, albeit, for different reasons.

So who or what benefits by keeping us paralyzed?

In a word -- those who want to keep us from thinking and acting for ourselves.

When we think and act for ourselves, we become unmanageable, and from their perspective as manipulators, that's bad.

All these Fly-by-Night Narratives are bad enough, but something else is happening as well --- a process of Myth-Making that marginalizes our motivation and ability to take practical action in much the same way.

There is a myth that I didn't write The Jural Handbook. This myth has no basis to it. The myth says that some unidentified man actually wrote the book, because "no woman" would have such knowledge.

This appeals to those prejudiced against women, and it turns out that there are quite a few closet woman-haters out there.

The myth then bifurcates into two versions, one says I am Catholic and the other says I'm Jewish, and none of that has any factual basis, either.

One even more fanciful off-shoot says I am a black, Jewish, woman plagiarist who ripped off the unidentified white male author and his non-existent prior effort that has never seen the light of day.

Curiously, those spreading this myth are plagiarists themselves -- men who ripped off Frank O'Collin's work, Ucantia, and used it as the basis for the Reign of the Heavens Society.

They follow the modus operandi I have so long pointed out: they accuse everyone else of doing what they are doing themselves.

They blame the Jews for "killing Jesus" when in fact, according to the Bible, the Romans killed Yeshuah.

They blame Eve for Original Sin, but the Bible shows that she confessed and paid for her transgression, while Adam reacted like a two-year-old and wasn't competent to stand trial.

These banal excuses for men blow themselves up like so many Puffer Fish and loudly proclaim the excellence of white men of the "Adamic Race" --- a concept they created out of thin air --- and hope that we won't notice that white men of this purported Adamic Race are the ones who brought us to this moral and economic collapse.

It's their fault, yet they present themselves as the answer to the problems they created.

Everyone knows that Old White Men did this and are still doing it. But those who are responsible for this Mess sure try their best to deflect everyone's attention from the facts. Pope Francis? Old White Man. King Charles? Old White Man. Joe Biden? Old White Man. Donald Trump? Old White Man. Mark Miley? Old White Man.

Do you see a pattern here?

Adamic Race, kiss my ass. Without women there wouldn't be any race, Adamic or otherwise. For the record, men, we give birth to you sops and we wipe your butts and we feed you and care for you all your lives. And that's the truth of it.

Where were the vaunted heroes of the Adamic Race while all this corruption and war-for-profit and money laundering and drug addiction and fraud and unconstitutional hocus-pocus was going on?

I can tell you that they weren't with me slogging away reading history and law books in the basement. They weren't there when I was writing The Jural Assembly Handbook, either.

These "sons of Adam" are as shiftless, cowardly, and unaccountable as their Father, trying to avoid blame the same way he did, too. Blame the woman instead of owning up to your own responsibility for your own actions and inactions.

Grandma took them to the woodshed and now, they've got a sore butt. It's their own fault and telling more lies isn't going to help them one iota.

There's also another Myth, one that says I am some sort of prophet or guru, existing in the rarefied air hovering above the Earth, so far above common people that they dare not compare themselves with me.

But that's the whole point. I am a Great-Grandma from a small town who had to do all this. The message is not that "Anna is so special." The message is that "if Anna can do it, so can you."

So must you.

Neither myths nor narratives are helpful. They get in the way of the facts. Buzz-talk and labels aren't helpful, either. "Adamic Race" is just Wokeness wearing a different uniform. All it does is create another smokescreen and more divisiveness.

The American State Assemblies provide a practical answer, a peaceful and lawful means to organize and restore lawful government in this country and around the world. Go to www.TASA.org and get going.


See this article and over 3900 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com


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