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We Have Reached a Crisis Point - and the Signs Are There For a Nuclear War

Posted By: GeorgeEaton
Date: Thursday, 17-Mar-2022 17:01:19

A guy called into the Hal Turner radio show Wednesday night and said his wife was Russian - and in Russia right now they are KEEPING citizens in the underground bunkers in the major cities all the time. They will then cycle them out with other citizens, to make sure the bunkers are full at all times - in case they are attacked with nuclear weapons. That is how serious the Russians are taking this threat concerning an attack from NATO.

It was also made known that the minute when Nato invoked "Article 5" - to go to war against an enemy (in automatic defense of a Nato member) - that Russia could immediately launch a pre-emptive nuclear attack on the US to stop as many missiles as possible.

Once the nuclear exchange happens, both countries will be hit hard, but the one that knocks out the other missiles first will receive fewer nuclear hits.

The wild card are the submarines that carry around 160 warheads each. They are more difficult to locate and stop. Even with knocking out dozens and dozens of incoming missiles, each country is set up with overkill amounts of missiles for a redundancy kill ratio on the designated targets.

This is all a nightmare situation that everyone, except the globalists and psycho liberals - want to prevent. But once each country goes through the steps towards nuclear war, it is almost a foregone conclusion that it is going to happen. We have not faced this probability since 1962. We are now dangerously close to a nuclear war and must start taking this seriously.

We must realize that Putin has only one chance to prevent his country from being totally destroyed - he must attack first once the process towards war has come down to the wire and the US and Nato is ready to attack. The Russians have already war gamed the options and know that Nato is serious about this attack on Russia. The anti-Russian propaganda has been worked up to a fever pitch as the masses cry out for the total destruction of Russia.

It must also be realized that the "old guard" European mindset is not the same as how modern Europeans and Americans think. The old guard mindset is more patriarchal, and lends itself to masculine leadership qualities. It also respects the dignity and leadership qualities of leaders, and the people respond to strong leaders that are unwavering in their political stands.

Our form of government replaced the more "monarchy" type leadership with representative government based on a corporate body of statesmen governing a nation without leaning on the monologues of one leader. Like the Bible says "In the multitude of council there is safety".

This was the enormous advantage the US had over the world during WW2. We had already thrown off singular leaders ruling over the people nearly 200 years earlier - and when Hitler came along we rejected that type of rule without hesitation. The UK sill hasn't learned that lesson.

The European type mindset, including Russia, is still clinging to the old guard ways. This is why a nuclear war is actually considered by Putin and the Russian leadership. They don't have the luxury or advantage of our history to stand back and contemplate another option to avoid war. They feel like they are cornered at this time, against the wall, with no retreat open to them. Putin has made this clear numerous times by saying that an adversary military at their borders with nuclear missiles - is like having a knife at their throat.

Once Russia is designated as an enemy of Nato, a 5 minute flight time is all it takes to destroy Russian cities. And the only way to avoid that outcome, in their opinion, is to attack first. As far as the Russians are concerned, they are already at a Defcon 1 alert level. Nato has pushed towards Russian borders for 25 years, and when Putin saw they were getting closer with Ukraine, that was the red line that could not be allowed.

The Russians aren't bluffing. They have already accepted their fate and are ready to defend their culture or die trying. And since the globalists now rule over Europe and the US, it is a foregone conclusion that the masses have no power to stop this war. We are at the whim of the bankers and need to recognize the signs of an approaching nuclear exchange. A nuclear war is what the globalists want, it achieves their long term agenda.

So, when we see Russian leaders heading for underground bunkers and see Russian citizens staying in underground bomb shelters on a daily basis, we're close to a war breaking out. Americans will only have one chance to prepare ahead of time. Get out of the urban areas and set up a survival camp in the country as soon as possible. If this blows over you can always go back and live out a normal life. We are now weeks away from this coming to a crisis point.

So I say to the wealthy elite globalists, bomb away like the rabid dogs you are. There is no end of the world except the one you write for yourself. The goodness of mankind will shine through one person and one family at a time until it covers the earth. George Eaton

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