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If Socialist Biden and the Globalists Ignore Russia's Red Lines - War is Inevitable

Posted By: GeorgeEaton
Date: Saturday, 18-Dec-2021 04:04:23

Recently Russia sent a new draft of peace negotiations concerning Ukraine, to NATO headquarters. It was also hand delivered to the Whitehouse, the Pentagon, to Congress and to NATO leaders.
In the document they plead their case against any NATO encroachment into Ukraine and the fact they cannot tolerate nuclear missiles being placed in Ukraine that would threaten Russia. In the document they ask for a response by a certain date, which was not released to the public, or else they will begin military operations to prevent these actions. I would guess the date is 1 to 4 weeks, from Dec. 15th.

While this was going on, intelligence sources from Europe report that the US military off-loaded a large number of US tanks in Greece, with estimates up to 1,000, for the upcoming war in Ukraine. Radio talk show host Hal Turner reports that between 35.000 and 45,000 US troops have also been sent to Romania for that war. The Pentagon sent the Harry S. Truman aircraft carrier naval fleet, with at least 6 war ships plus submarines, to the Mediterranean Sea and are headed north into the Aegean Sea close to the Balkan states. It will then be able to launch fighter jets towards Crimea, Ukraine and Russia.

Judging by all of the heated war rhetoric and military moves, the globalists are really itching for a fight. It looks like all the players involved are determined to make this happen. But no one knows when or how it will start. Analysts are saying the Russian invasion of Ukraine will begin in January or later, when the ground is fully frozen and the tanks can move easier.

I would assume Putin will wait as long as he can and give Ukraine the opportunity to withdraw from the areas where Ukraine has been launching their military offensive against Donetsk and Luhansk.
If Russia concludes that this offensive move against their redlines is going forward, they will most likely use a missile attack on the artillery positions and put them on notice that they intend to invade.

Putin may wait a short time for their reaction before taking the conflict to the next level. Depending on what Ukraine decides to do, he will then carry on the campaign into Ukraine. He will refrain from any attacks into other countries or NATO headquarters at the beginning. But at the slightest uptick of an offensive military response from NATO, he will already have a plan to take it to the next level. Once that is done there aren’t many opportunities for “stopping points” to prevent an upstage towards a nuclear exchange.

Once Russia is committed to the war, their actions will be rapid, or else they’ll would find themselves on the losing side of the battle in short order. Depending how NATO reacts, Russia will either cease operations for a time, or continue moving forward to their objective. No one knows if they will take about one third of Ukraine or take all of the nation to prevent a future NATO encroachment against Russia.

My guess is Putin feels that NATO has every intention of taking out Russia – and he has to stop them now before it’s too late. NATO has plenty of nukes to get the job done once they retaliate. So, if Russia is to make any showing to defend themselves at all, they have concluded they must strike first against the NATO countries including the US mainland. Regardless what kind of an attack strategy Russia would use, the west is going to employ a massive retaliation. Any move the Russians make will end up destroying their nation, the Russians are fully aware of this fact.

Other options that would probably be more advisable for Russia for instance, would be withdrawing from that area and post pond a major war. The longer the Russians can delay a confrontation, the stronger they can become, and more peace options open up as well. Unfortunately, the old school attitude of those European nations, Russian culture and pride excludes waiting until later. If I were Putin, I would not take the bait. It is what the globalists want to happen. He may have some secret weapons that he thinks will give him an advantage, which is considered a wild card. But, so does the west.

Both sides will suffer greatly for generations to come. But the globalists are pushing this for ulterior motives. And, it is being done during a global pandemic and an economic slowdown. It seems to be a “piling on” operation to take advantage of two years of a deadly pandemic crisis and an impending financial meltdown. What the European Union and the socialist controlled US is doing, appears to be a contrived event that is strikingly like what the Soviet Union did during the Cuban missile crisis. It was a redline that was unacceptable then to President Kennedy and the US government, and is an unacceptable redline for the Russians now. Looking at this objectively, this redline doesn’t seem unreasonable by the Russians. But the globalists are hell bent on starting World War 3, regardless what the Russians feel is right. None of this makes sense, but this is the reality we face.

After the high-level agreements between Russia and China recently, I would assume that China would join in the world war and make attacks against the US and western powers in numerous countries and bases. China could use this time to attack Taiwan, and also attack any countries like Japan if they make the slightest move to defend Taiwan. Guam, Okinawa and South Korea would all be targeted. It would be open season on both sides against naval ships and subs on a global scale.

If China is hit with nukes, they will then launch nuclear missiles against Hawaii and the west coast of the US. Russia would hit Alaska, and other locations across the US. The US strategic military island base of Diego Garcia would be destroyed along with bases in the middle east, Italy, and throughout Europe.

All of the war games that have been played will then be activated in real life. A few minor naval fleets will be wandering around the oceans trying to survive attacks, but in the weeks and months afterward they will run low on fuel and supplies and be forced to dock their ships somewhere considered safe.

Until a nation can actually enforce its will on other nations, the nations that are hit will all be involved in survival mode for quite some time, without any real resolution on the war - and no announced winners. It is possible a secondary launching of nukes would take place later to drive home the point that someone is a winner. It is also possible that months after the major war, that Russia, China, or North Korea could launch nukes against recovering cities just for spite. It will be a wild open season between enemies, with no restraints on what is done and no distinct outcomes.

The ending result would be a halt to global trade and the normal flow of goods in and out of nations. Each nation and each area inside the nations, would be in survival mode. It would take months or years before the free flow of food, medicines and goods is accomplished. It would be a disaster the likes we have never experienced before. But this is obviously the outcome the globalists want - so they can place nuclear missiles on the border of Russia.
If cooler heads didn’t prevail in 1962, this is the same outcome the world would have faced at that time. The question is, why do millions of people have to die just so Biden and the globalists can place nuclear missiles on the border of Russia - who is not invading Europe or a threat to the US?

Answer: MONEY. The bottom line is always money as the big motivator. After Russia lost over 30 million lives to communist terror, they broke the chains of slavery and started to recover their national strength and wholesome values. The first thing they did was defend the Christians in Syria that Isis was beheading and killing in front of their children. Isis was founded, financed and promoted by Israel, covert agencies from the US and the globalists.

Israel had a long-term goal of weakening all their Muslim neighbors with internal conflicts and cross border wars so they would be “the last man standing”. It was called the Yinon Plan, written by Oded Yinon of Israel and also known as the “Greater Israel plan”. Once the weakening, subjugation and control of the Muslim nations was accomplished, they could control the oil and gas lines flowing into Europe and increase the size of Israel.

Unfortunately for them, Putin sends in troops to defend the government of Syria in 2014 and prevented the total collapse and take over by militants financed by the west. This infuriated the globalists, and from that moment on they started to plot the destruction of Russia. It’s all about the money. Russia disrupted their plans for wealth and power – and for this the wealthy elite were willing to unleash global germ warfare and World War 3. A one, two punch. Who would be left to oppose their plans? No one.

I highly suggest you get your house in order, make sure you have the food and supplies to get through hard times. You can always eat the food if nothing happens. Get extra cash out of the bank and simply stay at home and watch to see what happens next. We don’t have to run to the hills because of these things. We can continue our lives and jobs the same as before, but simply be ready for hard times if and when they happen. George Eaton

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