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Anna Von Reitz: "Hey, Homer...."

Posted By: hobie
Date: Friday, 17-Dec-2021 00:39:18

In Response To: Anna Von Reitz: "Regarding Lucifer" (hobie)

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Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Hey, Homer....

By Anna Von Reitz

"Fauci" is Sicillian for someone who makes or wields a sickle --- as in the Angel of Death. Just imagine him in a black hooded robe carrying a sickle. And remember that we are dealing with a Death Cult.

Also remember that the Italians were allies of the Nazis and that the SS carried a skull as its emblem, and that the Skull and Bones Society also carries a "death's head" emblem and that pirates the world over fly the skull and crossed bones flag, and that Mystery Babylon is uniquely associated with sailors, and that the British King rules the international sea jurisdiction under the Papal scheme dividing up the spoils of the world, and also that the sea is where Satan -- the "god" these people worship --- was cast down.

It all hangs together in one piece.

The mark of the Transhuman "beast", the Death Cult "reaping" souls, the Nazi Cult --- which is merely another expression of the Mystery Babylon Cult --- conjoined with the Italian members of the same cult secretively sheltering within the shell of the Roman Catholic Church, which Anthony Fauci is a member of.

If you want to be convinced that this Death Cult exists, pull up the YouTube videos of the "Dead Baby" ceremony at the London Olympics, which featured many hundreds of hooded black-robed figures marching around and around a giant effigy of a dead baby in a coffin.

Check out the plans to resurrect the great doorway arch of the Temple of Baalbek in various places, including London and Rome.

Check out the Georgia Guidestones.

Check out the Bohemian Grove Club in Northern California, where the world's elite have gathered every summer in front of a giant iron furnace shaped like an owl --- identical to the same kinds of "fiery furnaces' used in Babylon to sacrifice the first born child of every couple, and all the unwanted babies that resulted from the practice of Temple Prostitution.

Then go to Carthage, where they've dug up vast numbers of egg-shaped vessels containing the bones of adult victims that were roasted alive in these "pots" and see the evidence that at least some of the victims were eaten in cannibal ceremonies.

The egg-shaped vessels echo the egg-shaped silver "egg" that Semiramis, the founder of the Mystery Babylon Cult, arrived in; she splashed down in the Euphrates River in this silver egg, and promptly left it to sink.

This Founder of The Great Abomination--- which is the Mystery Babylon Cult ---- was a "beautiful woman" with rays of light coming from her head ----identical to what you see in New York Harbor as the "Statue of Liberty" ---- as in "libertine". Realize that "liberty" is not 'freedom".

Realize that you have a Babylonian Goddess "lifting her lamp" representing the Great Abomination, standing where she should not stand, at the gateway of our country. Realize that one of the names of Semiramis is Isis and another one is ---- Columbia. I kid you not, as in "District of Columbia".

And then check out the Cannibal Club and its menu in Los Angeles, and also check out the "menu" published as part of the Pizzagate investigations. More cannibalism. And what did we have in concert with the "free love" generation, but the availability of abortion --- more institutionalized murder, more incremental "acceptance" of baby killing, one of the foundation practices of the Mystery Babylon Cult.

And then, consider that the Municipality of Washington, DC, is in effect a separate country, just like Vatican City, or the Inner City of London, and it is absolutely full of weird symbolism --- pentagrams, obelisks (stone penises), fountains in the shape of open vaginas, bundles of sticks, swastikas, acorns, owls, and more symbols of the occult.

Have you got the drift here, Homer?

Sacrifice of the First-born has a long, long history. It is not a pretty history. So does the sacrifice and scape-goating of innocent animals, including lambs and babies, as part of a Death Cult that once stretched from Guatemala to Switzerland to China to Northern India to North America, Ireland, and beyond.

The Romans finally suppressed it and did a good job of it, but like a lie that takes on a life of its own, the evil is still there, still lurking in the darkened minds of deluded men and women who have been warped by torture and hypnotic suggestion and the use of mind-altering drugs and the opiates of ignorance, laziness, and ego.

The Church did not become a "Big Deal" until it made its deal with the Devil, at the Council of Nicea. This is where Rome first fornicated with the Church and turned "her" into a whore sitting on the seven hills of Rome, drinking wine from a golden cup--- just like a Communion Chalice.

This is where the Sinners let "Saint" Jerome pick and choose the Canon according to his misogynist Roman mindset, and let him add "homages" written by Paul of Ephesus to the Canon as if they were written by Paul, the Apostle, and let him delete 1,100 years of history from the calendar, to make it look like less time had been spent waiting for Jesus to return. This is where they formulated their impersonation scheme to satisfy their new Roman partners, and dreamed up the whole business of calling Jesus "the Christ" --- the Anointed One, instead of calling him by his actual name, so that the snide but knowing Mystery Babylon Cultists could take joy in having a secret code that only they knew, and could practice their Cult in broad daylight and with a straight face, and fool everyone into calling themselves "Christians" instead of whatever the Followers of Jesus would naturally be called.

More fakery. More impersonation. More substitutions. More mirroring. More double-meanings. More code. More of what we've come to recognize as the modus operandi of the Death Cult.

Well, we know who anointed him --- Mary Magdalene. And we know what she, the High Priestess of the Babylonian Cult, anointed him as --- the High Priest Sacrifice, the Anointed One, indeed.
And all these good people who accept the parables and teachings of Jesus pay no attention to his frequent admissions to his Disciples that he teaches in parables to disguise what he is saying and hide his actual meaning from the crowds. Say what? What kind of game have we landed in? A Rabbi who deliberately disguises his teachings so that people will not understand them?

I can go through the Bible and identify for you two different "Gods" --- the Lord of Life and Truth, and the Lord of Death and Lies --- presented side by side, blow by blow, story by story, as if they were one-in-the-same.

And by far, the Lord of Death takes up more pages with his venom and his actions, because, apparently, The Holy Bible, which translates as The Sun Book, is a combination of the Book of the Dead (persons) with The Book of Life (people), and it is up to us to discern between the two and take away what lessons we will.

I can show you the plan for the new kingdom written as the entire Book of Matthew. I can give you the cynical translation and evil interpretation of every word, a rendition of "what the Bible says" in code, that would turn your hair green.

I can take you to the Book of Isaiah and show you where the Jews in Captivity broadcast their plan to overcome their Assyrian Masters by polluting their water and denaturing their food --- just exactly what the Vermin among us have been doing by adding fluoride to our water and creating GMO's and bleaching our flour and spraying our land with incendiary metallic salts. And all for the profit for "persons" at the expense of people, too.

I am here as an Avenging Angel, the one who keeps the accounts of the words and the numbers. And while it is the will of the Living God that not one should be lost, it is the will of the Evil One that not one shall survive --- and what more devious or typical way for the Evil One to act, than to lie, and tell people that what they are doing to themselves will prolong their lives and the lives of others, when in fact they are volunteering to kill themselves on cue.

I am full up. The bowl of my anger runs over. I am not fooled by all their protestations. I am not deceived by their excuses. I am not allowing them to blame the victims. I am not holding them guiltless. They will not only taste the poisons they have been giving to others, they will reap all that they have sown, unto their very souls. And the separation that they have created, trying to steal from the True God what belongs to him alone, will be their endless abode.

In vain, they seek the darkness of their caverns. In vain, they wish to cover themselves again, but their nakedness is known. In vain, they try to avoid the words spoken here. These words will have their full recompense. This judgment issued against them will have its impact. Not all the darkness of December, and not the stopping of the tides will relieve them; no, they will be carried away like the dry leaves in autumn. And no one will mourn for their passing.


See this article and over 3400 others on Anna's website here:


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Articles In This Thread

Anna Von Reitz: "Regarding Lucifer"
hobie -- Friday, 17-Dec-2021 00:39:18
Anna Von Reitz: "Hey, Homer...."
hobie -- Friday, 17-Dec-2021 00:39:18

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