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The Request to Constitutionally Remove Biden Has Been Made and sent to the Leaders in Congress and to VP Harris

Posted By: GeorgeEaton
Date: Friday, 27-Aug-2021 06:55:51

US storm: Biden [could be] ousted for incapacity under Amendment 25 - 13 dead & 18 injured Americans (video)
One Million Dead in Afghanistan - Biden Speech and Journalist Incident

Republicans are calling for the immediate ouster of Biden from the US presidency due to incompetence, with the current US president's chair creaking dangerously after the 13 dead American soldiers and the 18 wounded.

Senator (GOP) Madison Cawthorn has already sent a letter to Vice President Kamala Harris, asking for the immediate activation of the 25th amendment leading to the removal of Biden.

Biden, who seems to have lost all control of the situation, proceeded to the third (!) Sermon to the American people within 20 days!

White House spokeswoman T. Psaki limited herself to saying that it was "a day when American soldiers lost their lives at the hands of terrorists. "This is not a day for politics."

"Oust Biden"
Member of the House of Representatives, Republican of North Carolina Madison Cawthorn called on Vice President Kamala Harris to invoke the 25th amendment to the US Constitution and remove President Biden from office after his inauguration.

"Our nation is in crisis," he wrote in a letter to Harris and the rest of the cabinet on Thursday.

Cawthorn said China's ambitions on the international stage, the threat from Russia, rising inflation, the chaos on its southern border and the situation in Afghanistan would require strong, decisive leadership to combat them.

"These times of crisis require intelligence, skill, toughness and steady hands on the rudder of the state ship," the letter said.

"I am not pleased to say this, but I am increasingly convinced by what you already know that President Biden is no longer able to carry out his duties."

Biden-Journalist Episode
Journalist Peter Doocy asked Biden if he was responsible for what had happened in Afghanistan over the past two weeks.

In particular, the tension was caused when a journalist asked the US President if he felt responsible for the death of 12 Marines from the bombings in Kabul.

"I take responsibility for what has happened," he said, referring to Donald Trump.

"You know very well that the former president made this withdrawal agreement with the Taliban. "The agreement was to withdraw until May 1, and in return the Taliban promised to continue attacking others, but not the US forces," he told a reporter, asking if he was aware of the incident.

As soon as the reporter answers, the US President addresses him again and says in a loud voice "I ask you a question" , while continuing his position.

"The reason why there have been no attacks on US troops in the past is because Mr. Trump had promised that we would be gone by May 1, which of course was not possible," he said. "Imagine what would have happened if I had He said on May 1 that he would not negotiate the date of his departure and that we would stay there and send a few thousand troops to Afghanistan to continue this deadlock. "

One million dead
The death toll from an Islamic State jihadist attack at Kabul International Airport has risen to 103, according to The Wall Street Journal.

According to the newspaper, at least 90 Afghans and at least 13 members of the US military are dead.

The "thirteenth U.S. soldier was wounded in the attack on the Abby Gate," said Capt. Bill Erban, a spokesman for the U.S. Central Command (JCC) in Afghanistan.

The number of injured "now stands at 18" , he added.

At the same time, a hospital source and a Taliban official said in recent hours that at least 72 civilians had been killed in an attack by Islamic State jihadists on Thursday.

At least 28 Taliban members are among those killed in an Islamic State attack outside Kabul airport, an Islamist official told Reuters.

"We lost more people than the Americans," said the official, who asked not to be named. He said he saw no reason to extend the August 31st deadline for the withdrawal of foreign troops from the country.

Biden Discourse
In a speech, the US President said the following:

"America will not be allowed to intimidate," he insisted.

"The mission is extremely dangerous, but we will not be discouraged by the terrorists. We will not allow our mission to stop. "The evacuation will continue," Biden said.

"We will pursue them and make them pay," he said, adding that the US military would retaliate "with force and accuracy".

"It's a difficult day," he said, calling the American soldiers who lost their lives in today's "kamikaze" terrorist act "heroes" and keeping a minute's silence for the victims of the attacks.

"We do not forgive, we will not forget. "We will chase you and you will pay ," Biden told those responsible for the attacks. This showed that terrorists tried to prevent the operation to remove people from the country.

"I have ordered the Islamic State facilities to be hit, " the president said in response to the jihadist killings. "The American commanders have everything they need at the moment, I promise I will give them anything else they need along the way."

He said he had instructed his staff to do everything possible to protect US troops staying in Kabul and promised that those who wished to do so would leave Afghanistan by August 31, which he confirmed was the deadline for the operation. .

There was then a minute's silence for the victims and the American soldiers who were sacrificed on this mission.

"The Taliban are not good, but we have common interests at the moment," he added.

"We rely on their interest to continue their activities, and this is in our interest because we will be able to remove as many people as possible from the country."

However, he noted that although millions of Afghans would like to leave the country and come to the United States, it would be impossible to get them all out.

The bombing in Kabul was the deadliest for the US military since 2011
The bloody attack on the Kabul airport area, which killed at least 13 US troops, including 10 Marines, was the deadliest against US forces in Afghanistan since 2011.

(You mmst read the historical letter from Congresswoman Madison Cawthorn at the source below.)


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