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Reader: "Unconditional Love is indeed the basis for all life and so those who demonstrate it are ..."

Posted By: hobie
Date: Wednesday, 14-Jul-2021 00:38:47

In Response To: 17:25 video (cc): "Homosexuality: It's about survival - not sex | James O'Keefe | TEDxTallaght" (hobie)

(Thanks, R. :)

Reader R. writes:


Re: 17:25 video (cc): 'Homosexuality: It's abo....

G'day Hobie,

Thank you for this interesting video by Dr James O'Keefe MD. Unconditional Love is indeed the basis for all life and so those who demonstrate it are not merely a useful cog in nature's wheel of perfection but they are leading humanity towards godlike higher consciousness.

Matter manifests as a result of thought because the cosmos is an expression of Mind. Without mind nothing can exist. Mind energy radiates everywhere. It penetrates and permeates and IS everything. In that sense everything has a level of consciousness. But although everything in Creation is manifested and sustained by Mind, not everything is a medium for thought manifestation.

Arguably Creation is the product of unconditional love and it imbues every aspect of Creation with some level of consciousness. Consciousness in all matter is why conscious intention can, as Christ Jesus said: "move mountains". Creation is designed to culminate in spirit beings - ensouled Higher Universal man (HUmans)- who are destined to evolve into godlike consciousness.

Although all of Creation is conscious. HUmans are especially blessed by being indwelt by a Godspark, a fragment of Creator consciousness that transcends physicality. That spirit infusion is an impetus towards unconditional love which combines with the individual's soul experience to make HUmans immortal.

A key mechanism assisting immortal HUman spirits to grow in awareness and unconditional love is the reincarnation process. Learning about life the universe and everything and growing in consciousness and hence unconditional love, is a very looong process requiring myriad incarnations.

As I understand the process, it involves incarnating variously as male and female in order to experience both aspects of life and the coming together of those distinct orientations. Individual souls will have a predilection for one or the other orientation but each spirit has male and female potentials and their experiences in the materium eventually enables them to become androgynous while maintaining their primarily male or female individual orientation.

In essence the material cosmos is designed to produce HUmans who are spirit beings having material experiences to explore the materium for the Creator. Ultimately HUmans become so embued with unconditional love that they progress through the cosmos and meet the Creator whereafter they return to the Creation to assist others to complete the process.

Sexual orientations are part of the HUman spiritual evolutionary experience but they are merely a necessary life reproduction aspect and not the be all and end all of HUman life. The same applies to race and physiology. Spirituality, not form, is what matters. Although bipedal structures appear to be the ultimate form for HUman physical evolvement on this planet,this local universe and the cosmos, not all HUmans begin their evolution using the typical featherless biped form dominant here. Apparently various other forms and physiologies are part of the process in other places.

Also, it is becoming increasingly apparent that human soul consciousness can evolve in other animal forms here. Animals have varying degrees of consciousness depending on their level of energetic psychic development. Some higher animals like elephants, whales, dolphins, cats, dogs and horses can develop the consciousness levels attainable by humans. A good example in the US that has been disappeared down the memory hole by the demonic controllers was that of the beautiful Jim Keys. See eg: The Smartest Horse That Ever Lived - A True Story - Link

Although we interact daily with the physical world we live in our thoughts, our minds, our own mental space. Our external world is essentially a manifestation and medium for the expression of our inner, mental world. So, as we think we become, because we live in our own unique mental landscape shaped by our own perceptions and understandings. But our mental landscape is not a closed isolated system. Expressions of the thoughts of others that are allowed to enter our mental world can and do help to shape its manifestation. The degree of that shaping depends on the extent of our awareness and conscious choices. Our thoughts are also influenced by the global genetic mind that has developed over aeons; as well as the thoughts of those around us.

However, as Thoth and others have said, because of our ever growing and expanding awareness, ensouled humans are on the brink of taking a qualitative leap in thinking that will lead to discovering the components for manifestation stored within our hologram. This will result in a quantum leap in consciousness. Arguably that leap in consciousness could enable us to become 'one with others' such that, for instance, all lives really would matter to us. Why? Because all lives DO matter to the Creator and we are on a journey to become like the Creator; that is the outcome we seek.

The human body is a collection of energies that are the result of thought. Similarly, all human experiences in the physical are the result of thought and so our world is created by our thoughts and emotions and the thoughts and emotions of others. The aggregation of those thoughts also creates a morphogenetic planetary mind that influences us all.

Ensouled human beings (HUmans) have brain receptors in the head, heart and gut which are capable of interpreting signals coming from their indwelling fragment of Creator consciousness, other spirit beings and gamma radiation which is information coming from the centre of the galaxy which is impacting us strongly at this time. Incidentally,the effects of incoming gamma radiation are having adverse health and welfare effects on some individuals because they are currently experiencing negative feelings due to unnecessarily high levels of fear. The well known Australian aboriginal tribal practice under which an individual could die of fear because the kadaitcha man had 'pointed the bone' at him illustrated this phenomenon. No doubt the ridiculous level of COVID-19 scamdemic propaganda deluging this planet is an attempt to do this.

The quality of mind exhibited by a HUman is generally influenced by the degree of active DNA connections the individual has because DNA is an antenna that serves as a connecting bridge between the level of physical existence and the non-local level of Mind. Incoming gamma radiation information is a part of that.

Higher DNA connection levels are no guarantee of right thinking or positive thought manifestation and behaviour. Why? Because humans have been gifted with free will, namely the ability to choose or reject Creation and unconditional love, and even the gift of eternal life. The exercise of free will enables us to make inappropriate choices which is what causes the misery and chaos evident in our world. Presumably most inappropriate choices are mistakes due to ignorance and that is why HUmans need myriad incarnations to increase their understanding of life, the universe and everything so that they can begin to 'fly right'.:)

Or so I think :)

Peace and Blessings,




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Articles In This Thread

17:25 video (cc): "Homosexuality: It's about survival - not sex | James O'Keefe | TEDxTallaght"
hobie -- Wednesday, 14-Jul-2021 00:38:47
Reader: "Unconditional Love is indeed the basis for all life and so those who demonstrate it are ..."
hobie -- Wednesday, 14-Jul-2021 00:38:47

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