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SORCHA 6/9: "Biden Admits To Cyberattacks As Demonic Plan To Exterminate White Americans Accelerates"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Wednesday, 9-Jun-2021 13:39:55



June 9, 2021

Biden Admits To Cyberattacks As Demonic Plan To Exterminate White Americans Accelerates

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A chilling new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today made brief due to the highly-classified subject matters under discussion, first sees, in the parts of this transcript permitted to be openly discussed and commented on by various ministries, Security Council Members reviewing notes from their 3 June meeting—a meeting wherein it was revealed that Russian intelligence experts were in contact with their American counterparts regarding a series of cyberattacks taking place in the United States—and at the time we wrote about stating from that transcript:

In the discussions regarding these cyberattacks, Russian intelligence officials suggested to their American counterparts that they pay attention to what Edward Snowden has revealed—the former CIA contractor turned whistleblower who sought sanctuary in Russia after exposing US spying programmes, and said about himself: “I was a trained spy, not just a hacker”—saw Snowden giving to Wikileaks a large cache of CIA documents that showed the agency had equipped itself to run its own false-flag hacking operations—documents describing an internal CIA group called UMBRAGE that was stealing the techniques of other nation-state hackers to trick forensic investigators into falsely attributing CIA attacks to other actors—among those from whom the CIA has stolen techniques is the Russian Federation, which means the CIA is conducting attacks to intentionally mislead investigators into attributing them to President Putin—and saw Wikileaks stating: “With UMBRAGE and related projects, the CIA can not only increase its total number of attack types, but also misdirect attribution by leaving behind the “fingerprints” of the groups that the attack techniques were stolen from”.

After telling their American counterparts what they already knew about how the CIA is able to conduct cyberattacks and blame them on anyone they choose, Russian intelligence officials then asked them if they even bothered to notice that these cyberattacks hit two companies that Biden’s socialist “Green New Deal” has targeted for destruction—a deranged socialist master plan that calls for the total elimination of all oil pipelines and farm animals raised for meat—a fact Russian intelligence officials told these Americans shows the most logical direction to steer this investigation towards.

Next these Americans were told that the Russian Health Ministry has just registered the drug Leitragin, the first drug in the world aimed to prevent and combat the cytokine storm caused by COVID-19, and that Israeli scientists have found a “likely” link between the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine and cases of heart inflammation in young males—science based facts Russian intelligence officials said were needing to be told to these Americans so they could fully understand the implications of the world’s first ever case of bird flu in a human having just been registered in China—a case registered in eastern China’s Jiangsu Province involving a 41-year-old man that began in April—in a few weeks time saw this new bird flu virus being identified, to include the pinpointing of its animal and human host—which is exactly how real scientific investigations are supposed to work, and explains why these Russian intelligence officials then told their American counterparts that if they really wanted to know about these cyberattacks and everything else, their questions should be directed to the highest paid employee in the entire US government—known as Dr. Anthony Fauci, but is best known around the world as the “Patron Saint of Wuhan”.

With this cyberattack issue being able to derail next week’s expected summit between President Putin and Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden, as Russia will in no way whatsoever accept blame and/or accusations for something it doesn’t do, today’s transcript shows this issue has now been settled, with Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov reporting that Russia and the United States have found consensus on the cyberattacks on US companies JBS and Colonial Pipeline, and his stating for the record: “In the end, a consensus was found in both cases, although earlier our Western partners had objections…I have reasons to hope that this will help to develop bilateral dialogue…But the most important thing is to conduct the dialogue professionally, and not for show”.

A “consensus” whose particulars in how it was achieved remain highly classified, but can be glimpsed in the reaction given by Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev, who in this transcript, after reading an analysis about these cyberattacks prepared by top Biden intellignece officials, suddenly urged the Security Council to formulate Russia’s position on possibly prohibiting certain forms of AI, and stated for the record: “We need to formulate a position on sensitive issues, meaning a possible ban on the use of certain forms of AI, if necessary, restriction of its use on certain spheres and introduction of external control over developments in this sphere”.

With this transcript strongly suggesting that Biden’s intelligence officials admitted these cyberattacks were coming from within America, this is further bolstered by Security Council Members having a discussion about designating the American government as a criminal regime—a discussion focused on Biden’s top budget chief Shalanda Young, who yesterday stunningly admitted during a US Senate hearing that the White House spending agenda is “dead in the water” without trillions-of-dollars of new tax hikes—a stunning admission that would hammer the final nail in the coffin of the American economic system—that was quickly joined by Biden’s socialist forces illegally releasing the secret tax records of America’s top oligarchs—an illegal move so shocking, it caused the Wall Street Journal to explode in anger stating: “That didn’t take long…Less than half a year into the Biden Presidency, the Internal Revenue Service is already at the center of an abuse-of-power scandal…That news broke Tuesday when ProPublica, a website whose journalism promotes progressive causes, published information from what it said are 15 years of the tax returns of Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffett and other rich Americans...Leaking such information is a crime, since under federal law tax returns are confidential...ProPublica says it received the files from “an anonymous source” and doesn’t know who provided them, how they were obtained, or what the source’s motives are...but wealth and income are different, and what Americans pay is a tax on income, not wealth”.

Further making the case that socialist leader Biden is heading a criminal regime government, this transcript show Security Council Members discussing what the consequences will be after a judge in Georgia brought into question thousands of ballots cast for Biden that are pristine and look they were mass copied—sees them noting with grave alarm that the Trump supporters imprisoned in solitary confinement since 6 January are still being beaten and starved—and sees them all agreeing that these are types of things you see in criminal regimes where shocking and truthful articles are now appearing like “Greatest Mass Killer of 21st Century: Data Shows Fauci Conspired and Lied – New Study Shows HCQ plus AZM Improved Survival of COVID Patients by Nearly 200%”.

With socialist leader Biden’s top criminal regime medical official Dr. Fauci being branded as the “Greatest Mass Killer of the 21st Century”, this transcript sees Security Council Members gravely noting the growing similarities between Nazi Germany and what America is fast becoming—a Nazi Germany whose criminal regime socialist leaders dehumanized tens-of millions of their citizens so it would be acceptable to exterminate them—a Nazi Germany that divided its nation up into categories of “victims” and “oppressors”—after which Nazi Germany had psychiatric experts officially declare that these “oppressors” were mentally ill sub-humans—that was followed by Nazi Germany enacting laws to strip these “oppressors” of all rights and property, that was followed by them all being placed in extermination camps where millions of them were gassed to death.

This report concludes with the transcript showing Security Council Members reacting with horror over top American psychiatrist Dr.Aruna Khilanani telling medical students at Yale University: “I had fantasies of unloading a revolver into the head of any white person that got in my way, burying their body and wiping my bloody hands as I walked away relatively guiltless with a bounce in my step. Like I did the world a fucking favor”—a genocidal statement not heard in our world since Nazi Germany was destroyed—yesterday when Dr. Khilanani was asked about it saw her stating: “I stand by it!”—but to their greatest peril, sees these Americans not understanding that what Dr. Khilanani said is actually based on medical science—because last month, the Journal Of The American Psychoanalytic Association, which every psychiatrist in America follows the guideance of, it “officially declared that all white people have a malignant, parasitic-like condition that is dangerous and discriminatory…is a perverse mental condition having power without limit and force without restriction…displays violence without mercy and has a drive to hate and terrorize”—is an official psychiatrist declaration Biden and his socialist forces can now use to enact new laws and force courts to strip these dangerous sub-human white people of their rights, homes, land, property, bank accounts and children—and exactly like the Jewish peoples a century ago living in Nazi Germany, today the white Christians living in America remain blinded to the deadly socialist horror rushing straight towards them. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

June 9, 2021 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

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