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Anna Von Reitz: "Public Notice to The International Court of Justice and the Court of the Lord High Steward"

Posted By: hobie
Date: Tuesday, 9-Feb-2021 05:43:51

In Response To: Anna Von Reitz: "Good News for The Brits! ---And the Commonwealth" (hobie)

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Monday, February 8, 2021

Public Notice to The International Court of Justice and the Court of the Lord High Steward

By Anna Von Reitz

We have for the past five years
published our Affidavit of Probable Cause as Americans operating our
unincorporated Federation of States: The United States of America.

The evidence of criminal
mis-administration, Breach of Trust, purposeful semantic deceit, and
self-interested commercial fraud against Americans and against our lawful
government has been presented and published worldwide and many claims related to
this fraud have been received by The International Court of Justice, the Office
of the Prosecutor ICJ, by the Vatican Chancery Court, and others with an
authority pertaining to or an interest in correction.

Recent claims by Territorial U.S.
Citizens concerning an Act passed by the Territorial Congress in 1871 (but
actually repealed in 1874) has prompted us to review that particular Act by
their Congress and that, in turn, has prompted a review of the preceding
Corporations Act of 1870, also passed by the Territorial Congress.

We find that our Foreign
Subcontractors usurped upon powers entrusted to our own American Federal
instrumentality, the States of America, operating as the Federal Republic. They
were not authorized to exercise our sovereign power to charter corporations,
despite claims of Emergency Powers never granted to them and never intended for
them to exercise via any delegation of power on record.

They did this "in our names" while
claiming to "stand for us" and to "represent" us, while in fact failing to fully
disclose the circumstance to the American Public and also failing to render
reasonable help and assistance.

The Corporations Act of 1870 was thus
an usurpation in violation of both the actual Territorial contract, The
Constitution of the United States of America, issued in 1789, and a trespass
against our lawful Government.

The Corporations Act of 1870, is, as
such, null and void from inception, having no sovereign source of authority from
us, and no excuse to presume British Trusteeship.

Please note: The Corporations Act of
1870 followed the publication of a deceptive Territorial Corporation charter in
1868, which closely copied The Constitution of the United States of America, but
sought to unlawfully convert it into the charter of a Scottish Commercial
Corporation, which then proceeded to impersonate our Federation of States as
"The United States of America"----Incorporated.

This national-scale identity theft
and impersonation scheme allowed the criminals responsible to access our
National Trust Assets and Credit in precisely the same way that a credit card
hacker achieves the same ends today.

This, then, establishes a pattern of
deliberate fraud, semantic deceit, usurpation and impersonation by the British
Territorial Government at that time, and by the Royal Bank of Scotland, in

The fraudulent and undisclosed
enclosure of The Constitution of the United States of America for use as a
foreign corporate charter in 1868 was followed by the Corporations Act of 1870,
then the adoption of the (failed) Act of 1871 seeking to create a Municipal
Corporation of the District of Columbia -- an aim which was ultimately
accomplished in 1878 ---is all fraudulent, all done in Breach of Trust, and all
in violation of the actual Constitutions involved.

The Corporations Act of 1870 was
simply another step forward in a well-orchestrated plan to enslave Americans and
purloin American assets, including conscription of Americans to fight in foreign
mercenary wars for profit by the British Crown, plus confiscation of American
public and private assets under color of law and conditions of semantic deceit
at home.

The mechanisms to enforce all of this
bunko were set in place in May of 1865 with the creation of Military Districts
and quasi-military District Courts throughout the Southern States. This was
supplemented by the creation of the King's Equity Court via incorporation in the
Territorial State of Delaware in 1870.

And again, we find a well-planned and
executed Breach of Trust, fraudulent misrepresentation, and theft via crimes of
personage and semantic deceit, expedited by unconstitutional misapplication of
foreign law to American civilians, many of whom had no part in the illegal
mercenary conflict known as the American Civil War.

The Territorial incorporation of a
Municipal Corporation of the District of Columbia also fails for fraud,
trespass, and lack of standing to exercise authority that was never delegated by
us and not available to the Crown as an adjunct to any "emergency powers" that
were likewise never available to the Territorial Government.

So, first the British Territorial
Government seized upon and exercised powers of ours that were never granted to
it on an "emergency basis" while failing to render us help and assistance in
that very same emergency, helped itself to our sovereign power to issue
charters, and then further helped itself to exercise powers of incorporation via
the Holy Roman Empire's Municipal Government.

The final result is that all
Territorial Corporations formed "in our names" since 1870 and all US
CORPORATIONS formed via the same processes are void for fraud and lack of
standing. Their charters are invalid.

This now leaves us to offer amnesty
to all such corporations created "in our names" that are willing and able to
correct their charters by the addition of the following clarifications as
Articles of Correction and Lawful Conversion:

1. "It is now and has always been our
intention to be recognized as American Corporations, and to function as lawful
business enterprises, and to stand under the Public Law of The United States."

2. "We fully abdicate and rescind and
nullify this foreign charter, these incorporations, signatures and agreements
established under False Pretenses, exercised under Private Law, or otherwise
misrepresented to us by the Municipal Government of the United States and/or the
Territorial Government of the United States of America, the British Crown, its
Agents, and other Parties engaged in fraud, usurpation, or other crimes. We
hereby recognize our mistake and lawfully convert all amenable elements of this,
our prior foreign charter, and incorporate and enclose these amenable elements
as part of this corrected American Corporation charter." and;

3. "We agree to obey the lawful
government of The United States, and in the international and global
jurisdictions, to obey the lawful government of The United States of America,
and to operate for lawful purposes and under the correct Public Law from now on,
without coercion, without reservation, and without recourse." and;

4. "We shall impose these same
obligations upon our heirs and assigns, as part of our commitment to Good Faith
business practices, our obligation to serve the Public Good, and our debt to
Public Law, which provides us with limited indemnity."

So to be said with the living breath,
signed, and sealed by the Officers of the US CORP and USA, Inc. Corporations
desiring amnesty. Those corporations that do not add these Articles of
Correction and Lawful Conversion may be presumed to be willfully operating
unlawfully as pirates, privateers, or mercenaries and may be arrested,
liquidated, or impounded. Their assets may be considered fruits of unjust
enrichment and similarly disposed of, including both material and intellectual

Those US CORP and USA, Inc.
corporations that are truly of British origin and having more than half their
shareholder base in Britain or the Commonwealth may decamp without rancor or
obstruction from our shores, in order to similarly re-charter under the auspices
of the lawful government of Great Britain.

The same accommodations shall apply
to corporate interests of other nations caught up in this settlement, with the
provision that all such corporations must lawfully convert their operations and
stand under the Public Law of their respective homelands to retain their right
to exist and to obtain the protections of international law pertaining to these

In no case shall it be considered
sufficient protection of the public trust for any corporation to function on a
legal basis, apart from those exigencies caused by actual public service; the
private domain and the unique nature and ownership interests of living people
and the separate public domain of our Lawful Persons must be recognized and
maintained in order to preserve the Public Law and Heritage of our Nations,
whereupon we establish and publish these conditions for international and global
amnesty being conditionally extended to those corporations that have been,
through no fault of their own, operating under invalid charters issued in our

All corporations needing and seeking
amnesty as American Corporations have one (1) year from this date, 7th of
February 2021, to adopt the required Articles of Correction and Lawful

This settlement of these issues may
not be construed as settlement of all economic issues arising from the situation
herein addressed and described. Further individual adjudication and arbitration
will certainly be necessary in some instances and we do not pretend to address
all possible controversies that may attach to these extraordinary circumstances.

Our paramount concern in this and all
other actions undertaken by our lawful government is to protect the peace,
security, and welfare of living people, in our country and other countries
worldwide. While we fully recognize the diabolical nature of the fraud and
usurpations that have been practiced against us, we answer with compassion for
those Innocents who have been similarly impersonated, abused, and deprived of
profit and security that is owed to them.

By: Anna Maria Riezinger

Fiduciary for The United States of


See this article and over 2900 others on Anna's website here:


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Articles In This Thread

Anna Von Reitz: "Anyone Besides Me Sick of This BS?"
hobie -- Tuesday, 9-Feb-2021 05:25:56
Anna Von Reitz: "Good News for The Brits! ---And the Commonwealth"
hobie -- Tuesday, 9-Feb-2021 05:35:03
Anna Von Reitz: "Public Notice to The International Court of Justice and the Court of the Lord High Steward"
hobie -- Tuesday, 9-Feb-2021 05:43:51

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