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Anna Von Reitz: "Freedom is as Close, or as Far, as Original Jurisdiction"

Posted By: hobie
Date: Tuesday, 15-Dec-2020 05:42:52

In Response To: Anna Von Reitz: "Yes, the Vaccine Contains Fragments of HIV and More" (hobie)

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Sunday, December 13, 2020

Freedom is as Close, or as Far, as Original Jurisdiction

By Anna Von Reitz

Yesterday, I exposed the yawning gap
between the sovereign governments of the world --- and the living people --- and
the corporate "governments" of the "Confederate States" which are in fact
for-profit business organizations operating as "States-of-States".

For example, here in America, we have
Wisconsin, the Territorial State of Wisconsin, and the Municipal STATE OF
WISCONSIN, all operating at once.

One of these three entities is the
actual State--- Wisconsin, owned and operated by the sovereign and independent
government of the people who live in Wisconsin. This State is physically
defined. It has borders.

The other two entities, the State of
Wisconsin and the STATE OF WISCONSIN, both, are foreign incorporated businesses.
They are "Confederate States" --- not actual States. As business organizations,
they don't have borders or any physical attributes at all.

The people of Wisconsin hold the
national soil jurisdiction of Wisconsin as a population of living men and women,
but when they choose to enter international jurisdiction, these same people
function as People. People are Lawful Persons standing on the international land
jurisdiction of their State--Wisconsin.

In international jurisdiction, the
Government of Wisconsin, is provided by State Citizens, people functioning as
People --- Lawful Persons who have a singular political allegiance to their
State of the Union.

When people talk about "Original
Jurisdiction" they are talking about your actual State and its plenary powers as
a sovereign entity and your standing on the land and soil of Wisconsin. The only
things abridging the sovereign powers of Wisconsin are: (1) the Federal
Constitutions and their associated delegations of power; (2) whatever provisions
the People of Wisconsin have made and published as Wisconsin Public Laws.

As a Wisconsinite, you are free
except for those few constraints.

And the same is true of every other

As a Wisconsinite standing in
Original Jurisdiction, you are not subject to the corporate policies, statutes,
regulations, and codes of any State of State organization, rather, they are
subject to your Public Laws and to the Federal Constitutions.

You are their Employer and they are
your Employees.

So when a State of State Governor,
for example, Governor Jay Inslee, of the State of Washington, makes a
"proclamation" or issues a "mask mandate" or a "mandatory vaccination order" or
"business lockdown" ---- it only applies to you, if you are operating as a State
of State Employee or Dependent, or are operating your business as an
incorporated business "in" the State of Washington.

If you are a Washingtonian operating
your own business as an unincorporated entity in Washington (the actual State),
they don't have a word to say to you. Why? Because you are in Original
Jurisdiction. And they're not.

This was not always true in the
Western States, but it is, now, because the pre-Civil War State Assemblies have
finally enrolled all the States as States of the Union as of midnight September
30 - October 1, 2020.

"Residing" in a State of State status
is a big problem for people who have foolishly incorporated their businesses
without full disclosure being provided to them, but not a problem for you or
your State Assembly.

You can, for example, simply issue a
new Washington Public Law offering Amnesty to all Foreign Corporations, provided
that they contract to function lawfully and cause no injury to living people or
private property in your State of the Union.

This allows the good corporations to
migrate and lawfully convert their assets and charters back to the actual State
of the Union, and to come under the protection of Original Jurisdiction. This is
called "lawful conversion" and should be made available in every State of the

You can help everyone else resolve
everything about this present situation, simply by joining your State Assembly
and issuing such much-needed Public Laws for your State of the Union.

For example, your State Assembly can
outlaw forced vaccinations on your State soil. You don't "legislate" this, the
State Assembly composed of State Citizens, declares it as Wisconsin Public Law
(or whichever State) and publishes it, so that all the foreigners, including
their foreign State-of-State corporations are given Notice.

You can join with the other State
Assemblies, and if the State Assemblies support the initiative, you can use your
Federation of States, The United States of America, to issue a true "Federal"
Law outlawing forced vaccinations anywhere in America.

Your Federation of States is the
source of the adjective "Federal".

Your Federation existed and was
"Federal" long before any of the Federal Subcontractors even existed. That's why
it is "original".

In Original Jurisdiction, a "Federal
Law" means that the actual States and People of this country joined together to
issue a Federal Public Law, in international jurisdiction.

It does not refer to any United
States Statute-at-Large, which is legislative law. It doesn't refer to any
"Federal" Policy or Code issued by the Municipal or Territorial Governments,

A Federal Law issued in Original
Jurisdiction is a true "Organic Law" -- a form of Treaty Law among the States of
the Federation.

We can do this today just as our
Great-Grandfathers did, but it is ours to do. Nobody can do it for us.

So instead of sitting around and
being worried and not knowing what to do----- go to: ---and get organized to take such meaningful

The American States that are
organized under this heading have their proper declarations recorded and have
the standing to take such actions as outlawing forced vaccinations within their
State borders.

These, the actual States, also have
the power to liquidate any corporation operating "unlawfully" in their State of
the Union --- which includes any corporation (of any kind) that is causing
injury to people, animals, or the Earth resources of the actual State.

This is your power over the
Territorial Government and over the Municipal GOVERNMENT, too, which you have
not been exercising, and which needs to be exercised to prevent these business
organizations from pillaging, plundering, and waging "mercenary war" on our

Simply by recognizing the fact that
you are not a public employee nor a public dependent, and taking the simple
steps to record your correct political identity and joining your State Assembly,
you protect yourself, your family, and your country.

Do it now, and know that all the
drama taking place about the elections, is not our problem. Those are all
private corporate elections masquerading as Public Elections (for which
"Public"?) and the corporations responsible will have to sort out their
differences without harming us.

You, meanwhile, are needed to sort
out the rampant criminality of the corporations that have been running things in
your purported absence.

Go to: . Today.


See this article and over 2800 others on Anna's website here:


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Articles In This Thread

Anna Von Reitz: "Yes, the Vaccine Contains Fragments of HIV and More"
hobie -- Tuesday, 15-Dec-2020 05:42:52
Anna Von Reitz: "Freedom is as Close, or as Far, as Original Jurisdiction"
hobie -- Tuesday, 15-Dec-2020 05:42:52

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