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SORCHA: "Trump Warns “This Dangerous Moment In Our History” Is About To “Escalate Dramatically”"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Friday, 11-Dec-2020 13:47:22



December 11, 2020

Trump Warns “This Dangerous Moment In Our History” Is About To “Escalate Dramatically

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A somberly worded new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing events relating to Day 39 of the election war currently raging in America, says of most critical notice was President Donald Trump posting a warning message yesterday stating: “A coup is taking place in front of our eyes, and the public can’t take this anymore...This is a very dangerous moment in our history... This is going to escalate dramatically”—that he followed a few hours later by posting the message: “Now that the Biden Administration will be a scandal plagued mess for years to come, it is much easier for the Supreme Court of the United States to follow the Constitution and do what everybody knows has to be done…They must show great Courage & Wisdom…Save the USA!!!”.

A message specifically referencing the case State of Texas v. State of Pennsylvania filed in the United States Supreme Court disputing the results of this corrupted election whose defendant States gave their legal responses to yesterday, the most forceful of which came from the socialist Democrat Party controlled State of Pennsylvania, that accused the free State of Texas of sedition for its filing of this case—today sees nearly every State having joined this case—that are the 18 Republican-led States backing Texas in challenging presidential election procedures in four swing states, and the 22 jurisdictions led by socialist Democrats who’ve sided with the defendants—all occurring at the same time its being revealed that the socialist Democrats have kept hidden their plan to destroy the Supreme Court by packing it with socialist judges if they’re able to seize power.

And most important to know about this case is that it rests on the legal concept of what is known as “original jurisdiction”—that makes the Supreme Court the fact-finder in the first instance in disputes between States, but historically has seen it not wanting to do so—a stance strongly objected to by Justice Clarence Thomas, who in the past has written: “Federal law does not, on its face, give this Court discretion to decline to decide cases within its original jurisdiction”—but today sees Justice Thomas being a part of the Supreme Court majority whose views mirror his own—and though this alone doesn’t assure the Supreme Court will hear this case, the consequences of them refusing it will unleash on America the further destabilization of their entire political system, one of whose most assured scenarios would be: “Evidence of an illegitimate Biden election could be introduced in the House via an impeachment proceeding if the GOP takes over the House in 2022...If impeached on that basis the Senate could remove both Biden and Harris from office...All involved would be subject to the will of the voters in 2024, who would then have the final say on the outcome of the 2020 election”.

Running concurrently with what the Supreme Court may or may not do with this case is the Electoral College process that actually chooses the president—and on Monday the legislatures in those States could nominate Republican electors on the assumption they would vote for Trump, despite the official acknowledgement that Biden won all five States—though whatever happens on Monday, it doesn’t become official until 6 January, which is when the US Congress certifies the Electoral Vote—but if at least one member from each chamber objects to a State’s electoral votes, the House and the Senate must separately debate whether to accept them—and is assured to happen as an astonishing 106 House Republicans have just signed an amicus brief in Texas v. Pennsylvania case, who’ve now been joined by Republican Party leader US Senator Ron Johnson saying he won’t not rule out possibility of challenging the Electoral College results.

All of which is occurring at the same time even a leftist media poll has found that half of the American people don’t believe the results of this election—and is why the leftist media is now calling Trump supporters “50 million jerks who are really sick human beings” and saying “there is a moral rot in the nation and Donald Trump is just its avatar”—a vile socialist tactic known as dehumanization meant to cast Trump supporters as sub-human and not worthy of being protected—and confirmed as true by socialist Democrat Party leader Nancy Pelosi, who gleefully admitted this week that she withheld coronavirus aid from them in order to defeat President Trump—and whose final and total destruction of is being planned, as evidenced by socialist leader Biden preparing executive orders to strip them of their guns the very second he takes power. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to this report, as these socialist forces plan for the total and complete destruction of all Trump supporters, they are likewise planning to criminally charge and imprison President Trump if they’re successful in overthrowing him—none of whom can expect to be protected by their own government, as evidenced by it just being revealed: “An Associated Press investigation has identified at least six sexual misconduct allegations involving senior FBI officials over the past five years, including two new claims brought this week by women who say they were sexually assaulted by ranking agents”—a revelation important to note as it applies to Texas real estate billionaire Nate Paul, whose home and business office were raided last year by FBI and US Department of Treasury agents, though no criminal charges have ever been filed—a raid that Nate Paul appealed as being unconstitutional to the Texas Attorney General, who appointed an independent investigator to examine this claim—the same Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton who filed the election lawsuit now sitting before the Supreme Court—thus making it no surprise when the FBI issued subpoenas against Attorney General Paxton yesterday—and in knowing he was going to be brutally attacked by the Deep State for defending President Trump, saw Attorney General Paxton, right after the election, stating: “Unfortunately, I know a little something about being falsely accused and being forced to counter allegations that are the result of overreach by prosecutors and law enforcement…I make no apologies for being a fierce investigator and defender of individual rights in the face of potentially unreasonable and authoritarian actions”.

Though not being fully understood by the American people about what is really occurring in this election, this report details, they could gain a greater understanding if they asked themselves why socialist Democrat Party leader US Congressman Eric Swalwell was put in oversight of the CIA at the same time he was sleeping with a Communist Chinese spy by House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff—after which Swalwell, Schiff, the CIA and Communist China began a concentrated effort to overthrow President Trump—an overthrow attempt aided by these malign socialist forces peddling their Russian disinformation lies—while at the same time, they conspired to keep hidden Biden’s extensive and illegal ties to Communist China—the full and shocking magnitude of which was just touched upon by Ambassador Richard Grenell, who most recently served as America’s top acting spy chief, and during a stunning interview yesterday, basically admitted that the top political leadership in America is riddled with Communist Chinese sympathizers and spies—then saw him slamming the “more than 50 former senior intelligence officials who signed on to a letter outlining their belief that the Biden e-mails saga has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation” by his telling the truth that: “None of these people had been briefed on the matter when they wrote this letter in October, but they used their intel backgrounds to manufacture a political distraction”.

American people are only allowed to know the truth when elections don’t matter.

If the American people weren’t so brainwashed by their socialist overlords, this report concludes, they might even start asking themselves why Georgia Governor Brian Kemp awarded a $107-million contract to Dominion Voting Systems two weeks after he met with the consul general of Communist China—but in knowing the truth about how Communist China corrupted the Georgia election, they won’t be allowed to say anything about on leftist social media giant Google’s video service YouTube, where you can say “Trump won” and you can say there was “fraud in the election” but you can’t say both things together at the same time (This is not a joke)—and though this doesn’t make any sense to the American people, it does make perfect sense to the Chinese Communist “State Secrecy Bureau” software engineers employed by YouTube—as well as it making perfect sense to the Communist Chinese funded “fact checkers” in control of leftist social media giant Facebook—though for those American people REALLY wanting to know what their own government is all about, how it works and why President Trump is feared and hated, they need only listen to Professor Di Dongsheng, who as the vice dean of the School of International Studies at Renmin University of China describes Communist China’s influence over the “inner circle of power” in the United States—and methodically details who is actually in control of America.

December 11, 2020 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

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