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As Trump orders the complete declassification of all “Russia Hoax” documents, here’s a list of TRAITORS who should be Arrested

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Thursday, 8-Oct-2020 13:09:14

Trump orders the complete Declassification of all “Russia Hoax” documents, here’s a list of TRAITORS who should be arrested and tried for TREASON

Mike Adams - NatNews
Wednesday, October 07, 2020

(Natural News) In the latest bombshell news that threatens to expose deep state traitors across America, President Trump has ordered the “total declassification” of “all documents” related to the Russia hoax as well as Hillary Clinton’s email scandal.

Trump tweeted:

“I have fully authorized the total Declassification of any & all documents pertaining to the single greatest political CRIME in American History, the Russia Hoax. Likewise, the Hillary Clinton Email Scandal. No redactions!”

I have fully authorized the total Declassification of any & all documents pertaining to the single greatest political CRIME in American History, the Russia Hoax. Likewise, the Hillary Clinton Email Scandal. No redactions!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 7, 2020

Right now, deep state treasonous actors — including FBI director Christopher Wray and head of the CIA Gina Haspel — have refused to declassify those documents in order to protect their corrupt, criminal agencies. But Trump has had enough, and he’s demanding their full release.

Once released, these documents will provide smoking gun evidence that proves Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, James Comey, John Brennan and other deep state traitors actively engaged in a criminal conspiracy to overthrow a duly elected president of the United States of America.

It almost goes without saying, but once these facts are proven, every traitor who took part in this operation should be arrested, charged with treason, prosecuted and executed if found guilty.

But the criminal prosecutions shouldn’t stop there.
Here’s who else needs to be arrested, charged with treason and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law

While President Trump is unleashing the military police to arrest traitors and deep state criminals, he should expand the effort to include all the rest of the treasonous actors across America, all of whom deserve to be charged with treason:

Big Tech CEOs – The CEOs of Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Vimeo and other tech platforms have all illegally conspired against America to selectively silence the voices of conservatives, Christians and Trump supporters. Their actions are crimes against humanity, and they constitute criminal election interference and fraud, if not treason. They need to be taken down and prosecuted.

Fake “journalists” in the CIA-controlled news media – Most of the left-wing “journalists” are actually communists and puppets of the CIA. They deliberately whip up racial hatred and division to push America into a deadly civil war. They are 99% biased against President Trump, and they cover up all the crimes of Joe Biden and his family members, as well as the crimes of Obama and Clinton. They are truly enemies of the People and must be removed from power and charged with sedition or treason.

Members of Congress who have sold out to communist China – Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and a long list of other lawmakers are active spies and puppets for communist China. They are openly engaged in seditious activities to tear down the United States government and replace it with a communist regime. Their actions consist of criminal conspiracies against this nation, and they must be arrested and charged accordingly.

Antifa / BLM organizers and funding sources – Antifa and BLM — both domestic terrorism organizations — have waged war on America’s streets for over four months, burning down small businesses, assaulting police officers and viciously attacking innocent people merely because they were white (or because they were Trump supporters). Trump should not only order the arrest and prosecution of all members of Antifa and BLM, he should also arrest all the sources of funding and charge them with criminal insurrection against the United States. In fact, the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution demands that Trump take this action, as we have repeatedly explained. All funding sources must be prosecuted for treason, even if those sources are powerful U.S. corporations such as McDonald’s, Netflix, Google or Apple.

University Marxist professors who recruit terrorists – Numerous universities across America now function as terrorist recruitment hubs, where left-wing students are recruited by Marxist professors to serve as violent, militant street thugs in the Antifa / BLM war against America. These professors must be arrested, charged with treason, and fully prosecuted under laws against insurrection.

Treasonous mayors and governors who abuse their power to destroy their own cities and states – Finally, Trump should arrest and prosecute every last treasonous mayor and governor who has taken part in allowing violent riots and left-wing extremist groups to terrorize their own local cities and states. This means the mayors of Portland, Seattle, Chicago and NYC should face charges of treason. Additionally, the governors of California, Oregon, Washington, Illinois and New York must also be arrested and charged with treason for their deliberate acts to harm the United States for political purposes.

Finally, all DNC operatives who took part in these acts of treason must also be arrested and charged. This includes, of course, Podesta, Lynch and a long list of others. These people are guilty of murder (Seth Rich), bribery, fraud, corruption election rigging, violating state secrets and selling out America to foreign interests (Uranium One, etc.).

To accomplish all this, Trump needs to invoke the Insurrection Act and order the military police to make these arrests. The armed citizenry across America will back him up. He may also invoke the Fourteenth Amendment.

As I covered previously, the Fourteenth Amendment grants the U.S. President the power to:

Arrest and indefinitely hold all public officials — including mayors, governors, state legislators, federal judges and law enforcement officials — who support “rebellion” against the United States or who have “given aid or comfort” to the enemies of America. (Section 3)

Eliminate House of Representatives positions for California and other states which are engaged in supporting Big Tech censorship platforms that are supporting rebellion against the United States of America and “abridging” the right of voting-aged citizens to participate in elections (via censorship). This implies that Electoral College votes would also be proportionally reduced in these states. (Section 2) It would also apply to states like Oregon which are reportedly funding “war encampment” installations that house insurrectionists who are unleashed each night to attack federal buildings and federal law enforcement officers.

Eliminate all federal financial support for cities and states which are engaged in “insurrection or rebellion” against the United States. Section 3 specifically states that all such claims of federal money obligations to the states “shall be held illegal and void.” (Section 4)

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As Trump orders the complete declassification of all “Russia Hoax” documents, here’s a list of TRAITORS who should be Arrested
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