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Reader C.: "America’s Crisis of Consciousness & Banning Christianity"

Posted By: hobie
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:29

In Response To: Reader C.: "Christianity is a threat to world peace as it is taught in most American churches. It should be outlawed." (hobie)

(Thanks, C. :)

Reader C. further sees it like this:


The whole world sees through America’s lies and America is as naked as can be.

The truth of the matter is that the White Supremacists are victims of a cruel, cruel, cruel hoax intended to allow them to be used by powerful malevolent forces whose goal was to divide and conquer humans as a species. White Supremacists deserve the opportunity to be re-educated in a calm, loving and peaceful environment. It is not entirely their fault that they have fallen victim to this false ideology since White Supremacy was promoted by our government starting with the history stripped of African achievements and taught in the public school system and Supremacy of Whiteness enforced in almost every walk of American life.

How's that going to work now that America is broke and her next boss will no likely speak Mandarin?

For the upper echelon of White Supremacists who have always known it was a lie, they knew this day was coming and their spirits are troubled inwardly and they are frantic. They have always worked closely with the Zionist who have trained the Evangelicals to promote Israel’s claim to Palestine by reason of their ‘heritage’ to Abraham and the subsequent title as “God’s Chosen People.” For years, Comics of Khazarian heritage would make jokes about their ‘Chosen People’ status and control over Hollywood while the goy laughed hysterically but no others could dare touch that subject.

But Israel has given up on the DNA claim to Abraham and Netanyahu has been negotiating reverse migration to the Ukraine since 2014. That’s 5 years. And they recently turned over control of their main port to the Chinese. However, the Evangelicals are still preaching that “Israel has to keep the land” crap.

If the single most important reason the Evangelicals supported Israel was because they were Abraham’s children and God’s Chosen People and this entitled them to the land; but now this single most important fact is proved false; why should they keep the land?

NO WONDER COUNTRY AFTER COUNTRY IS STARTING TO BAN CHRISTIANITY! According to most churches in America, we must have a 3rd world war over Israel and it looks like they intend to cause it by ignoring the evidence and acting insane.

Christians in the Western world, led by Evangelicals, fear guilt and shame from their wrongheadedness. They exhibit none of the qualities of a follower of Jesus who would embrace the guilt and shame and use it to make positive permanent change. They are hypocrites of the first order.

To the lower echelon of White Supremacists who believed the indoctrination with all their heart, mind and soul, these revelations in identity are earth shattering. Their racial supremacy and hatred of all others is the glue that held them together. Now the avalanche of evidence has destroyed their notions of racial supremacy and all that’s left is the hate.

Who could have imagined the immigrant Hindus would end up making Neo-Nazis look like fools for using the Swastika and the word Aryan to indicate racial superiority by simply peacefully honoring their 12,000 year old symbols in the proper way?

It only makes sense that if Hindus use Swastikas all over their temples in India that they would see them as a sacred symbol as they practice their faith here in America.

Someone needs to give the White Supremacists the memo that Hitler made it all up.

Dear White Supremacists,

Hitler made up all that White Supremacists shit, but please don’t be angry with him.
He felt if the Khazars could make up that Chosen People shit that he could make up the Master Race shit. He was just foolin you. He was mad, angry and upset.
But guess what, he was right about that Chosen People shit, so don’t be mad about not being a Master Race.

It’s all good.

Now let it go and have a nice life.

Stop hating on people just because they don’t look like you.

And in case you didn’t know it, the ones you hate the most are the ones who’ve been on this planet the longest and they are the ones who fathered many nations.

Peace & light,
From those in the world who know the truth

America is experiencing a crisis of consciousness because she fears guilt and shame .
If their churches had been worth a damn they would have taught Americans the spiritual benefits of embracing guilt and shame as a means of attaining positive meaningful permanent change within a short period of time. But Wallowing in guilt prevents forward progress.

But American churches are too busy passing the collection plate and warmongering.

1. The Christian churches won’t even admit that Jesus was talking about meditation in the 6th chapter of Matthew. This is despite the mountains of evidence proving its miraculous benefits!
2. They won’t admit the 7 seals of Revelation are the 7 chakras.
3. They won’t admit the last chapters of Ezekiel are false and continue using it to promote a Gog and Magog war.
4. They won’t acknowledge the evidence that Africans fathered many nations and not, Khazars.
5. Even if they did have some reason in their hearts to hate Palestinians, they won’t do what Jesus told them to do and “Love thy enemy”.

Most of the Christian churches in America and on their TVs are hypocrites and nothing but a cult.

If President Trump doesn’t change his tune about Israel soon, and Democrats are still looking for a 25th Amendment opening, they should examine the sanity of a President who forges foreign policy by ignoring:

1. Decades of DNA research proving the people who occupy Jerusalem are Khazars and have no historical right to the land; their primary claim for the past 70+ years.
2. Decades of DNA research proving Africans fathered many nations and undeniable fact that no amount of arguing over clusters will ever solve.
3. Israel acknowledges the DNA results and has begun negotiating reverse migration.

And by promoting:

1. Policies crafted at the behest of and by a warmongering CULT that does not follow the teachings of Jesus while ignoring sound archeological and scientific facts that disprove their ideology.
2. Policies intended to provoke the surrounding nations into war to manifest the warmongering lies of this cult.

Here’s your 25th Amendment path.

But this path will only work if the Judges and prosecutors are not suffering from the same fear of guilt and shame and crisis of consciousness.


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Articles In This Thread

link: Breitbart - "British Government Rules Christianity Is Not a Religion of Peace, Rejects Convert"
hobie -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:29
Reader C.: "Christianity is a threat to world peace as it is taught in most American churches. It should be outlawed."
hobie -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:29
Reader C.: "America’s Crisis of Consciousness & Banning Christianity"
hobie -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:29

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