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SORCHA: "Top Democrat Party Leader Recoils In Fear As Greatest College Scandal In US History Plunges Stake Into Hillary Clinton Heart"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:29



March 13, 2019

Top Democrat Party Leader Recoils In Fear As Greatest College Scandal In US History Plunges Stake Into Hillary Clinton Heart

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A very interesting new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that it was no surprise to them when top Democrat Party leader US Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi tacitly admitted on the evening of 11 March that the entire Trump-Russia Collusion fairy tale was all based on lies leading her to declare no impeachment of President Trump would be forthcoming—a stunning declaration that was followed a short time later in the early hours of 12 March when FBI federal police forces spread out across the entire United States to effectuate the arrests of 50 elite American citizens in what they called “Operation Varsity Blues”—but whose main target was the “Deal Maker Of The Year For 2018Gordon Caplan, the current Co-Chairman the powerful global law firm Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP—that is the law firm long overseen by the close personal friend and adviser to Hillary Clinton named Susan Thomases—who self described her role during the 1992 campaign to elect President Bill Clintonas akin to that of an enforcer”, and afterwards was called “the Clinton administration's King Kong Kibitzer”—with today her and her law firm being known as the “alleged kingpin of the Hillary network”. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

Willkie Farr & Gallagher Co-Chairman Gordon Caplan (above) leaves US Federal Court House in New York City on 12 March 2019 after his FBI arrest

According to this report, the SVR is a vital part of Russia's security system aimed at protecting the individual, society and the state from external threats by using the means and resources stipulated in Federal Law—that allows them to investigate threats to national security—the current greatest of which is the socialist-led American political Democrat Party, whose top leaders falsely claimed that Russia interfered in their 2016 US presidential election, an interference they called “an act of war”.

With the only evidence the Democrat Party socialists had to base their false claim on that Russia interfered in their nation’s election being the made up fairy tale called the Trump-Russia Dossier, this report notes, SVR analysts became perplexed when this entire hoax wasn’t shut down last year after this dossier’s author, former MI6 operative Christopher Steele, admitted under oath that he created it after being paid millions-of-dollars by a company called Fusion-GPS who was working on behalf of Hillary Clinton so she could use it to contest her election loss to Trump.

Equally as perplexing to the SVR, this report says, was why this entire fake Russia scheme against Trump wasn’t shut down after it was further revealed that this made up dossier was illegally secreted into the FBI by Nellie Ohr—who was the wife of Bruce Ohr, the number-three top official in the Obama Regime’s US Justice Department, and was discovered to be being secretly paid by Fusion GPS, the US Justice Department and the CIA for the crimes she was committing—and whose actions ignited the nonsensical probe into Trump that, according to under oath testimony given by former top FBI lawyer Lisa Page, was begun after the Obama US Justice Department shockingly ordered the FBI not to file any criminal charges against Hillary Clinton.

List keeps growing of Obama-Clinton officials firmly linked to coup plot against President Trump

With evidence overflowing in the US federal legal system and Congressional hearing rooms proving the main parts and persons involved in this amateurish coup plot against President Trump, to such an extent whole volumes have been written about it—one of the most eviscerating being “The Russia Hoax: The Illicit Scheme to Clear Hillary Clinton and Frame Donald Trump”, this report continues, SVR analysts noted with surprise the April-2018 raid by the FBI on Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen—one of the most unique raids in all American history as it involved the FBI seizing from Cohen all of his protected attorney-client documents—which are the most protected and sacrosanct documents under US law.

In a beyond belief shocking response to the FBI seizing all of Cohen’s protected attorney-client documents, this report details, not a single objection was raised to this gross affront to the American legal system by either the US federal courts, mainstream media or politicians—and is why the SVR labeled this raid as being a “red herring” (something that misleads or distracts from a relevant or important question) designed to test President Trump’s powers to use the entire US federal legal system to his advantage.

Quickly following this “red herring” raid on Cohen, this report notes, on 1 July 2018, an astounding $1.5 billion federal racketeering lawsuit was filed against Hillary Clinton and all of her criminal associates by former US Secret Service agent Gary Byrne—who is best known for his multiple appearances before Special Counsel Ken Starr who investigated Clinton crimes in the 1990’s—and one of whose main defendants in, Hillary Clinton’sbillionaire puppet masterGeorge Soros, retained powerhouse Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP attorneys Elizabeth Bower and Benjamin McCallen to defend himself.

On 10 October 2018, this report further details, Trump’s Justice Department moved against Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP partner Keila Ravelo, who was the former boss of Soros attorneys Bower and McCallen, by sentencing her to 5-years in prison—a seemingly light prison term in light of the crimes she committed, but became understandable, on 4 December 2018, when Trump’s Justice Department filed a massive criminal complaint against 4 people associated with one of her former clients Mossack Fonseca—and who are most infamously known as being the masterminds behind the Panama Papers international money laundering scandal that both Hillary Clinton and her husband former President Bill Clinton are buried in up to their necks.

But it didn’t because the mainstream media covered it all up

During the day of 11 March, this report concludes, SVR analysts began documenting a rapid and continuous rise in encrypted electronic communications between nearly all FBI offices in the United States and their headquarters in Washington D.C.—that by late afternoon was joined by a US Department of Justice high-level delegation leaving their Washington D.C. headquarters and going to Capitol Hill where they met with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi—a not uncommon visit as it’s mandated under “The Attorney General's Guidelines For Domestic FBI Operations” for them to inform a US Congressional leader just prior to significant arrests—and immediately after which saw Pelosi declaring no impeachment for Trump—and all of which culminated in the early hours of 12 March when the FBI unleashed the full fury of their “Operation Varsity Blues”—that now sees the keeper of all of Hillary Clinton’s most guarded secrets and crimes, “Deal Maker Of The Year 2018 Willkie Farr & Gallagher Co-Chairman Gordon Caplan, firmly pitted against, perhaps, one of the greatest “dealmakers” of all time, President Donald J. Trump—who wants to know what Hillary Clinton’s criminal secrets are, and apparently isn’t going to stop until he gets them.

March 13, 2019 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

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