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SORCHA: "God Emperor Trump Conquers Italy While Terror Stricken European Socialists Cower In Fear"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:51:59



February 12, 2019

God Emperor Trump Conquers Italy While Terror Stricken European Socialists Cower In Fear

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

An interesting new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today confirming that there are no plans for President Putin to meet with President Trump, states that this a normal occurrence as both Russian and United States leaders throughout modern times have kept a distance from each other during times of European Union chaos and upheaval so as not to be accused of interference—but that Trump has stunningly and inadvertently been thrust into the volatile center of after over 600,000 peoples attending the Carnevale Di Viargeggio festival in Viareggio-Italy burst into ecstatic cheers upon seeing in their midst a nearly 50-foot statue called “God Emperor Trump”—and to the horror and fear of cowering European socialists, had in its right hand a sword with a ring of blue Twitter birdies on its hilt having the Latin phrase “Dazi Vostri”, which translates to “your taxes”—and had inscribed on its blade the Latin phrase “Cazzi Vostri”—an expression that is actually a play on words meaning “none of your fucking business [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to this report, last week President Trump vowed to his peoples that he would never allow America to become a socialist nation—a vow immediately met with his approval rating soaring among likely voters to its best in 23-months at 52%--and that echoed into the European Union where Trump’s approval rating already towers over all of its socialist leaders—such as French President Macron only having a 27% approval rating, British Prime Minister May only having an approval rating of 28%, and German Chancellor Merkel only having an approval rating at 29%.

By President Trump being the most popular Western leader in the European Union, this report explains, socialist leaders throughout Europe continue to tremble in fear over the impact this will have on their upcoming 2019 European Parliament Election—where between the dates of 23-26 May 2019, a total of 751 Members of the European Parliament currently representing more than 512 million people from 28 member states will be elected to power.

Having lived for nearly 70-years under near continuous tyrannical socialist rule, this report continues, the European peoples were mesmerized in 2016 by the election of President Trump—whom their socialist leaders and propaganda media first told them could never be elected, but when he was were then told he would, in essence, destroy the American economy.

Most unfortunately for these socialist European leaders, however, this report notes, is that upon taking power, President Trump has created one of the greatest economic miracles ever seen in modern times—and today sees him having made the United States the most economically powerful nation our world has ever seen—a fact not lost on the European peoples being economically strangled to death by high taxes and thousands of petty regulations—and in France has led to their now unstoppable Yellow Vest protest movement demanding that their socialist leaders start following Trump’s policies—and whom today are being stopped by police to prevent them from entering Italy—and whose reasons for wanting to get into Italy is so they can join forces with Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini, (who dominates the government in Rome) who has just declared to TrumpI can be your closest ally in Europe.

Along with Italian Deputy Prime Minister Salvini rushing to aid President Trump in freeing the European peoples from tyrannical socialist rule, this reports says, is Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, who will meet Trump later this month at the White House, and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, who has just announced seven family-friendly government programmes that will encourage Hungarians to have children as the country rejects the European Union’s progressive mass migration agenda.

Most ingeniously being done by President Trump to free the European peoples from tyrannical socialist rule, however, this report states, is his having created for them a mass media establishment that’s been able to break through leftist mainstream propaganda—that on one side is anchored by top Trump aid Steve Bannon through his “Movement” organization spread throughout Europe—and on the other side is anchored by the Gatestone Institute—that has flooded Europe with hundreds of national-populist truth telling websites, and is headed by Trump’s National Security Advisor John Bolton.

The greatest fear underlying President Trump and his allies actions in freeing Europe from tyrannical socialist rule, this report explains, is their knowing that throughout history, the end result of socialist politically correct identity politics policies is genocide—as best exampled last century by the National Socialists Workers’ Party of Germany (Nazis), whose rampage across Europe to destroy capitalism caused the deaths of tens-of-millions—most particularly those deemed as “deplorables”, who happened to be Jewish peoples—and whose fears of happening again is even being noted by Germany’s powerful Frankfurter Allgemeiner newspaper—who explicitly touches the ‘”live rail in their op-ed titled “A Nazi EU?[English] where they openly speculated on whether or not the present European Union, dominated by Germany, should be understood as a lineal extension of German National Socialism..

In support of these fears that socialism is about to yet again blossom into full Nazism in the European Union, this report warns, radical socialist forces in France opposing Yellow Vest protesters have begun a campaign of attacks against Jewish peoples, monuments and businesses—the most chilling of which was when the word “Juden” was spray painted on a Jewish bakery in Paris—and was a vile act shockingly supported by socialist Democrat Party US Congresswoman Ilhan Omar who then proceeded to go on a Twitter rampage against Jewish peoples the like of which has never been seen.

Trying at all costs to stop President Trump from freeing the European peoples from socialist tyranny, this report concludes, is globalist-socialist multi-billionaire George Soros—a self admitted collaborator with the Nazis during World War II, who in 1992 masterminded “Black Wednesday” to crash the British economy, and in 2016 became the “puppetmaster” hidden behind the scene to pull strings for Hillary Clinton and her Democrat Party—but who today lives in terror of what’s soon to come, and as evidenced in the words he just issued that, in part, say:

Europe is sleepwalking into oblivion, and the people of Europe need to wake up before it is too late.

If they don’t, the European Union will go the way of the Soviet Union in 1991.

Neither our leaders nor ordinary citizens seem to understand that we are experiencing a revolutionary moment, that the range of possibilities is very broad, and that the eventual outcome is thus highly uncertain.

The next inflection point will be the elections for the European Parliament in May 2019. Unfortunately, anti-European forces will enjoy a competitive advantage in the balloting.

It is difficult to see how the pro-European parties can emerge victorious from the election in May unless they put Europe’s interests ahead of their own. One can still make a case for preserving the EU in order radically to reinvent it.

But that would require a change of heart in the EU.

The current leadership is reminiscent of the politburo when the Soviet Union collapsed – continuing to issue proclimations as if they were still relevant.

February 12, 2019 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

RMN is an RA production.

Articles In This Thread

SORCHA: "God Emperor Trump Conquers Italy While Terror Stricken European Socialists Cower In Fear"
MrFusion -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:51:59
The "God Emperor Trump" video Sorcha embeds includes English subtitles, unlike the ones I posted earlier
MrFusion -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:51:59

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