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STORM GOD COMETH Sunday May 27, 2018. And that in the name of his Maker.

Posted By: FrancisDrake
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:23

Originally this post was entitled
"Armageddon Battle 100 years ago this week. Armageddon Prophecy 50 years ago this week..."

--And then at the very end of writing this post, I realized something about this coming Sunday May 27 which I'm not fully comfortable explaining yet, but which inspired the current title of this post.


The timing of this news is very interesting, appearing one week before one century after the British and French and Arab allies captured Damascus in 1918:

Philip Issa | Associated Press | 8:19 am EDT May 22, 2018


Monday May 21, 2018

Armageddon "Mount Megiddo" is mentioned in Revelation 16:16, and the "Valley of Megiddon" is mentioned in Zechariah 12:11, spelled M-G-D-W-N.

The British Army and Arab Allies battled with Ottoman Turks at Armageddon in late September 1918, and a powerful and highly unusual earthquake occurred then off the coast of Syria and Lebanon September 29, 1918, then the British Army invaded Damascus, Syria October 1, 1918...that was 100 times 364 days (140 times 260) before next Tuesday May 29, 2018.

An American man claimed an angel visited him 420 days after Israeli soldiers captured the Temple Mount in Jerusalem Wednesday June 7, 1967, William Draves wrote that an angel visited him starting at 1:15 a.m. CDT Wednesday July 31, 1968 and predicted that "Armageddon will begin in the 1990s" (see ) and Saddam Hussein's Iraq invaded Kuwait 22 years later, early on August 2, 1990...Tuesday July 30, 1968 was fifty times 364 days (70×260) since the British took Damascus from the Turks, and is fifty times 364 days before next Tuesday May 29, 2018.

Let's look closely at the timing and nature of the 1918 "Battle of Megiddo":
"First World War"
"Battle of Megiddo"
"The Battle of Megiddo (19-25 September 1918) was the climactic battle of the Sinai and Palestine campaign of the First World War (1914-18). German and Ottoman forces found themselves encircled by British Empire and French forces under General Sir Edmund Allenby..."

"...By the summer of 1918 the [German-trained] Ottoman Army was on the defensive. Forced to retreat northwards through Palestine, they regrouped at Megiddo hoping to counter-attack. However, this left them in a position that favoured Allenby’s own planned offensive..."

"The battle of Megiddo, 19-25 September 1918, was the climactic battle of the British invasion of Palestine of 1917-1918. It is also famous as the last great cavalry victory. The battle was subdivided by the British Battles Nomenclature Committee into the battles of Sharon, on the coast, and of Nablus, in the Judean Hills, either of which name makes rather more sense the Megiddo. The cavalry advance flowed past the ancient site of Megiddo, location of the first battle in recorded history (c.1457 BC), on the night of 19/20 September, and the temptation to adopt the name was clearly too great..."

"On September 19, 1918, British forces in Palestine renew their offensive against the Turkish lines north of Jerusalem, beginning with the capture of Megiddo, the city mentioned in the Bible as the site of the Battle of Armageddon..."

(FrancisDrake note: Thursday September 19, 1918, "Twelve Water" the 129th day of the 260-day cycle was 100 times 364 days before Thursday May 17, 2018, which is thus also "Twelve Water" 129/260...Wednesday September 25, 1918 "Five Eagle" 135/260 was one century of 364-day years before Wednesday May 23, 2018)

"Beginning with a midnight bombardment on September 19, the British troops in Palestine went on the attack, executing a classic feint maneuver: after directing one attack up the Jordan Valley as a diversion, Allenby switched the force of his offensive to the west and up the coast, using the aerial superiority of the Royal Air Force and the Australian Flying Corps to block the Turks from seeing the movement of his cavalry and other troops. As Allenby reported, the attack met with smashing success: “On the north our cavalry, traversing the Field of Armageddon, had occupied Nazareth, Afule, and Beisan, and were collecting the disorganized masses of enemy troops and transport as they arrived from the south.All avenues of escape open to the enemy, except the fords across the Jordan between Beisan and Jisr-ed-Dameer were thus closed.” Megiddo fell with little resistance the same day, and the aerial bombing of roads, railways and troop formations in the area over the following week disrupted all Turkish and German operations. From September 20 to September 21 alone, Allenby’s troops took some 7,000 Turkish prisoners. As the demoralized Turks retreated northward and eastward, they were attacked by more Allied aircraft. General von Sanders was forced to flee Nazareth as well, still wearing his pajamas.

"The British attack at Megiddo set off a string of victories that led straight through the rest of the month, including the fall of both Beirut and Damascus to British control. Barely a month later, Turkey sued for peace, signing an armistice with the Allies on October 30, 1918. Made a British viscount in October of 1919, Edmund Allenby paid tribute to his victory in Palestine, taking as his title “First Viscount Allenby of Megiddo.”

A full report on the Battle of Megiddo September 19-25, 1918 is at Wikipedia:

Then the big earthquake offshore Syria and Lebanon which shook the battlefields of Megiddo, two days before the British captured the capital of Syria, magnitude 6.6 at 7:07 a.m. CDT:

That same day, over in Europe, the Allies finally broke through the Hindenburg Line, basically spelling the end of World War I more than a month later.
"Date: 26 September – 1 October 1918
"Location: Advance from Haifa, Tiberias and Beisan to Damascus
"Result: Allied Victory"

This coming Sunday morning May 27, 2018 is one century of 364 days since the Syria Coast earthquake of Sunday September 29, 1918.

Ten years of 364 days each before then was Sunday morning June 8, 2008 and a powerful earthquake struck Greece and I was bloodied that afternoon in a confrontation with some cult leaders, their goons slammed my forehead into a door and I bled from my brow. I actually forgive them, lol, at least they didn't burn me at the stake.
I'm intrigued by the exact time of that quake, 7:25:29 a.m. or rounded off, 7:25 a.m. CDT Sunday June 8, 2008.

77 years earlier England's most powerful earthquake happened at 7:25:13 p.m. June 6, 1931...

Monday June 8, 1931 was 500 years after Joan of Arc was burned at the stake on orders of the Roman Catholic Church of England Wednesday June 8, 1431 (Gregorian Calendar...May 30 in the Julian Calendar).

36400 days (140×260) after Joan of Arc sealed her testimony that angels had communicated with her, a catastrophic earthquake and tsunami struck Lisbon Portugal on Thursday morning February 5, 1531.

195000 days after Joan of Arc died (750 times 260 days) a powerful earthquake shook Seattle Washington April 29, 1965 and that night U.S. paratroopers landed in the Dominican Republic and three days later, the first U.S. paratroopers arrived in Vietnam--the first U.S. Army ground combat troops deployed there. #U.S._intervention

31200 days after the Dogger Bank England earthquake (120 times 260 days) a strong earthquake in Oklahoma shook surrounding states, including Independence, Missouri "the Home of Harry S Truman" at 8:44 p.m. CDT Sunday November 6, 2016, I took that quake as an omen that Trump would win in the elections two days later:

Thirteen times 260 days and one day after my brow was injured at a church, the Pope's brow was injured in an accident Sunday September 10, 2017 that was thrice seven times seven years after the Pope famously denounced Italian troops which then invaded the Papal States the next day and captured Rome September 20, 1870:

"The Pope’s reception of San Martino [10 September 1870] was unfriendly. Pius IX allowed violent outbursts to escape him. Throwing the King’s letter upon the table he exclaimed, "Fine loyalty! You are all a set of vipers, of whited sepulchres, and wanting in faith." He was perhaps alluding to other letters received from the King. After, growing calmer, he exclaimed: "I am no prophet, nor son of a prophet, but I tell you, you will never enter Rome!" San Martino was so mortified that he left the next day."

I don't think it a coincidence that I was bloodied by misguided religious fanatics on the 577th anniversary of Joan of Arc's martyrdom, and we both claim to be guided by angelic revelations. I am primarily informed by angelic revelations TO OTHER PEOPLE, such as Helen Schucman or the two female authors of "God Calling" and "God at Eventide".

God has a beef with people--especially religious and political leaders--who block communication and insight from God and his angels, and so long as that blocking takes place, there will be sudden wars and deadly natural disasters and so forth, because where God is blocked, Lucifer the hatemonger reigns.

When God complains that his prophets are slain by "Babylon, the Whore of all the earth", he is complaining about that part of everyone's free will and free choice which CHOOSES to not hear from God or his servants, you don't have to see a literal prophet like Joan of Arc literally murdered in order to see God's Judgement descend on an entity such as a nation due to its fierce Unbelief.

This news is ominous:

And this too, this is analagous to the ancient Babylonian decree (ironically) that all kneel upon hearing the National Anthem played:,_Meshach,_and_Abednego

4420 days (17×260) before the Greece earthquake of June 8, 2008, an earthquake interrupted a Mariners game at the Kingdome in Seattle, Washington at 11:04 p.m. CDT Thursday night May 2, 1996:
It was the biggest earthquake in the Seattle region since the aforementioned April 29, 1965 "Joan of Arc" earthquake.

Sunday May 27, 2018 (and June 8, 2008 and May 2, 1996 and September 29, 1918) is day "Nine Storm" the 139th day of the prophetic 260-day cycle. It is Abraham Lincoln's birthday in the so-called "Mayan Calendar" which the Maya didn't claim to invent, they claimed God and his angels provided them the calendar in order to understand reality.

Abraham Lincoln was born on Sunday February 12, 1809 "Nine Storm/Rainstorm/Raincloud/Lightning/Hurricane/Tornado", Donald Trump was born on "Two Storm" or 50,160 days after Lincoln (5×11×19×48 days).

This coming Sunday May 27, 2018 Donald Trump will be 72×365 days old which is 73×360. Abraham Lincoln was born 210 times 364 days (76,440 days = 294×260) before Sunday May 27, 2018. That means the aforementioned Sunday June 8, 2008 was was exactly 200 years of 364 days each after Lincoln was born (72,800 days = 280×260). Hmmm.

If there is a time I expect something "big" to happen Sunday, it is 6:15 p.m. CDT, I explained why in a post last February, about a 70-day cycle extending all the way back to Sunday April 9, 570 B.C. when Ezekiel received a "War-Day" prophecy, it is no coincidence the American Civil War ended Sunday April 9, 1865, a multiple of 70 days after the Ezekiel prophecy (889000 days to be exact), a multiple of 70 days after Lincoln was born, a multiple of 70 days before the Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor, a multiple of 70 days before an earthquake shook the Capital of Indonesia last June 11, 2017 at 6:15 p.m. CDT, a multiple of 70 days before an earthquake shook Taiwan last October 29, 2017 at 6:15 p.m. CDT, a multiple of 70 days before this coming Sunday May 27, 2018...

10400 days (forty times 260) before Sunday May 27, 2018 is Tuesday December 5, 1989 and this earthquake in Hawaii that day at 5:17 p.m. CDT apparently presaged a massacre the next day:
...just as this powerful earthquake offshore California and Oregon 620 days later also at 5:17 p.m. CDT August 17, 1990 presaged the Soviet Hardliner Coup Attempt the next day:

June 8, 1978 was 2300 years after Alexander the Great died, Saturday September 29, 1956 was 2300 times 360 days since the "Seleucid Era" of one of Alexander's generals, Seleucus Nicator, began October 3, 312 B.C.

A powerful earthquake offshore Tokyo at 6:21 p.m. CDT Saturday September 29, 1956 "marks the spot":

That was 38 years (13880 days...two Metonic cycles)) after the offshore Syria quake of September 29, 1918, both quakes evidently marked "era shifts", as did the Serbia earthquake of 5:15 p.m. CDT September 29, 1998, when the 260-count re-aligned with the year to where it was the same as September 29, 1956:

Sunday May 27, 2018 is 36400 days (140×260) after Sunday September 29, 1918. It is 22520 days after September 29, 1956; 7180 days after September 29, 1998; 9780 days after August 17, 1991; 850,520 days (1933×440) since the Seleucid Era began; 752,840 days (1711×440) since Julius Caesar was assassinated; 725,800 days (191×3800) since Jesus Christ was assassinated; 19,910 days since John Kennedy was assassinated; 25,685 days since Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated Friday January 30, 1948; 55,925 days since Abraham Lincoln was shot Friday April 14, 1865...interesting: Gandhi (who revered Lincoln) was shot to death 12×7×360 days after Lincoln, that's amazing.

And Sunday night May 27, 2018 is 738300 days since Jesus was conceived Thursday night January 4-5, 4 B.C. (Julian Calendar), that is 3×107×2300 days and the prophecy states "after 2300 days the sanctuary well be cleansed"

Cleansed of what? Well, pride. Arrogance directed at the Most High in an attempt to "get above him".

Mention of Jesus Christ or John the Baptist is very offensive to pride. Even Moses' DEPICTION of Jesus/Quetzalcoatl as a "fiery flying serpent" (a "Good Dragon") was so offensive to the proud, they died in agony rather than look at it. These depictions of the image Moses raised are probably erroneous in that Moses's brass sepent on a pole probably had a caduceus...

There's something else about this coming Sunday May 27 I probably should mention: It is Sunday May 14, 2018 in the Julian Calendar and twice seventy years ago, on Sunday May 14, 1878 in the Julian Calendar ( Sunday May 26, 1878 in the Gregorian Calendar) a man named Joseph F. Burton was taking a Sunday morning walk near Sacramento California when he collapsed and had a vision, of conflicts and redemption:

Another version at:

Joseph Burton of course didn't realize it but the new 400-year "Baktun" of Mayan Calendrics had come in the previous May 2, 1878.

Also a multiple of seven years before Sunday May 27, 2018 was the notorious Central Texas tornado outbreak of Tuesday May 27, 1997, Jarrell, Texas is the most famous victim of one of twenty tornadoes that afternoon.

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Articles In This Thread

STORM GOD COMETH Sunday May 27, 2018. And that in the name of his Maker.
FrancisDrake -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:23
Nice Reader comment re: Joan of Arc's heart refused to burn in the fire at the stake...
FrancisDrake -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:23

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