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*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conference call (long)

Posted By: hobie
Date: Wednesday, 4-Feb-2015 16:58:20

Hi, Folks -

Found at


2-4-15 TNT DINAR CC (Notes by Adept1):

Replay 805.399.1500, PIN CODE 409029#

Tony: Good morning, TNT! Today is Wednesday, February 4, 2015. Today’s going to be okay. There are some tragic things going on in the world. A plane crashed in Taiwan, and someone caught it on live on video. The other thing is that we want to tell the people of Japan and Jordan that we are horrified at what happened to your people. As a nation, we went through it with our journalists. What happened yesterday is probably the worst thing we will ever see in our lives. I’m so sorry their families had to go through that and watch your child being burned alive. We are with you, and we understand ANY reaction. AS someone who has lost a child, I wanted to get that out there.

DC: I agree – it’s been a horrible couple of days, and it shows you how horrific ISIL is. The only way is to get rid of those guys as quickly as possible.

Tony: They have already announced intentions to do just that. As for the dinar, there are some things they have asked us not to say, but you have to trust us that things are being done in your favor that you will see soon. There is light at the end of the tunnel that I can almost touch as well as see. You know when you touch a light bulb, how hot that is? It’s like that. It’s not in the huddle calling the play, we are going through the play in slow motion right now.

DC: Again, our condolences to the Jordanian people – that was a shocker. East to West, the bottom line is that everything is looking even better than it did on Monday in Iraq and In the US. In Iraq there have been quite a few meetings between Abadi’s office and the main political groups, the ministry of finance and the banks, to make sure that everyone is properly trained and on call. They are running some last minute game checks like they have before. There is still some confusion about which plan with cleanup on some minor points. They are still messing with that this morning. Custom agents are still limiting currency moving in and out of the country. There is a large number of refresher trainings for the banks. The demands from parliament are high, and pressure is strong to get it done. They just want to make sure this is perfect. They want to make dang sure this soufflé is right before they put it on the table. We talked about times on Monday – Tuesday, Thursday, this weekend, or the beginning of next week.

Tony: Last week they restricted them from taking more than 10K dinar out of the country, and now they are not allowing them to take ANY dinar out of the country. That is significant in itself, along with the communications blackout.

DC: Think about how hard it is to travel without any currency. Yes, there is a communications blackout as well. We have about ten folks calling Iraq on a consistent basis, and more every couple of days. Those have not had a problem, but there has been a problem with regular citizens calling Baghdad or Basra. I’ve been able to get through about 60% of the time the last few days. We understand from some of our friends that they are trying to limit some information. It’s not nationwide, but they are limiting some of the information flow.

Tony: So no currency out of the country today, and some communication blocks. They are still doing it, it’s active, and there is something happening with their market that they don’t want to get out of the country. That’s probably as much as we should say. All that means the light has got brighter and I can feel the heat from the light.

DC: In the US, banks are ready, same as last time. Everyone is waiting on Iraq. All the key banks, the Fed and the Treasury, and most are on 30-60 minute call. The assumption the US is making is that this will happen at night so they will have more leeway in terms of pulling people in. What that also does is to limit people like us from understanding when people are going in and out. It stops some of the leaks. We understand that the administration and Congress are still singing Kumbayah and we fully expect this thing to go through. One more thing that is a bit more touchy-feely: I’ve talked about hoping the historians, politicians and journalists get it right that we are here voluntarily to get this right for people. The CBI, IMF, the Fed, the administration, the Senate and the House are all feeding up information so that people can get this right. It’s about mankind helping mankind to get a step ahead, and it’s amazing to be part of that. Everyone needs to take a step back and realize how amazing this is that we all volunteered to help each other. I’m begging and pleading for a museum on that.

Tony: Hopefully we are putting a package together to record all this. If everyone could just do that, and then in 15 years when someone is putting this together in an authorized way, then I hope we will all donate to that. The coolest thing, if this does happen, your names will be in the book we are already putting together, and nothing is cooler than that. When I was home, my sister said, “Do you know your name and picture is in a museum?” from when I played football. That was cool, and even more so for TNT and its members. If we can put our book in there and we can tell our kids and grandkids to go to that museum and see their parents and grandparents in there as well as the politicians who stepped outside the box to put this together. It’s a global economic change and you’ll be able to see how your people are part of this.

323 caller: What’s the best short-term advice you can give me; I’m new.

DC: We are not financial advisers or attorneys. We have consistently said there are great books about windfalls. Make sure you pay your taxes, and then invest so that you have conservative income to pay your living expenses. Watch the film “30 for 30”. Keep in mind that you can never spend money too slowly.

Tony: There is a lot of information on how to deal with the banks, etc. Ask the person who got you into this, and download Ten Things you need to do first, etc.

707 caller: I’m loving the enthusiasm and the light at the end of the tunnel.

Tony: It’s absolutely there from all out information – from a blip on the screen to almost blinding us. We are extremely happy. DC, if you need to hang up, hang up.

Caller: I’d like some clarity about the dong rate. You said it would be at least 47 cents, and now I’m hearing it might be 7-9 cents. What about that?

Tony: I don’t really know. We have heard that rumor. We started hearing that on Friday, that the rate changed yesterday. The explanation is that too many of you have dong! We’ve always had contracts, agreements and reasons for the dinar, because that is the foundation. The dong was something China wants to do. Things are changing on an hourly basis. We are now hearing they actually changed this in the system. You know what rates were in the past. The question is, will you exchange now, or wait until it gets up to that point? Five years ago, we thought it would be five cents, and we thought that was great. To go up to a dollar felt crazy, but some did exchange at that rate. I’m not going to lock into eight cents because we locked into that other rate for a reason.

Caller: Is the $3.58 for the dinar still firm?

Tony: That is still a good rate, or even a little higher. We’ll see what happens.

Caller: Is the rollout still going to use an 800 number, or just go live? I still get the impression we will have the first information with TNT, but don’t see that right now.

Tony: We don’t get any privileges from being TNT. That is not happening. What is going to happen is that they have picked five gurus or sites that we know of that they will give a number to, to send out to the people. I’m one and DC is one, and there are three others. We will get it at the same time to send out. We have the largest group, so of course we will be the voice they use to send it out – if they choose to do that. At one point that was one 800 number for all the banks, but now it’s an 800 number for the main bank, which I think it is a mistake. However, every week it goes back and forth. Sometime we are given one 15-minute call, other weeks we will have four or seven days of calls. I don’t have the package yet, so I just don’t know what we will be allowed or asked to do yet.

830 caller: You sound really good this morning, very excited. Can we do a scenario on the contract rate. I assume there will be a contract rate for some, is that right?

Tony: There may be one for the dinar and the dong, yes.

Caller: My concern is this: let’s say we go to Wells Fargo to do the exchange. I gather the original exchange will be with someone who might not even know about the contract rate, is that right?

Tony: They will give you a rate, and you can accept it or not accept it. They will state a fee, and you can accept that or not. Nothing beats a failure but a try; if you don’t ask the question, you wont get an answer. From what we understand, at the second appointment with the wealth manager some people were offered a higher rate on certain terms. That is when you get to negotiate. It depends on how long you leave your money with them.

Caller: But if you don’t agree with that rate, you’re not getting your dinar back. Once they have your dinar, why would they negotiate further with you? I don’t understand or trust that process, I guess.

Tony: When they get your currency, the UST soaks up the remainder of the contract rate. If the bank can get you to deposit your money at the higher rate, they can make more money off it, rather than the Treasury making that money. Let’s say you have a million dinar, and you get $3.58 on that. You can take it out tomorrow, spend it all, etc. As the bank, I only get the 2% fee. Then two days later, if you got to the wealth manager, and they offer $10 instead of $3.58 in exchange for you leaving (say) 60% in the bank for the next two years, and of course I’ll pay you interest. So you have more to spend and also the bank has another six million that they will grow interest on for the next two years. They are making money and you are making money. It’s a win-win.

Caller: So we assume that the wealth manager will have that information and authority?

Tony: I know that those already involved had that authority or I wouldn’t be able to tell you this has already happened. I don’t know what they will know or not know.

Caller: That’s my concern, that the contract rate will be the luck of the draw, that we’ll be like cattle and they’ll run us through like cattle.

Tony: Nothing beats a failure but a try. If YOU have the information, you can ask.

DC: My intention is to be the wiseass that messes up the cattle chute. You have to ask. The people processing it will not have the power to do much; they will get you through in 20 minutes or less. It’s when you get your wealth manager that you can negotiate, although I would try to negotiate even at that first appointment.

Tony: During that 20 minutes, I can ask 20 minutes. If you don’t understand, you have to ask the questions. If we get the package, and it says when you can ask questions, that’s a different matter. But if you don’t know, ask questions.

DC: Anyone can ask questions respectfully. The people doing the exchanges, you can imagine how frustrated they are going to be – they have been told this is a scam and they can’t exchange, and then someone drives up in a rusted out pickup with 100 million worth of currency to exchange.

Caller: Are you hearing or feeling a back wall on this thing right now?

Tony: I feel better about it right now than we did on Monday. There is additional information that we were asked to look for to give us additional confidence, and we are seeing that now. I plan to have a call on Monday – not this call, but a call.

617 caller: My Big Fat Wealthy Life appears NOT to be on the forum. I have a copy but I know others are looking for it. I can send it to her as an attachment.

Tony: Pam said it was there yesterday. She’ll put out an explanation, I’m sure. You can send Pam a PM directly.

Ray: The author is updating it, that’s why it’s not there at the moment.

404 caller: On the timeline, they said that the budget was voted in on the 29th and they said that it could take up to 15 days to be in the Gazette.

Tony: It’s been signed and completed.

Caller: Will the banks still have extended hours do deal with this?

DC: It’s bank-specific. Some will work 7am to 11pm, and others will do normal hours. It’ also branch by branch.

Caller: As soon as we hang up, I will get my new sunglasses for the blinding light!

503 caller: If you give out people’s real names, won’t they become victims of financial predators?

Tony: I don’t know when the book will come out. We are giving these books to government officials, and the information won’t be public for 15 years, after our NDAs run out. In 15 years from now, we could all be dead! But history goes on.

DC: If a guy is going to go to a museum, flip through a book and take down individual names, you can’t do much with that, realistically. I’m not worried. If you are that vulnerable, you’ll be taken by another person before then.

Caller: What about the lower denomination bank notes?

DC: They have been distributed in Iraq to the right areas, including the coins (fils). They are not worried about that right now. Everyone is very eager and ready for this.

Caller: Does everyone have this Qi cards? Are they more prevalent now? I understand that many Iraqis don’t trust the banking system…

DC: Qi cards have been distributed throughout the country. There are seven groups, and that is how they get their royalty checks, like Kuwaitis get it. It’s building trust and belief in the banking system when people get their money that way. The Iraqi government has spent years getting people used to this. There is less than 3% hard cash left out there, and most notes are old and taped together. That encourages people to go to the Qi cards, which are more advanced than our cards. How do you build trust in a war-torn area? By doing what you said you were going to do. Having electronic cards helps that.

Tony: In the ISIL-controlled areas, they are making people come out of the woodwork and receive in person. Also, Pam just sent a check saying this is One-flipping-question Wednesday! So one question only, and make it good.

970 caller: I’ve only been in this about four months, so I can only imagine what the rest of you have gone through. I’m not in the forum. What should we do to make the events happen and the museum happen?

DC: I think the events would be fun and educational with classes from the banks, etc. People can meet each other and I’d like to meet them as well. What they fear is that Tony and I will have undue influence on a bunch of folks with new money, and they don’t want us to be selling things. We don’t want to do that anyway, nor are we interested in politics. They don’t want us to have a few drinks and slip up in some way. We hope we can still do the events even if we can’t talk about a few topics, but I have been told that we cannot. I hope we are allowed to create a museum or study center because nothing has been done on this scale ever. I think credit should be given where it is due.

I am a massive fan of Winston Churchill, but there are some French folks who don’t like that he ordered the French fleet to sunk so that it wouldn’t fall into German folks. We need to hear from both sides on these questions. That’s a dramatic wartime example, but I think it’s the kind of thing that the public should be made aware of. At one point, our President said, “No, Iraq is not ready and we’re not letting Maliki do this”, and even though that made a few people mad, it’s part of the history. We will grovel at the politicians’ feet, see what we can do, and if not, then a petition might work. Our NDAs will last for 15 days, and maybe we cannot talk about it for that long. But we can have researchers and historians compiling all the secret stuff in the meantime. The agencies have a ton of historians, and they can do it in a classified manner, quietly, and then in 15 years we can have a nice building and a public reveal.

Tony: We have five years of recordings, documents, meeting minutes, and all the rest. These are all things they should have anyway. Once this is over, most people will just go and live their lives, but this is all history. In 15 years, most participants will be gone anyway. But we would like to have our four meetings, and then it’s over.

Caller: This is going to be the largest influx of cash and we all need to be responsible.

Tony: These guys are older than me, so in fifteen years they might be dead!

DC: That’s not helping me! We don’t need outside money here – shoot, I’ll pay for the classified storage and everything else. I just think it’s so important to get all sides of this documented and to study this thing. If they want to put it in the Presidential library, that’s okay, too.

602 caller: Iraq went to Davos and spoke at an international financial conference. How can they face these international conferences, say they are ready to do business, and they are not international yet?

DC: Politicians are supposed to be cheerleaders for their country, pump people up and recruit people to their good side. Iraq is not looking good in the news because IEDs are not good. Meanwhile, a thousand schools have been started, roads are being repaired, and all the rest. A lot of the insiders know that Iraq that going to put hundreds of millions of dollars into constructions, pumping millions of barrels of oil, building roads, pipelines, and power stations. A new gas turbine north of Baghdad will produce power, and major corporations will looking for those contracts for the turbines, power lines and other infra-structure, both for the power itself and to prove they are on the up-and-up.

Caller: You don’t market something you can’t pay for, but they aren’t international!

Tony: Everyone has already signed off on the agreement, so in a sense they are already international. They just need to make the announcement. The countries know what is going on and when it’s happening. We are the only ones who don’t know when. The agreements are done. Where are all the laws that they said are being passed? We are going to see them all after the RV is announced, all at one time, dated back to the date it was signed. These things have been decided and agree upon, and that is why we are not seeing meetings; they are being held until this is announced in public. A lot of people are frustrated and worried about nothing. They don’t need 15 days – it took less than a day! Everything has already been signed! It’s been completed!

551 caller: If we have 3-4 currencies, how does that work? If we cash them all in, how does the IRS determine the tax? And what makes you say the light is brighter?

DC: As we understand it, there will be short and long term capital gains just like any other investment – 44% or 23.8% respectively. If I’ve owned it longer than a year and have receipts to prove it, I’ll pay long term capital gains and local/state taxes; otherwise I’ll pay the higher rate. That is true for all the currencies, depending on when you bought them. The tax rate will be on the gross, depending on whatever your tax rate is.

Tony: You only get one question today. I will say I feel better about this today than on Monday because we are being told about things going on behind the scenes.

813 caller: Can someone take my phone number and get me onto the forum? I really enjoy the idea that we can take some of our currency and get an SKR for it. How can you get an multi-currency account in the US? Would an SKR be a work-around for that?

DC: They do offer MCAs to US citizens for international travel or business. You need an economic reason to do so, but bankers will do that because they will make money on it. The dinar will be a massive player now, so it will be paired with everybody as a huge, stable currency. An MCA should available for that. I am familiar with some African currencies, and it’s hard to get an MCA for those, but if you do business with a bank that does a lot of international business it should be possible to work something out.

406 caller: What’s the dong at today? Can Pam play God Bless Texas again?

Tony: I already talked about this earlier. Some people say the rate was changed to eight cents. That could be so that you don’t buy any more, or so that it will float, or they may change it back to what we expected earlier. I’m told they changed it on the screen. Five years ago, they thought five cents was ridiculous. Then it went to a dollar or even two dollars at the contract rates. If those are the true rates, and we know some people were paid out at those rates, they will go up to those rate again. And God NEEDS to bless TX!

423 caller: Are we still expecting this between 4pm and 5am EST? If it goes at 2am, will you call immediately, or what?

DC: Yes. We’ll have to confirm this. We’ve had a lot of calls at 2am. But we’ll have to get it confirmed and make sure we have the information we need. It may take 3-4 hours to pull it together.

Tony: We have to get the package and go from there. The banks won’t open at 2am! Whatever we do, you won’t be able to go to the bank until it opens. I could do a call two hours before the banks open, but I don’t know what they want us to do. We have to get that information before we make the call, unless you want me to tell you the RV happened without being able to tell you what to do! That determines what I can and cannot tell you. I think that would be better. That call will be recorded and we should have that up for a couple of days until they make us shut down the site.

806 caller: DC, you recognize my area code? You’ve got to stop picking on us! We have made opportunities to meet with different bank presidents for regional banks in town. One didn’t know anything about dinar, and other pushed us off. We have set up accounts with Chase and Wells Fargo; should we just call the 800 numbers or go directly to the banks we know?

DC: I would go to where you already have a relationship because they want to get their commissions and might get you a better rate.

702 caller: I’ve been trying to get on the call for six months! [Appreciation] We have questions about platforms or private groups. Is that something you know about?

Tony: Here’s the problem with asking about the groups. I have to be honest, and most of that is what you don’t want to hear. There is one group I know of that is absolutely legitimate – I know the leader is legit, I”ve seen the contract and agreement, who gets paid what, etc. Nobody is questioning their numbers. Other groups are just telling people what they will get, without signed agreements or telling people how they will be paid out. Yet others are saying you won’t get paid for X time unless you sign up with them. I question that because I know people have already been paid more outside those groups. I have been warning people for five years, because some have given up their dinar, without knowing how or when they would be paid out. If I belonged to a group and I could take my dinar to the bank and the bank recognized that group, that would be fine. But people are saying “Send me your dinar and I’ll get you this rate”, somebody on the internet with a made-up name, someone I’ve never met, and this money is going to a paymaster and then he decides who gets what…? How long do you think that is going to take? How many wires would that person have to send out every day? That’s my concern with the groups.

Caller: We have an attorney-in-fact, and we were told that no one would take our dinar, that we would go to the bank and the money would be wired to us.

Tony: If you are happy with that, fine. I would never turn my dinar/dong over to anyone if I were not sitting at the bank watching it being deposited in my account.

Caller: Please can I get back in the forum and/or OpenMike? I feel alone in Las Vegas… and I’d like to get to at least one of the events, if there is one.

Tony: I’ll give Pam and Ray your number, and the event information will be on the sites.

936 caller: On Monday’s call you talked about the different currencies. I had a call from friend who was given some currency from a friend who brought it back from Iraq; will a gift letter be sufficient? I think the original guy was working for Halliburton in Iraq.

DC: Any extra documentation would be helpful.

Tony: If the guy was in Iraq, he should have orders or something to prove he was assigned to Iraq, like company orders, and that would complete the paper trail.

Caller: So you said that that on the second appointment, you might be offered a better rate; what about setting 50% aside for taxes? And when is this happening?

DC: You will have to negotiate that. I like the next five days very much.

208 caller: [Appreciation] You’ve always said that you have maybe 60% of the information that is out there. So what level of confidence do you have that the 40% you don’t have insight into is holding this up?

Tony: As things get done, that percentage changes as we find out the things we didn’t know. Because we are down to dates, rates and times, I don’t think it’s changing that much. So I think we might be up to 70-80% based on things that are actually happening. Although we don’t know all the agreements, the fact that it is coming to a completion is now at greater than 60%, in my opinion.

DC: Why 60%? That’s just to reinforce that we don’t’ have the complete picture, which is in any case a fluid, complex picture, constantly moving on hundreds of items, in a very complex culture in Iraq. All these things are changing all the time as people talk to each other in a complex situation. Anyone who says they have all the answers is flat-out lying. Maybe five or six people really understand the whole process, and those would be politicians and/or bankers. The other issue is that, given what I used to do, you learn quickly that you don’t know everything. The guy shooting at you might be the best marksman in the world or have just picked up an AK47. There is a constant state of unknown, plus we are getting all this through leaks. Sometimes the information pours out, sometimes there isn’t much intel at all. So let’s stays humble and don’t shoot the messenger. We can’t always predict the weather, simply put.

The best thing we can do is to give out the information – that helps to clear the air and keep honesty in the group. That’s why we say “this is what we are getting out of Parliament or the UST” or whatever. That helps to keep the air as clean and stop some mischief. Just staying aware is helpful and also keeping yourself prepared for the change. Also, get ready to donate to some worthy causes – that will help everyone.

Tony: That’s DC putting on his flak jacket. It’s not our job to force our government or the Iraqi government to do anything. There are things that affect our entire economy and country, and it’s not our job to get upset because they haven’t done this according to OUR timing. It was our job when they wanted to cut us out altogether. Otherwise, it’s putting our heads on the chopping block, and that is asking too much. We will do what we need to do to stay in the process and make sure we are treated fairly. But I’m not threatening anybody just because we didn’t get paid on Monday.

Caller: [quote from Benjamin Franklin]

Tony: What we have been done has been noticed by other countries and governments; we have been contacted directly with thanks for what we and you have been doing and saying. Other countries listen to this call and we are helping to push this along. But we are not going face-to-face against those controlling this.

DC: Everything is beautifully lined up for the next 5-6 days, all laws have been passed and signed, and not it’s up to Iraq. We understand this will happen very quickly. Thanks for being part of it.

Pam: There are a lot of people like us who do the best they can to send out the info they have. Be kinder to them – they are doing their best, and they get bashed when they try to share what they have. We are all headed in the right direction, in the same boat, going to the same place.

Ray: Continue to enjoy this Where-is-it Wednesday; if you don’t like the rate, just wait!

Tony: All good information, DC let you know where we are. There is something occurring, they are moving forward. Iraq will do it when they want and have set specific days that are very soon. There are things that show they do intend to do something. I am happy. We were told to watch for certain things, we are seeing them, and we’re happy to see this moving along. Communications have been limited, and NO dinar are being allowed out of the country. You can go about your business during the day, because we will only see this at night, so go enjoy your day and fret at night! WE are looking at 2-6am EST. I would love to talk to you tomorrow; otherwise, we’ll see you on Friday. Enjoy your day!


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Articles In This Thread

*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conference call (long)
hobie -- Wednesday, 4-Feb-2015 16:58:20
*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conf. call Cliff Notes version
hobie -- Wednesday, 4-Feb-2015 17:00:46

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