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Reader: How about we just simply “INVOKE” the Second Amendment

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:23

In Response To: CGI's Patmac: Big Pharma Assassins, School Shootings And The Agenda To Take Your Guns (RumorMail)

From Reader AC:


Re: CGI's Patmac: Big Pharma Assassins, School....

How to Protect Your Gun Rights?

What we hear is:
Support the Second Amendment?
Defend the Second Amendment?
Protect the Second Amendment?


How about we just simply “INVOKE” the Second Amendment (with that meaning being to just simply bring it into play).

Those of you that believe that it is our Constitution and its Second Amendment that “gives” you the Right to keep and bear arms are greatly misinformed and misguided. Because if this were the case then it would mean that your Rights come from government… and government does not grant Rights. Government can only grant privileges and whatever the government gives it can also take away. Every time you take and accept a “license” you are surrendering a Right and converting it to a privilege. The word “License” in Black’s Law Dictionary is defined as, “permission to act or to do something that would otherwise be illegal or prohibited”. Just think about all of the different things that you had to have a license for… all of them have been deemed to be illegal by the government and are now only made possible via special permission by the acceptance of a state issued license. Even the act of getting married, which used to be a holy sacrament, has been made illegal. Here is what a young Christian Patrick Henry experienced that became the impetus for his famous “Give me Liberty or Give Me Death” speech:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. - The Declaration of Independence

The truth is that our Right to keep and bear arms is a recognized “God given Right” that is constitutionally protected. The Constitution is the agreement the people have with their government and within this document there exists specific limitations to power as well as very specific prohibitions and restrictions placed on government. The founding fathers were wordsmiths and chose their words carefully. The word “shall” is a direct command to do or to not do something and so when it states that “the Right of the people to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT be infringed” this represents a direct command and an express statement of a prohibited action that is NEVER to be taken by government.

The “Rule of Law” in this country is a recognized hierarchy with the Constitution being recognized and accepted as the supreme law of the land. And therefore all laws must conform and be in harmony with the Constitution. There is no way around this except via the amendment process. For example, the Volstead Act took away our alcohol and gave us Prohibition but it was only made possible after the passage of the 18th Amendment. And once it was realized that Prohibition was a big mistake and needed to be reversed, it could not be undone via any act of Congress or by any presidential executive order, and why was this? Because having passed the 18th Amendment, Prohibition had become the law of the land and the only way to undo this mistake was to pass another amendment to the Constitution. And so with the passage of the 21st Amendment the era of Prohibition finally came to an end. And even a simple change as to when a newly elected president gets sworn into office was accomplished via a constitutional amendment. Every newly elected president up until FDR’s first term in 1933 had been sworn in on March 4th and only because this was the starting date for our federal government. But with elections being held in November some began to think that it was too long of a wait and that the new president should be sworn in sooner. But this was not done and was felt could not be done, until the passage of the 20th Amendment which moved the date to January 20th. And so what is my point with all of this? The Rule of Law must be followed, and in many ways, especially with respect to gun laws, the Rule of Law is simply being set aside and being ignored.

If you search our Constitution (easily done today with a computer) for any and all changes having to do with guns, weapons, firearms and any similar terms related to “arms” you will quickly see that there have been NONE since the Second Amendment. There in fact have been no changes or alterations to our Constitution with respect to or having any relationship to the use of or the right to keep and bear “arms”. And so absent a constitutional amendment, the Second Amendment stands as originally written and therefore as clearly stated, “the Right of the people to keep and bear arms Shall Not be infringed” remains as the supreme law of the land. And what has The Supreme Court of the United States had to say about this?

“The Constitution of these United States is the supreme law of the land. Any law that is repugnant to the Constitution is null and void of law.” - Marbury v. Madison, 5 US 137

Additionally, “An unconstitutional act is not law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; affords no protection; it creates no office; it is in legal contemplation, as inoperative as though it had never been passed.” Norton v. Shelby County, 118 U.S. 425

The Constitution is clear in Article I, Section I that, “ALL legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives”. Nowhere in the Constitution is there granted to the federal government the authority to restrict, in any fashion whatsoever, guns, ammunition, etc. Therefore, ALL gun restricting laws made by Congress, ALL regulations made by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF), are unconstitutional as they are outside the scope of the powers granted to Congress and to the Executive Branch by our Constitution. The regulation of arms and ammunition is NOT one of the “enumerated powers” delegated to Congress or to the Executive Branch. Executive agencies have no lawful authority whatsoever to make rules or regulations of general application to The People!

And I should not even have to say this, but the intent of the founding fathers for an individual's Right to keep & bear arms has nothing to do with a hunting or "sporting purpose" but has everything to do with defending individual freedom & liberty against an over powering and abusive tyrannical government. The only sporting purpose the founding fathers might have had in mind would have been the shooting of tyrants!


"Every single treaty the Indians made with the U.S. Government was broken by Washington; The U.S. Constitution is the treaty that the American people have with the Federal Government, and it too is now also being broken". - Russell Means, Indian activist

The American people are in fact the Indians of today, and it's just that most Americans have not yet realized this fact.

Here are some other quotes from Russell Means:

"If you think that the Government will take care of you then just see how they took care of the Americans Indians".

'Indian policy' has now been brought down upon the American people, and the American people are the new Indians of the 21st Century".

"It’s just unconscionable that America has become so stupid".


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Articles In This Thread

CGI's Patmac: Big Pharma Assassins, School Shootings And The Agenda To Take Your Guns
RumorMail -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:24
Reader: How about we just simply “INVOKE” the Second Amendment
RumorMail -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:23

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