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Trump will be forced to bomb Iran and when he does impeachment will end

Posted By: tonzal
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:51:53

More articles stacked in link at BattleForWorld site:

GIULIANI: '50/50' Chance Trump Subpoenaed

ABCNEWS - May 4, 2018: As Rudy Giuliani enters the center ring of the legal fight between President Donald Trump and special counsel Robert Mueller, the former New York City mayor is already anticipating one possible battle – a subpoena for President Trump to testify. “I think it's 50/50,” Giuliani, the president's personal attorney, told ABC News regarding the possibility of a subpoena. “But I got to prepare for that 50 percent.”

As ABC News confirmed earlier this week, the president’s legal team was told by Mueller he could “compel” the president to testify before a grand jury via a subpoena. As Ty Cobb steps down from his position as White House counsel handling the Russia probe for the presidency, his replacement, Emmet Flood, has been through battles like this before. “I think Emmet was brought in because he represented Clinton during their subpoena battle and knows a great deal about it,” Giuliani said.


The impeachment of President Bill Clinton forced him to support the war in Yugoslavia

AP - May 3, 2018: Although the bombing is over for now, President Clinton is warning Yugoslavia that it could resume. He told reporters on Thursday that if the Serbs backed out of a peace deal, NATO had the right to start the air strikes again. Clinton was speaking at the White House, after NATO announced the suspension of the bombing. He said the Kosovar Albanians were going to be able to return home - because NATO took a stand. Clinton praised U-S and allied troops for showing what he called "tremendous skill and courage." And he said he was grateful that the loss of life among NATO forces was limited to a pair of training incidents, and that the allies lost only two planes.

(BattleForWorld: And now it's the Republican's turn with President Donald Trump, how he will be forced just as President Bill Clinton was, to support another unjust war - bombing raids on Iran.)


Israel is preparing for war with Iran and President Trump to comply

NBCNEWS - May 2, 2018: An Israeli airstrike on the western Syrian city of Hama on Sunday killed two dozen Iranian soldiers and targeted arms recently delivered from Iran, said three U.S. officials, and is the latest sign that Israel and Iran are moving closer to open warfare.

Israel is increasingly wary of Iran's influence in neighboring Syria, the three U.S. officials say. While Russia runs the air war for the Assad regime in Syria, Iran is now running the ground war, the officials said, with Iranian military present at every major Russian and Syrian regime base in the country.


Israel sees Iran war looming as Mideast tinderbox awaits spark

BLOOMBERG - May 3, 2018: The article highlights that Iran vows revenge after airstrikes target its assets in Syria. And that there’s no broker: U.S. is sidelined, Russia not ‘in control’.

There have been coups and revolutions, external invasions and proxy conflicts, but the Middle East hasn’t seen a head-to-head war between major regional powers since the 1980s.

There’s a growing risk that one is about to break out in Syria, pitting Israel against Iran.

The Islamic Republic’s forces are entrenching there, after joining the fight to prop up President Bashar al-Assad. The Jewish state, perceiving a direct threat on its border, is subjecting them to an escalating barrage of airstrikes. Nobody expects those strikes to go unanswered.


US Officials: Israel Preparing For War With Iran, Seeking US Support

ZEROHEDGE - May 2, 2018: Not that there was much doubt who was behind it, but two days after "enemy" warplanes attacked a Syrian military base near Hama on Sunday, killing at least 11 Iranians and dozens of others, and nobody had yet "claimed responsibility" the attack, US officials told NBC that it was indeed Israeli F-15 fighter jets that struck the base, NBC News reported.

Ominously, the officials said Israel appears to be preparing for open warfare with Iran and is seeking U.S. help and support.

"On the list of the potentials for most likely live hostility around the world, the battle between Israel and Iran in Syria is at the top of the list right now," said one senior U.S. official.


Mueller Warns: May Subpoena President Trump

(In the “enhanced” Silent Revolution Of Truth Compilation Edition, the free PDF book: Download and read about what was foretold regarding a secret plan and special investigation court gathering around President Trump by his political foes to try and pin lies on him, pages 1443 and 1444. And President Putin of Russia alluded that some type of “deception” is going on with the American presidents and politicians, pages 580 and 581. Note: Use the page number display located at top right to find the correct page. UPDATED, PDF Format Links: Book Summary | and Download Book)

WASHINGTONPOST - May 1, 2018: The highlight of the article says that special counsel Robert S. Mueller III raised the possibility of presidential subpoena in meeting with Trump’s legal team.

In a tense meeting in early March with the special counsel, President Trump’s lawyers insisted he had no obligation to talk with federal investigators probing Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential campaign.

But Mueller responded that he had another option if Trump declined: He could issue a subpoena for the president to appear before a grand jury, according to four people familiar with the encounter.

Mueller’s warning — the first time he is known to have mentioned a possible subpoena to Trump’s legal team — spurred a sharp retort from John Dowd, then the president’s lead lawyer.

This isn’t some game,” Dowd said, according to two people with knowledge of his comments. “You are screwing with the work of the president of the United States.”


Trump will be forced to bomb Iran and when he does impeachment will end

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Trump will be forced to bomb Iran and when he does impeachment will end
tonzal -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:51:53
Reader: "If we bomb Iran for Israel, the Cabal will win."
hobie -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:51:53

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