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OOPARTS....OOH Do I Love OOPARTS...Especially When They Are Found In Coal...It Drives Scientists To Silence And Denial...Yet..There They are

Posted By: Watchman
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:28


Human bones, foot and handprints and artifacts have been found in rock and coal deposits which evolutionists claim is millions and even billions of years old. If that were true, there would be no way to account for these oddities, since man is supposed to have evolved in the recent past. The geological time frame is very obviously wrong.

A fossilized handprint in rock was found near Glen Rose Texas.

A fossilized human skull was found in coal that was sold in Germany (mid-1800s). A jawbone of a child was found in coal in Tuscany (1958). Two giant human molars were found in Montana (1926). A human leg was found by a West Virginia coal miner. It had changed into coal.—pp. 34-35.

A woman, in Illinois, reportedly found a gold chain in a chunk of coal which broke open (1891). A small steel cube was found in a block of coal in Austria (1885). An iron pot was found in coal in Oklahoma (1912). A woman found a child's spoon in coal (1937).—p. 35.

In 1944 Newton Anderson claimed to have found this bell inside a lump of coal that was mined near his house in West Virginia. When Newton dropped the lump it broke, revealing a bell encased inside.

What is a brass bell with an iron clapper doing in coal that is supposed to be hundreds of millions of years old? According to Norm Scharbough's book Ammunition (which includes a compilation of many such "coal anecdotes") the bell was extensively analyzed at the University of Oklahoma and it was found to contain an unusual mixture of metals, different from any modern usage. Photo and text from Genesis Park.

Man-made objects in rock.

An iron nail was found in a Cretaceous block from the Mesozoic era (mid-1800s). A gold thread was found in stone in England (1844). An iron nail was found in quartz in California (1851). A silver vessel was found in solid rock in Massachusetts (1851).

The mold of a metal screw was found in a chunk of feldspar (1851). An intricately carved and inlaid metal bowl was found in solid rock (1852). An iron nail was found in rock in a Peruvian mine by Spanish conquistadores (1572).—pp. 35-36.

At Lawn Ridge, 20 miles north of Peoria, Illinois, in August of 1870, three men were drilling an artesian well, when - from a depth of over a hundred feet - the pump brought up a small metal medallion to the surface.

One of the workmen, Jacob W. Moffit, from Chillicothe, was the first to discover it in the drill residue. A noted scholar of the time, Professor Alexander Winchell, reported in his book Sparks From a Geologist's Hammer, that he received from another eye-witness, W.H. Wilmot, a detailed statement, dated December 4, 1871, of the deposits and depths of materials made during the boring, and the position where the metal "coin" was uncovered.

The strange "coin-medallion" was composed of an unidentified copper alloy, about the size and thickness of a U.S. quarter of that period. It was remarkably uniform in thickness, round, and the edges appeared to have been cut. Researcher William E. Dubois, who presented his investigation of the medallion to the American Philosophical Society, was convinced that the object had in fact passed through a rolling mill, the edges showed "further evidence of the machine shop."

Despite its "modern characteristics", however, Dubois plainly saw that, upon the object, "the tooth of time is plainly visible."

(sketch of coin left)

Both sides of the medallion were marked with artwork and hieroglyphs, but these had not been metal-engraved or stamped. Rather, the figures had somehow been etched in acid, to a remarkable degree of intricacy. One side showed the figure of a woman wearing a crown or headdress; her left arm is raised as if in benediction, and her right arm holds a small child, also crowned. The woman appears to be speaking.

On the opposite side is another central figure, that looks like a crouching animal: it has long, pointed ears, large eyes and mouth, claw-like arms, and a long tail frayed at the very end.

Below and to the left of it is another animal, which bears a strong resemblance to a horse. Around the outer edges of both sides of the coin are undecipherable glyphs - they are of very definite character, and show all the signs of a form of alphabetic writing.

Man-made objects found in the ground.

A doll was found near Nampa, Idaho (1889). A bronze coin was found 114 feet below the surface near Chillicothe, Illinois (1871). This means there were coins in ancient times in America! A paving tile was found in a "25 million-year-old" Miocene formation in Plauteau City, Colorado (1936).

Several discoveries were made during the California gold rush (1849-1850s). A prehistoric mining shaft, 210 feet below the surface in solid rock was found.

A mortar for grinding gold ore was found at a depth of 300 feet [914 dm] in a mining tunnel. A human skull was also found at a depth of 130 feet under five beds of lava and tufa.

Bones of camels, rhinoceroses, hippopotamuses, horses, and other animals were also found in California. The findings are almost always in gold-bearing rock or gravel.

Man-made markings on petrified wood.

Evolutionists declare that petrified wood is millions of year old, yet humans have worked with it.

Hand-worked petrified wood was found in India. It was shaped prior to fossilization.

Prior to mineralization, several petrified pieces of wood had been hacked with a cutting tool. The wood was dated to the Pliocene Epoch, before humans were supposed to have lived.—p. 36.

Man-made markings on bones.

At a site near Paris, France, fossilized rhinoceros bones had human cutting marks on them. No rhinos have been in Europe in recorded history. Another rhino bone, cut by a sharp tool, was found in Ireland. … Ancient Man

A letter to Nature in 1873 reported the discovery in Miocene strata of a fragment of bone probably belonging to a dinotherium and engraved with a picture of a horned quadruped and traces of several other figures.

This discovery implies the existence of an intelligent creature capable of art work some 25 million years ago.

According to the American Encyclopedia, some rocks in Tennessee bear impressions of tracks of various animals and tracks of human beings as visible and perfect as if they were made in snow or sand. The American Journal of Science of 1833 noted that a Mr Schoolcraft and a Mr Benton had observed prints of human feet in Mississippi limestone. An eminent geologist of the time stated they were certain evidence that man existed at the epoch of the deposition of that limestone.

The American Anthropologist reported in 1896 that the Ohio State Academy of Science had exhibited a large stone containing the print of a human foot 14 inches long.

In 1975 Dr Stanley Rhine of the University of New Mexico announced the discovery of footprints human in appearance in strata estimated to be 40 million years old. Similar discoveries were made in Kenton, Oklahoma and in Wisconsin.

Steiger, author of Worlds Before Our Own, relates yet another instance, an engineer called Johnson found footprints in an ancient sandstone near Tulsa. Johnson had had to remove earth and roots to uncover the fossils which evidently were human-like, and which were impressed in a block of sandstone weighing about 15 tons.

The largest and clearest tracks yet discovered were found in 1973. The footprints were described as 21 inches long, eight inches wide. and five inches across the instep. The creature's stride was seven feet. The impressions are in the same layer of rock as tracks of the anatosaur, a duck-billed dinosaur. Steiger comments:

If the tracks are accepted as human, then scientists will be forced either to place man back in time to the Cretaceous period or to bring the dinosaurs forward to the Pleistocene period.

In 1897, the Los Angeles Herald revealed that laborers had discovered a fossil shoe print in solid rock. The imprint was that of a shoe with a high narrow heel and a broad flat sole. It was so clear, in the fine grained shale in which it was found, that it looked as though the owner had unwittingly put his right foot into soft mud but a day or two ago.

Sandal or moccasin prints have also been seen in the gypsum of the White Sands in New Mexico. Ellis Wright in 1932 found tracks of human form but 22 inches long.

Some later tracks were accompanied by marks suggestive of the use of some sort of support like a walking stick by one of the antediluvian beings. The White Sands were laid down as an ancient inland sea gradually dried up around the time of the demise of the dinosaurs.

Oil workers have recovered carved bones and decorated coins from deep rocks brought up during well drilling. A gold necklace was found in a piece of coal. What appeared to be an iron tool was found in a Scottish coal seam.

In June, 1851, Scientific American reprinted a report from the Boston Transcript about how a metallic vase, found in two parts, was dynamited out of solid rock 15 feet below the surface in Dorchester, Mass.

The bell-shaped vase (see photo), measuring 4-1/2 inches high and 6-1/2 inches at the base, was composed of a zinc and silver alloy. On the sides were figures of flowers in bouquet arrangements, inlaid with pure silver. The estimated age of the rock out of which it came: 100,000 years.

Two workmen signed affidavits to their amazing discovery in 1912 of an iron pot inside a large piece of coal that they were breaking up to be used in the furnace of a power plant. The pot left a clear fossil impression in the remaining pieces of coal.

Coalminers noticed a curious slab in an Iowa coal mine in 1897. Found 130 feet below ground just below the sandstone which capped the seam, it was approximately two feet long by one foot wide and was four inches deep. Its surface was inscribed with diamond shapes having the face of what seemed to be an old man in the middle of each.

Steiger relates the story of a man whose grandfather in 1928 came across a concrete wall buried in a coal mine two miles below ground. While shot blasting a seam, the miner found, among the dislodged coal, blocks of concrete about a foot across. Although the broken edges showed that they were made of what passed as an ordinary sand and cement mixture, the faces of the blocks were highly polished. The remainder of the wall disappeared into the coal seam.

Another miner working a coal face about 100 yards away struck what seemed to be the same wall. Mysteriously the coal owners pulled the men out of the coal faces and ordered them to keep quiet about their discoveries. What is more, before he joined that gang, a few years earlier, they had found a similar wall in a nearby pit.

Another coal miner in West Virginia claimed miners had found a well constructed concrete building, and, astonishingly, a perfectly formed human leg that had been changed into coal.

The New York Times, in November 1926, reported that a Dr Siegfriedt who collected fossils for the University of Iowa, had found a human molar in coal deposits laid down in the Eocene epoch. Although the enamel had carbonized and the roots had mineralized into an iron compound, local dentists felt sure it was a human second lower molar.

Dr Siegfriedt described the stratum as yielding many fossils for dinosaur research as well as sharks' teeth and fish scales.

In 1971 bulldozers moving earth for mine exploration revealed traces of human remains in soft sandstone said to be 100 million years old. The remains were underneath about 15 feet of material including five or six feet of solid rock and yet there appeared to be no caves or crevices in the overlying strata.

Bits of bone and teeth were first found but then the excavators noted a more significant bone embedded in the rock. Local experts from the University of Utah were brought in and under their direction parts of two skeletons and a mixture of teeth and bone shards were uncovered. They described the skeletons as Homo sapiens. One of the bodies seemed to conform with the burial pattern of some Indian tribes.

Oddly, the academic experts seemed to lose interest, moved on to other establishments and apparently never wrote up the find formally. But the bones were, on the face of it, the same age as the rock matrix.

If the remains really had fossilized and were of an age comparable with the surrounding rocks, as some reports claimed, then this find would have been highly valuable in placing man-like beings in distant geological times.

No fabric is supposed to have been found until Egypt produced cloth material 5000 years ago. How, then, can we deal with the Russian site which provides spindle whorls and patterned fabric designs more than 80,000 years old?

Not only did the ancient Babylonians appear to use sulfur matches, but they had a technology sophisticated enough to employ complex electrochemical battery cells with wiring. There is also evidence of electric batteries and electrolysis in ancient Egypt, India, and Swahililand.

Although a temperature of over 1780 degrees is required to melt platinum, some pre-Incan peoples in Peru were making objects of the metal.

Even today the process of extracting aluminum from bauxite is a complicated procedure, but Chou Chu, famous general of the Tsin era (265-316 A.D.), was interred with aluminum belt fasteners on his burial costume.

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OOPARTS....OOH Do I Love OOPARTS...Especially When They Are Found In Coal...It Drives Scientists To Silence And Denial...Yet..There They are
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