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OMG They're gonna blow up the U.S.S. Maine tonight! Or something.

Posted By: FrancisDrake
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:40

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

This is a companion post to my post yesterday about "sea changes" indicated by ancient prophetic cycles...

I feel I need to stress that tonight is extraordinary:

120 years ago tonight, the American warship U.S.S. Maine exploded in Havana Harbor at 9:40 p.m. EST and sank, killing 260.

The incident helped provoke the Spanish-American War of 1898, after which Guam and Puerto Rico were ceded to the United States.

Sixteen thousand days later hundreds of Japanese warplanes attacked Pearl Harbor, Hawaii at 1:18 p.m. EST and sank all of the U.S. warships there Sunday December 7, 1941.

245 years of 364 days each ago tonight, the Boston Tea Party occurred in Boston Harbor, Massachusetts, 342 expensive chests of tea were dumped into the sea, near the foot of Pearl Street.

The worst offshore Oil Rig disaster in history began with an explosion at 9:55 p.m. local time July 6, 1988, in the North Sea offshore the U.K.

260 days later, which was 29 times 364 days ago tonight, the Exxon Valdez tanker ship ran aground in Alaska's Prince William Sound at 12:04 a.m. local time, creating an oil spill disaster.

Seven times 360 days later the Sea Empress tanker ship ran aground in Wales, Britain at 8:07 p.m. local time creating an oil spill disaster February 15, 1996 which is 22 years ago tonight.

48 hours after tonight is eleven times 260 days after the Deepwater Horizon oil rig disaster began at 9:45 p.m. EST April 20, 2010.

30 times 364 days ago tonight at 7:30 p.m. EST a notable earthquake northwest of Hawaii's Big Island.

4800 days ago at 7:59 p.m. EST the Great Sumatra earthquake and ensuing Tsunami killed hundreds of thousands of people, and caused the whole planet to tremble.

Eight times 260 days before then, at 7:56 p.m. EST April 16, 1999, a strong earthquake on Hawaii's Big Island.

Three-and-a-half days later, the Columbine Massacre. Eight years later the Virginia Tech Massacre. Hawaii earthquakes tend to both accompany and predict disasters, more on that hypothesis here:

Mention of the 364-day year is in this January 22, 2018 report:

70 times 364 days before tomorrow, the modern State of Israel was born at 9:00 a.m. EST.

This UPI report was compiled before U.S. President Harry S Truman was the first world leader to extend diplomatic recognition:


May 14 1948
TEL AVIV, May 14, 1948 (UP) -- The new Jewish state of Israel was proclaimed in Palestine today as Britain's 30-year rule of the Holy Land ended.

The Jewish dream of nearly 2,000 years-a state of their own-came true at 4 p.m. (10 a.m. EDT) as the provisional government broadcast to the world that new Jewish republic called Israel had been born and would be defended against all enemies.

Even as the formal proclamation was issued, the Jews were at war. Fighting men of Haganah, the Jewish army, were in combat with Arab warriors from Dan to Beersheba, the Biblical limits of the Holy Land. And thousands of regular troops of surrounding Arab states-perhaps 20,000 men in all-were on the borders of Palestine for attack.

Bitter Arab-Jewish fighting for Jerusalem was reported here soon after the proclamation was issued. Veteran Jewish troops appeared to have the best of the fighting which probably will decide final control of Jerusalem. They had seized the former British security zone as the last of the Tommies moved out.

Late today unconfirmed private reports here said Haganah forces had seized virtual control of most of new Jerusalem by advancing toward the Old City walls. Haganah would not comment on the reports.

The Jewish flag-blue and white with a yellow star of David--already flew over many strategic buildings in Jerusalem, radio reports said, but strong Arab resistance was being met by Haganah men fighting their way toward the Jaffa gate leading to the Old City.

There was bitter Arab defense in the area of the former police headquarters and other government buildings in the Jaffa Road. Haganah men advanced house by house.

The international Red Cross raised its colors over the King David Hotel and the YMCA building in Jerusalem, it was said, and both Jews and Arabs were expected to respect them.

To the north, Haganah troops attacked the historic port of Acre, where Napoleon's army was defeated, and by early afternoon had captured it, wireless reports to Jewish headquarters here said.

British High Commissioner Sir Alan Cunningham gave the signal that British rule had ended. He reviewed the last contingents of British troops in Jerusalem today, then flew to Haifa, where boarded the British cruiser Euryalus, which was to sail at 12:01 a.m. tomorrow-one minute after the formal termination of the British mandate.

Haganah warned residents of Tel Aviv in a broadcast that they might be attacked by Arab planes in the next few days.

British troops also evacuated the Great Arab port of Jaffa by sea this morning, leaving the entire rich coastal area in the hands of Jews. Arabs and Jews already have signed an agreement giving Jews control of Jaffa and Haganah troops are expected to march in momentarily.

The British also withdrew their warships from the Palestine coastal blockade. Jewish freighters carrying supplies and, presumably, badly-needed war material, immediately steamed into Tel Aviv harbor.

The new incoming ships were given immediate priority over a long line of other freighters waiting in a full circle before the jetty. It is believed they were loaded with war materials in Mediterranean ports some time ago and timed their arrival to coincide with the British withdrawal.

Haganah sent all its 70,000 men and women to battle stations to defend the 5,500 square miles of the new Jewish state-about the area the United Nations partition plan of last November gave the Jews. All men and women 18 to 35 were mobilized. A general mobilization order was sent out calling upon "anyone who can bear arms" to report for active service. Hundreds of new recruits flocked to the colors of the new Jewish state.

Air raid precautions were ordered in Tel Aviv and other Jewish cities.

The vanguard of Arab forces, placed under supreme command of King Abdullah of Trans-Jordan, already were attacking the ancient city of Dan in the north.

Other Arab forces inside Palestine inflicted major defeats on the Jews west and south of Jerusalem, isolating the city from reinforcements and possibly opening the way for an Arab invasion thrust from the south.

Reports from Cairo said an Egyptian army of 10,000 men would march across the border into the Holy Land at one minute past midnight (6:01 p.m. EDT). The way through the Hebron hills was reported being cleared for them by advance units of Abdullah's Arab Legion.

King Farouk signed a royal decree authorizing proclamation of Martial law in Egypt last night and military rule in preparation for war with Palestine was expected to go into effect today.

Moshe Shertok, foreign minister designate of the new Jewish state, told a press conference that nothing now can halt the proclamation of a Jewish state before the end of the British mandate.

"There is an iron certainty we will not leave a vacuum here even for one second," Shertok said.

He disclosed that the United States delegation at Lake Success had asked the Jewish Agency to delay proclamation of a Jewish state until the political and military situation became settled.

It was reported that Shertok carried a message from U.S. Secretary of State George C. Marshall when he arrived in Tel Aviv two days ago. The message never was made public, but it may have been the same as Shertok announced at his press conference.

Shertok said the American request for delay was stated in strong terms but that no antagonistic action was threatened if the proposal was rejected. He denied that the United States had backed its request with any threat of sanctions.

He declined to predict what action the United States might take.

"We have no assurances of any kind," he said.



May 14 1948
WASHINGTON, May 14, 1948 (UP) -- President Truman is considering a proposal to lift the embargo on shipment of arms to Palestine, an informed White House source said today.

Such action would follow this government's recognition of the new Jewish state of Israel in Palestine.

The embargo on arms shipments to the Middle East has been in effect for five months.

The White House, meanwhile, let it be known that Truman is considering the establishment of diplomatic negotiations with the provisional government of Israel.

White House Press Secretary Charles G. Ross told a news conference that reaction this far to the Administration's recognition of Israel has been overwhelmingly favorable.

He said the recognition of Israel had been discussed with Secretary of State George C. Marshall and Undersecretary Robert Lovett before the action was taken and had their complete support.

Ross also told reporters that Truman had been considering the action for several days before he made the surprise move last night.

Marshall himself, who a few weeks ago said that as long as he was secretary Palestine and domestic politics would never be mixed, remained silent. Truman's statement was confined to the barest essentials.

The official silence increased fairly well-founded suspicion that the U.S. speedy recognition of Israel was prompted primarily by fears that the Soviet Union might do it first.

The President got the most important and most favorable reaction from his good Republican friend, Senate President Arthur H. Vandenberg, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, who hailed the step as "positive action after many months of critical and unhappy indecision."

Congressman John M. Vorys (R., O.) a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said, he couldn't keep up with the President's moves on Palestine. "He zigzags too fast for me," Vorys said.

In Lake Success, N.Y., today United Nations circles heard talk that Warren R. Austin would resign as chief U.S. delegate because of White House juggling of the Palestine problem.

A spokesman for the American delegation, however, issued a statement saying that "Senator Austin is not resigning."

The lack of liaison came to a head last night, when the UN General Assembly lurched to the close of its emergency meeting on Palestine in the wake of the unexpected White House decision, which surprised Austin and his delegation.

Diplomats representing nations normally close to the U.S. in the UN joined with delegates of the Soviet bloc and the Arab states in ridiculing and attacking the gyrations of the American delegation.

The final Assembly action on Palestine provided only for appointment of a UN mediator by the Big Five powers to go to the Holy Land and attempt to prevent or minimize the Arab-Jewish warfare.

Meanwhile, sources close to the British Foreign Office in London said today that Britain has no immediate intention of following the U.S. in recognizing Israel.

These sources expressed surprise at Truman's action.

"It is a rare thing to recognize a government which has no defined frontiers," a well-informed source said. "The new state of Israel certainly has no defined frontiers at the present time."

A Foreign Office spokesman said termination of the mandate did not in itself affect the Anglo-Trans-Jordan for military purposes and has loaned British officers to head King Abdullah's Arab Legion.

First reaction in other western European capitals was one of surprise, coupled in some cases with a feeling that U.S. recognition had been prompted by a desire to "get in ahead of Russia."

RMN is an RA production.

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OMG They're gonna blow up the U.S.S. Maine tonight! Or something.
FrancisDrake -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:40
OMG a rare earthquake in New Hampshire shakes Maine and BOSTON...
FrancisDrake -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:41

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