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MegaAnon tonight on a variety of fascinating topics. Creepy stuff about Pence and Netanyahu and Kushner. Denies being Kellyanne.

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:35

I have copied from the following links, and inserted some interactions from other anons:

There were also these, but I'm not reposting anything from them:

At the pages above you can find the 9-digit links to the original threads.

~~~~~[another anon]~~~~~

Tory Smith accused Mike Pence, his wife, the Indiana State Police the FBI, DARPA, Dick Cheny, NAZI AMERICANS, and REPTILIANS of raping and murdering numerous children. He made these odd videos on youtube since 2015, before Mike Pence was even being considered VP.

~~~~~Anonymous ID:pVbkOZ7q Mon 18 Dec 2017 21:21:59 No.153770765~~~~~

I can't deny it y'all, but it's the only reason I can't personally ignore Tory.

I've told you about Pence. I've told you about Netanyahu. I've even told you they're like two spongebob's in a prickly pineapple house.

These two have done some pretty dark shit in the company of each other and sooner you absorb these things, sooner you'll understand why I told you he was an establishment swamp plant Trump had to take on or else they'd have had the RNC pull rank and oust Trump from the candidacy. Didn't y'all EVER question the odd Reince pick just a little deeper, especially after it too so long for Trump to publicly announce/confirm Pence as running mate?!

Shit is fucked up but always remember... you can think MANY fucked up things about Jared Kushner. But just know his dad was a sexual deviant who blackmailed his Aunt's husband by drugging him at dinner, hiring a prostitute to meet them at the Red Bull Inn, in Bridgewater, NJ then set his brother-in-law up in that seedy hotel bed while the prostitute fucked him while he was unconscious AND being unknowingly video taped, so he could SEND IT TO HIS OWN SISTER, in an attempt to convince her to divorce him for "cheating", so he'd leave the company.

His dad is also best friends with Netanyahu and when he'd stay with them at their house in NJ, little Jared would have to "give up his room" and "move into the basement" so Benji could "have his bed". Except problem is... no one actually ever moved into the basement.

Call Jared lots of things but know that there are also lots of things you need to consider. You really need to look beyond the surface of what you read on the internets, a little more about some of these people or you'll miss the real incentives and motives behind them.

Heard Benji and Mike have a "thing" for "choking to death" when they're done.

There, I just did all this chicks "research" for her. Now she can get back to larping on the (You)Tube about "Q" posts.


~~~~~[another anon]~~~~~

What a bout FoxNews buyout and Bannon? Is that deal not going down now?

And what about trump's water thing today, it seemed like a signal but I missed that one. Caught the Glick one tho1

~~~~~Anonymous ID:mB7cYz73 Mon 18 Dec 2017 22:34:51 No.153777750~~~~~

It's happening. Disney has to formally acquire Century Fox first, then separate entities, let the dust settle, then Breitbart and a Fox will eventually and formally merge. I mean, what in the actual fuck?! I told y'all this was happening months ago. Crickets as usual from all you Keks. Then you REEEEE at first whisper of Disney buying Fox, only to find Fox News, Business etc. AREN'T GOING WITH THE MERGER and then y'all act like it's fucking "breaking news".

Maybe if you stopped making bullshit threads on me and started making threads about what I post, you'd prove to YOURSELVES just how right, I am.

But please... continue with your "she doesn't do math" muh. It's working well for you. I "do math" better than your daddy's, kids. ;o)

~~~~~Anonymous ID:mB7cYz73 Mon 18 Dec 2017 22:36:08 No.153777872~~~~~

And FYI, my post in reply to you wasn't necessarily directed to (You). Just wanted to make that clear.

~~~~~[another anon]~~~~~

I'm a Catholic that wants to know what we can do to make sure the investigation goes international. Assure Trump and Calista that the Catholic community wants, no NEEDS the bandaid ripped off about Antipope Francis. Do not let it "take care of itself".

~~~~~Anonymous ID:mB7cYz73 Mon 18 Dec 2017 22:37:46 No.153778018~~~~~

Fire our zionist pope who stole his job from his predecessor.

~~~~~[another anon]~~~~~

How about Seth Rich, Megs, why wren't his parents sad? Was he Mossad? Kelsey Mulka sure was/is?

~~~~~Anonymous ID:mB7cYz73 Mon 18 Dec 2017 22:41:19 No.153778324~~~~~

His parents ARE SAD. They're also fucking terrified and they're being handled. They don't want to lose Aaron, too. I said all I needed to on all of this. Donna Brazille's book stunt was first of many who will start talking about a whole lot of shit you question once the swamp looks clear. Trust me. You're gonna get more transparency than you can swallow.

Comey and Lewandowski's books will be fun to watch, too.


~~~~~Anonymous ID:6qyCP813 Mon 18 Dec 2017 22:48:35 No.153778944~~~~~

I'm not KellyAnne... for the 15 millionth time. This is how dumb people are. You state things like they're fucking fact. Why do you do that? You realize I can prove myself. When I do,YOU will be the fucking LARPS you claim to loathe. You realize that, right?! Stop ignorantly assuming and start paying attention. I've told y'all a million fucking times, you'd never know who I've ever worked for or haven't because it's not public record. I'm contract for whatever work I do or have done, so no, I'm not Conway, Sanders, April Ryan, Hicks, Carter or anyone else y'all have chased your dicks on.

Who the fuck cares who I am?! Aren't we "anon"?! Don't we hate "nicknames"?! What a waste...

~~~~~[another anon]~~~~~

I'm 29 years old and have been online since Starcraft: Brood War. I had 56k dial-up through

On 9/11/01 the only thing close to a "chan" board in the English-speaking web was SomethingAwful (and nobody would really describe it that way, except in the specific context of describing our shared cultural genealogy with SA)

You are lying and full of shit. Apparently you're a really important LARPer or something so this is quite alarming.

~~~~~Anonymous ID:6qyCP813 Mon 18 Dec 2017 22:58:09 No.153779780~~~~~

Haha, 29. Sorry but I've literally forgotten what you think you know about the internets. I've paid federal income taxes and a mortgage since before your sophomore year of college, brah.

Alt.politics and Usenet were the shit... then came Fark. Most of what migrated to the political boards on Chan's, came from these. Where do you think boards like these stemmed from in the first place. Think you created the wheel?!


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Articles In This Thread

MegaAnon tonight on a variety of fascinating topics. Creepy stuff about Pence and Netanyahu and Kushner. Denies being Kellyanne.
MrFusion -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:35
MegaAnon has started posting on Reddit. Here are a couple of long posts about the cabal, and about the Seth Rich investigation
MrFusion -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:35

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