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MegaAnon tonight: Mostly about the ankle braceleted ones and their crimes; but also some about the Atlanta airport power outage

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:35

The links for the content below from the reddit index/archive:

The link the MegaAnon reddit archive itself:

The MegaAnon posts from the four threads tonight (only MegaAnon's posts, none from other anons; I think you can figure it out from the context, or go to the 9-digit links to view the original threads):


ID:0Ly9XCID No.153630885~~~~~
Hahaha! All that and all that y'all have come to is Trump is on "suicide watch"?! BAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why don't y'all do yourselves a favor... because after the new year, you're going to feel REALLY dumb.

1. Read it ALL AGAIN.

2. Go dig into our boy Richie Backler's background a little more and the timelines leading up to the election and thereafter.

3. Weird... Giuliani was blazing the campaign trail then rode that chuggin' Trump train right on through the inauguration and his first 2.5 months in office, right?!

4. So.... WHERE DID HE GO?! Where has he been?! When's the LAST TIME you've publicly heard from or seen Giuliani?!

5. Did you notice how in January 2016 Giuliani legally separated himself from the firm? Ironically almost immediately after, he actively joined Trump in his campaign rallying. Hmmm... maybe to sepatate ties that could be perceived or used against them as a conflict of interest?

6. Like you said, "Backler fell ill and ultimately passed away". Think about that... he just "fell ill and ultimately passed away"?!?!! Little convenient considering we're dealing with the 2 bullets in the back of the head swamp, no?!

Keep digging. If you REALLY give a fuck about how this Backler episode ends, you're going to realize just how ironic his death is and sorry, but it doesn't end with Trump's transition emails. It ends with how the DEEP and eventually their puppet Mueller, OBTAINED the emails ILLEGALLY in the first place and WHY it might be a MUCH EASIER PROCESS, if the guy responsible for ensuring their privacy, security and protection, AS LEGALLY ALLOWED BY LAW FOR A TRANSITION TEAM, "fell ill and ultimately passed away", brah.

Chalk it up to another game ending Hillary Deep - 1/Backler - 0... then realize why you haven't seen Giuliani who watched his friend and colleague "fall ill and pass away". Pretty fucking spooky. Save this thread y'alll so you can show everyone what the left was pushing about Backler when it all comes out. ;o)

ID:0Ly9XCID No.153633683~~~~~
Umm, I told you 5 months ago Flynn knew he'd be indicted and when he was, he'd walk. Same 5 months ago, I told you Manafort would be indicted and when he was, he'd walk too.

2.5 months ago, I also told y'all that Hillary, Podesta's, Mills, McCain, etc. have all been wearing ankle bracelets.

On Friday, you watched Manafort officially walked, just like I said he would... then you found out he was being released from his "home monitoring".

I will never understand why these things don't click quicker with y'all. Go back and read the posts... then you won't have to scream so loud when shit starts to actually "happen". You'll just "know" and expect what's "happening", instead.

ID:0Ly9XCID No.153634398~~~~~
Here's a hint, y'all... THEY'RE ALL WEARING ANKLE BRACELETS. EVERYONE who will be indicted in these first few, back-to-back waves, has been on working house arrest for the last 4 months or less, depending on when they were individually served with it.

They all know it. They've been living it every day, waiting for their indictments to be unsealed to the public. It's only going to be a surprise to y'all when it happens and who it relates to, not any of them.

I also told you months ago McCain's "illness", "injuries" and "natural causes" would eventually and very unnaturally catch up with him... when he all too "conveniently" needed them to.

The boot wasn't good enough. Nor was the wheelchair. Now it's the hospital. You'll see.

ID:0Ly9XCID No.153641967~~~~~
Yup. "They" had to get rid of Backler. As one of the legal council to the campaign/transition team, he was the only one whose job included aggregating, securing, reviewing and retaining all comms between the Trump team. He was the only one who had exactly what the fake FISA warrants had provided McCabe/Mueller.

I'm happy as a fucking pig in shit Politico is writing about Backler! What fucking idiots to bring him up again when no one has talked about him since he died. It's like they're trying to have everyone dig into what a clusterfuck this is for the Mueller investigation. Backler was the ONLY ONE who would've been able to factually source and prove, every single claim "they" intended to use the info collected, that they'd then manipulate/doctor as needed, from the illegal FISA's (like Don Jr./Erickson/Wikileaks doctored "date" emails) the obtained based off the fake "proofs" they generated, to use against Trump.

You've already seen it happen. See the FISA's were huge because if "they" couldn't legitimately find crooked shit on Trump. The sheer approvals of FISA warrants alone IMPLY wrongdoing. They'd never be held to task to prove actual wrong doing if they could just manipulate, generate, edit and falsify whatever they wanted, based on what they'd obtained, right?! They could make it all just look like whatever they wanted it to look like. They know the oblivious masses wouldn't question and thanks to FISA's being approved, the implication of wrongdoing via a FISA alone would just turn people off. They'd just assume anything they were being told was true because the seed was already planted.

This is also ironically exactly what they're doing with y'all men and these hired "me too" bullshit accusers/stories. Eventually as you're seeing now, you will no longer be assumed innocent until guilty. You're guilty upon assumption and you'll have to fight forever to prove your innocence and most men won't. It will take too long and be too expensive.

ID:0Ly9XCID No.153643453~~~~~
If you're innocent, you don't owe it to anyone have to address bullshit and give it attention it doesn't deserve.

The admin's silence on this will be fucking deafening. Do you understand?! Do y'all know what every big mouth, media pushing, disinfo spreading democrat is gonna look like when Mueller's investigation shits the bed because the only people being indicted/arrested are the same fucking swamp Trump campaigned on and won an election to decimate?!

Everyone in government who publicly spoke about all this shit, addressed this shit, pushed this shit, called ignorant yet innocent people to fucking action over this shit via resist protests, etc., are going to look like completely discredited assholes.

They're the people who should respect, uphold and defend our constitution and the really important things our laws protect like you're "innocent until proven guilty". Imagine how this will look when all these idiots who spent the last 18 months hyping shit that wasn't true all over TV, have to now watch Mueller... yes MUELLER, /theirguy/ of ALL GUYS, indict/arrest half the Obama's admin, Clinton Campaign and DNC. Do you think Trump's really gonna get rid of Mueller?! He's been WAITING FOR THIS. Mueller knew this would be the eventual and inevitable end too. It's why he worked a deal. Why Comey did. Why many of them did.

The only hope "they" have is that half this country will remain as bankably confused and ignorant as they've consistently counted on for decades, that WHEN the shit hits the fan FOR THEM, the left will be dumb enough to actually fight FOR the swamp. It's crazy! People have no clue.

ID:0Ly9XCID No.153644481~~~~~
Right. A honeypot that mentioned Backler, then cited his role AND untimely death.

It's either the dumbest or most brilliant bait ever. It's the kid of good "disinfo leaks" I LOVE, y'all. Can't try to position this like Politico is, WITHOUT citing Backler, right?!

You'd ALMOST THINK SOMEONE WAS TRYING TO TELL YOU TO BRUSH UP ON BACKLER (and WHY Giuliani has been so quiet, almost like he was scared of "them" too) BECAUSE YOURE GOING TO HEAR A LOT MORE ABOUT IT SOONER THAN LATER!!!! Hint, hint, y'all. ;o)

Like I said, just another card from the house they're pulling...

ID:dZQAsJ6p No.153639748~~~~~
For a little background, in the inside joke amongst democrats on the hill used to be that Hillary was Palpatine and Obama was Vadar. Interesting, huh? They just recycled an old, long-running internal DNC inside joke and flipped it onto Trump during the campaign. We should be more concerned that the Vadar/Palpatine thing in the first place, started internally about Obama/Hillary BY THEIR OWN PARTY. That's pretty fucked up... shows even they all thought and knew Obama and Hillary were both an evil fucking joke, right?
The deep state said this, Ted. That's why they communicated in dark web, Gliph hosted chat boxes about Strzok = "S" creating bogus "memos" on Turkey, just like all the bogus "memos" and "docs" he created for McCabe to slam FISA warrants through.

Here's another clue y'all Hillary = Palpatine. Revenge = Her election loss.

Star Wars analogies made in DC today are only ironic because of tweets like this the DNC/Clinton Campaign made during the election...

It's like an inside thing they all have referred to since this series of DNC tweets were tweeted during the campaign. Read between their lines!!!

This is actually a very well written and outlined comparison considering the source.

ID:dZQAsJ6p No.153651870~~~~~
Slack channels?

I "drop info" all the time, haha! A brah called Todd Whiskey was nice enough to compile them... the way back to May. ;o)
ID:dZQAsJ6p No.153651917~~~~~

ID:fooezoy6 No.153665592~~~~~
I'm just waiting for someone to ask Sally Yates what she knows about ATL "power outage"/smoke + fast & furious style gun running + federal airport employees + in/out of Delta gate D.

If y'all didn't know any better, you'd think it smells a whole lot like patsy Paddock-style, spook-sponsored gun running ops gone wrong... but instead of supplying terrorists via Bin Talal/Saudi, insert MS-13 factions in NY.

The sauce already exists. Weird... almost 3 years to the day, too. ;o)

ID:fooezoy6 No.153666065~~~~~
Haha, I'm quite the opposite... the Q people don't like me too much because after I called out the Q kids, they told all their peeps to go from 4 to 8. Sowwy...

ID:fooezoy6 No.153666373

Not sure how familiarized with the electrical networking/infrastructure of international airports in the US per the FAA guidelines, but there is ZERO fucking chance a construction company took out the dedicated grid/subgrid of ATL.

It's embarrassing you believe this.

ID:fooezoy6 No.153669949~~~~~
Cool, so you're good then. No need to question, right? A few minor interesting tid bits mixed in with a whole lot more of purposefully misleading disinfo and y'all do exactly what they want you to do. You stop questioning. You stop thinking for yourselves. You become the worker bees in the hives you used to consider yourselves too "woke" to contribute to.

I tried to tell y'all about what's going on. I did so because I couldn't watch it happening after I realized what was going on and NOT say anything. But I'm not going to waste more time/energy on it. My posts are archived and I've posted enough. Apparently y'all are willing to settle for a 250 batting average.

At the end of the day, I have a very good idea who most of these people are, where they're getting their info, what they're misleading everyone with on purpose and why. I knew something like this would be coming too and who would ultimately be behind it. Many people knew this. It is what it is so let's leave it at that. Just know the minute I said what I had to say to them on here, THEY LEFT. I'm sure they know or have a very good idea of who I am. Pretty scary because I'm one person and always have been since May. Your "Q" is many, fucking with you and it's more sinister than you realize. But you do you. At least I can say I tried. I'm not going to explain them or what they're doing anymore. I've posted enough.

Thank God those 10 days of darkness came and went though, right? Thank God those 11/3-11/4 Antifa rally's didn't start the next civil war, right?! Whew. You're all very willing to overlook WAY TOO MANY blatantly obvious things. Nothing I'd say would change your perception... and that's also the point.

ID:fooezoy6 No.153670986~~~~~
Really?! You can't take everything I told you, fire up your google and search "ATL airport gun running December 2014" and just see what pops up? Do I not provide enough details in my posts? I mean, come on...

ID:fooezoy6 No.153671531~~~~~
No feet tonight. Y'all made the feet thing creepy. You can take what I say or leave it. But you never have to take it from me. I give y'all more than enough details, names, connections, links between, etc. everything I say so YOU can find it for yourselves, like YOU should always be doing. If anything I ever say sounds interesting, plausible, probably, credible, etc. there's probably good reason. Maybe you should dig into those things more and prove those links, connections, etc. to yourself. You're smart. You can do it.

ID:fooezoy6 No.153673969~~~~~
I'm implying the same exact shit I've implied for the last 1.5 months now... it's a healthy mix of both all intended to distract, deter, demoralize and deflect you on purpose. You don't even realize you've become your own version of BrockBots.

Look how many people have called me a larp between my last post and this. That's GREAT! Proves they're still thinking for themselves. These are the people who typically start digging into the shit I'm saying to "prove me wrong"... only to find out I could end up being pretty ducking right when it all pans out, ALL ON THEIR OWN.

I don't care about people questioning me, calling me a larp, trying to prove me wrong, etc. That's what's SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN HERE. Since when was it just "ok" to eat the bullshit someone tried to force feed you, without asking where the spoon cane from, first?! How "woke" is that? Where are "Q's" tits or feet?! They posts fake pics run and distorted through editors then y'all REEEEE the fuck out cause you can't find them in tineye. I swear, the bare minimum "verification processes" y'all go through to "confirm" then hive mind convince yourselves to be then "true" or "fact", like you're doing some epically kek'ed internet recon, is astounding.

None of you even realize the "stringer codes" you think you're getting are fucking automated application short codes that were edited. That's it. Nothing more. Y'all could google this stuff but no one does because one seems to care about the truth anymore. Not even y'all who claim to be "truthers". I'm not trying to be mean or condescending. I'm sorry this seems directed at you, but it's not. Y'all can do whatever you want with questions, maps and memes, but y'all might want to start thinking with clear minds and for yourselves a little more, as we proceed into 2018. You bees need a break.

ID:fooezoy6 No.153674954~~~~~
I know. It's why I felt compelled to post in the first place back in May. Thought if I have enough detail without totally doxxing myself, people would hopefully not just take it from me blindly, but because they'd question it, they'd look for themselves.

Wanna know a secret?! Sometimes I try to come off like a cocky dick to rile people up enough to look into something I'm saying that I know is important and will start to come up or be mentioned.I do it hoping people will want to prove me wrong so much, they'll dig hard enough to see exactly where it's going. I just try to give enough details you can use as checks and balances along the way, to help make it easier when searching and sifting.


ID:faXtPW1t No.153672432~~~~~
He practically is, y'all. McCabe, Strzok, Priestap, and half those other 27 no name FBI leakers you'll watch be indicted. This is why I said the ARE REAL PEOPLE, but kinda like a patsy, they have no background, no details, etc.

Like I said last week, you'll find out Strzok is a deep state contracted "memo guy" who is only being mentioned now because of what he did as contracted, by dirty McCabe and the FBI.

THIS is how a ton of fucking shit legitimately was happening under Comey's nose, without him knowing about it, ON PURPOSE.

They didn't even invite him to their Palpatine's Revenge dark web, encrypted party chats on Gliph. Not all those "texts" coming out are texts. You'll see.


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Articles In This Thread

MegaAnon tonight: Mostly about the ankle braceleted ones and their crimes; but also some about the Atlanta airport power outage
MrFusion -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:35
More MegaAnon from last night, some in a thread from an alleged 33° Mason claiming the cabal will stage an alien invasion to save themselves
MrFusion -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:35

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