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Lew Rockwell...."Do You Believe Me Now?"

Posted By: Watchman
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:18

In Response To: Manafort Indictment Release Designed And Timed To Cover CIA Vegas Charade, Hillary Crimes And The CIA JFK Conspiracy... (Watchman)

If you didn’t believe the Deep State is beyond democratic control before, you now have no choice – not after the last minute mugging the Donald received on his way to releasing these ancient JFK assassination files.

And believe us, they are indeed ancient. Your editor was sitting in high school civics class learning about the difference between America’s open society and democratic government and the secretive Kremlin dictatorship of the Soviet Union when news of the Dallas tragedy came over the school’s PA.

Needless to say, the theory that the assassination was the work of a lone gunman in the Texas Book Depository, who fired three shots in 11 seconds with an 1890 vintage Italian rifle and hit President Kennedy from 265 feet was never very satisfying from the beginning.

While the record of Oswald’s proficiency as a military marksman is highly disputed, the distance of the so-called third shot was equivalent to a touchdown run from your own 12 yard-line. Even as country boy hunters back in the day, we could appreciate that would have been quite a feat.

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Nor did we find it any more convincing a few years later when as a college antiwar radical we realized that the despicable Alan Dulles, founder of the CIA, had been a member of the Warren Commission and was the behind the scenes puppeteer who shaped the report. And, oh, Alan Dulles loathed Kennedy for firing him after the Bay of Pigs fiasco and was therefore possessed of no special zeal to get to the bottom of what actually happened.

At length, a large share of the American public also came to doubt the report – especially after Oliver Stone’s brilliant conspiracy movie called JFK hit the theaters in 1991. So the very next year, twenty-five years ago, Congress ordered all the files to be released no later than October 26, 2017.

Trumped! A Nation on t... David A. Stockman Best Price: $9.57 Buy New $45.00 (as of 02:24 EDT - Details) In effect, that meant the CIA, FBI and rest of the so-called intelligence community had been given 6,250 government business days to review the files and redact or delete what they would.

Yet as of last weekend, the Donald, who is virtually a conspiracy theory aficionado and a friend of Roger Stone who believes LBJ did it, had every reason to let it all hang out. To that end, he tweeted that the files are finally on the way – fully 54 years after the event:

Subject to the receipt of further information, I will be allowing, as President, the long blocked and classified JFK FILES to be opened.

Moreover, as of 3:56 PM Wednesday, the President of the United State had apparently not received any “further” information. Accordingly, he tweeted again, absent the qualifier:

The long anticipated release of the #JFKFiles will take place tomorrow. So interesting!

Except it didn’t. After two-and-one-half decades to prepare, the CIA and FBI literally took a fire ax to the Oval Office door, vetoed the President’s clear power under the statute to make the release and then forcibly repossessed some 200 of the 3,000 JFK documents.

Of course, this mugging was done for the same hackneyed reason which allows the Deep State to keep Congress and the public in the dark about much of what goes on in Washington’s globe-spanning Imperial operations – such as the most recent revelations about Niger.

In fact, there are 6,000 US forces conducting more than 3,500 missions per year all around the African continent. Niger was just the tip of the iceberg, which apparently includes troops and missions in Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Gabon, Guinea Bissau, Mali, Nigeria, Senegal, the Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Togo, Uganda, Tunisia, Kenya, Ghana, Djibouti and undoubtedly still others.

The point is, the Deep State simply asserts that “sources and methods” must be protected and that’s all it takes. A curtain of secrecy then slams down that only a few members of the Congressional intelligence and national security committees can peer behind.

Of course, the whole shebang is a farce because 98% of what is being protected comes from so-called SIGINT (signals intelligence). That is to say, from the massive NSA spying operations that monitor every digital impulse that courses through the worldwide web from virtually every spot on the planet.

And thanks to Edward Snowden’s courageous expose four years ago, the whole world now knows that NSA does exactly that. So there are really no “sources and methods” to protect.

Indeed, it’s an open fact that the combined budgets of the 17 US intelligence agencies amount to about $75 billion per year – a figure 25% larger than Russia’s entire military budget, including research and development, weapons procurement, fuel, ammo, spare parts, soldiers pay and spare boots, too!

So no enemy, adversary or friend, as the case may be, anywhere on the earth is unaware that they are being watched and tracked. Nothing would be “compromised” by telling Congress and the public what the “intelligence community” has gathered from SIGINT – such as any digital proof that Russia hacked John Podesta’s email – and most of its other sources, too.

In fact, however, the elected politicians who come and go in the Imperial City are so domesticated to this insane regime of secrecy that they simply acquiesce to a system that is utterly ridiculous. To wit, there are more than 5.1 million non-elected bureaucrats, consultants and contractors with security clearances, including 1.5 million with “top secret” status, who are privileged to far more “national security” information than most Members of Congress!

Needless to say, the fact that at one minute before midnight the FBI and CIA pulled this “sources and methods” gambit on the JFK assassination files is surely testimony to the unbridled power and arrogance of the Deep State.

For crying out loud, Castro is dead, the Soviet Union disappeared 26 years ago, and any US secret agents in Moscow who remained alive in 1991 – either have now passed on to the hereafter or are living on a CIA pension in Florida!

However, our ruminations on yesterday’s outrage is not merely for the purpose of denouncing the CIA and FBI and all of their malevolent doings and plots. The larger point is that a Deep State apparatus that can operate in this unchecked manner and with such massive resources is exactly the kind of antidemocratic usurper that President Eisenhower famously warned about in his 1961 farewell address on the military-industrial complex.


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