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HENRY MAKOW: JFK Files: The Truth Behind the Farce

Posted By: NaturalWisdom
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:18

In Response To: Uranium One Crime Spree, JFK Document Release Postponed, Economic Update (TheInternaut)

Clifford Shack explains how the Kennedys threatened the Rothschild New World Order
by Clifford Shack (
Oct 27, 2017
Click here


The American people have been promised the release of all the classified documents on the JFK assassination. It ain't never going to happen.

But that's ok. Just connect the dots. Those of us who have, know, that solving the whodunit aspect of the assassination is just the beginning. The real, meaty story lies in the motive. Since the assassination 54 years ago, millions of published research hours allow us to piece the story together in the context of that time.

You don't have to be a rocket scientist to understand the basics of the case. Those with a minimal degree of understanding know that the CIA was clearly behind the assassination. Most of the guys involved in planning the assassination lived blocks away from Kennedy when he lived in McClean (sic), Virginia. They couldn't stand him as a neighbor. Choosing the Dallas location turned all eyes to Texas, but the rub-out was essentially a local, neighborhood effort.

Of course, the motive for JFK's murder was more than a neighborhood squabble. Killing Kennedy really was a matter of National Security. Meaning, the security of the national efforts of the international banking cartel.

The Kennedy's were hellbent to control the White House since the days of the London Ambassadorship of Joseph Patrick Kennedy, JFK's father, who was the driving force behind his sons' political careers. While Ambassador, JPK became fast friends with Britain's Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain who filled Kennedy in as to who really runs the show behind the national governments on both sides of the Atlantic. You guessed it, the Money Power.

Chamberlain filled in the gaps of Joe Kennedy's understanding of the international banking community and the war economies that sustained the banker's hold on Europe and abroad. Chamberlain also understood that the U.S., despite its isolationism, was to be dragged into the coming war brewing in Europe.

After Joseph Kennedy's "golf course" education, he felt that it was his obligation to keep American boys out of the banker's "European" conflict. He joined Chamberlain's short-lived effort to thwart the conflict by appeasing Hitler. They both obviously didn't understand Hitler's secret ties to European banking.

Inevitably, Kennedy and Chamberlain's plan for appeasement failed and both were abruptly removed from the international political arena. FDR fired Kennedy. Chamberlain resigned. World War Two happened on schedule. America was brought in by Kuhn-Loeb controlled Japan and the world entered the modern era, fueled by a new energy source - banker-controlled petroleum. All was going according to plan.

Before leaving London, Joseph Kennedy, no doubt, made enough disparaging remarks on the situation in Europe to make it clear that they haven't seen the last of him. Kennedy's intent was to take the claws of international finance out of America by storming the White House via his sons. In hindsight, a rudimentary idea but logical based upon the limited information that he had at the time.

In the bankers' efforts to nip Kennedy's efforts in the bud, his eldest son, Joe, Jr. was mysteriously (#OSS #MI5) blown out of the sky during the war. His second son, JFK, had his PT-boat rammed by a Japanese (Kuhn-Loeb) warship. (Rothschild agent, Jacob Schiff's Kuhn-Loeb that financed Japan's successful efforts against Russia in the Russo-Japanese War.) JFK miraculously survived the ramming of his boat and went on to become a temporary, political thorn in the side of The Eastern Establishment, a group made rich by previous international banking escapades in India and the Far East #OpiumWars.

The Kennedys did make it to the White House. JFK became president. Bobby became his legal muscle as attorney-general. (Bobby was too young to be knocked during World War Two) Bobby moved into JFK's McLean mansion. The McLean gang #CordMeyer would deal with him during his run for the White House.

The Kennedy boys were closely guided by their father until he was conveniently stricken by a debilitating stroke.

While in the White House, the Kennedys got the inside scoop on the CIA through Kennedy mistress, Mary Pinchot Meyer whose husband Cord Meyer was a top spook there. Mary was murdered just as the Warren Commission came out. MPM taught JFK enough about the CIA to make him want to smash The Agency into a "thousand pieces."

JFK would fire CIA director Allen Dulles over the Bay of Pigs fiasco and planned on installing Bobby as director once re-elected. Of course, that never happened. Allen Dulles did a very thorough job over-seeing the Warren Commission with his friend, John J. McCoy, the godfather of the CIA and bagman for the Warburgs and Rockefellers.

Had JFK not been stopped, and Bobby had become director of the CIA, the Kennedys would have had access to the Crown Jewels and the Eastern Establishment by the ba11s. The Crown Jewels were and are the dark intelligence secrets of the U.S. intelligence community. The sh*t that can never see the light of day. Political assassinations, Nazis pouring into America, Operation Paper Clip, OSS sh*t, the secret backdoors of Stalin and Hitler to Western Intelligence, Holocaust planning sh*t, etc., etc.


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Articles In This Thread

Uranium One Crime Spree, JFK Document Release Postponed, Economic Update
TheInternaut -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:18
HENRY MAKOW: JFK Files: The Truth Behind the Farce
NaturalWisdom -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:18

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