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Just a few more: MegaAnon says Feldman and the other harassment/pedophilia charges are in use as a distraction from the treason/corruption

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:18

In Response To: 4chan: More MegaAnon: Wikileaks timing; Assange is alive; ignore Corey Feldman (honeypot); IGNORE NOV.4! (MrFusion)

The thread in question is now closed and archived (normal attrition at 4chan/pol where threads get pushed off the active board by new threads after a few hours usually).

MegaAnon is saying the pedophilia question will be addressed in due course with appropriate action, but the main target now is the treason and corruption of the immediate predecessors to Trump and their lingering hangers-on in government. One swamp at a time. The swamp monsters are so desperate they are willing to throw the pedophilia and harassment issues into the ring as a distraction to those of us who do care about all of these issues.

The final three MegaAnon posts from the thread, with the attendant questions:

[Q:146738308 Why would you mention this (Feldman)? Beginning to think some larp has tossed in a few y'alls and some wishful thinking together. There's other work for us to do if you don't have anything to dump, take care if legit.]
Anonymous (ID: QHQSZUwT) 10/26/17(Thu)13:39:06 No.146747169▶>>146747364 >>146747510 >>146747978

Because it's important. Weinstein, Feldman, Bruce Paddock, Steve's missing hard drive, out of the blue FBI released Sandy Hook files on Adam Lanza "discoveries"... it's all ON PURPOSE!

Feldman was "tapped" because y'all weren't putting your political and social differences aside to embrace Ashley Judd, the first celeb patsy they sent you to publicly come out about Weinstein, hoping you'd rally around her and (((their))) cause. Then they threw out another Patsy "victim", Streep. (((They))) didn't send them for the left to embrace, they've been embraced by the left as champions of women's match speeches and Oscars acceptance stages, right? They were hoping you'd eventually embrace (((them))) out of Weinstein, which doesn't then make Weinstein a total waste and loss, but NOOOOOOO... y'all trolled the shit out of them. Then, they tapped defector McGowan. Let her leak a little more and a little more, but she's too far removed from both Hollywood and fans that (((they))) forgot just how much Marilyn Manson ruined any relatability to the general public, she may have had. By that point, so many had come out on their own it was getting out of (((their))) control, right? So? They throw you who you've been waiting for all along... Corey.

He's NO different than "Bruce Paddock" and "Adam Lanza" as related to pizza and how (((they're))) USING IT AGAINST YOU by manipulating your good intensions and undying quests for the truth by being all too eager to connect dots with squiggly instead of straight lines.

I'm not trying to seem condescending or degrade y'all. I know pizza is real and it WILL burn eventually, but if I didn't point these intentional misdirections out to you, I'd only be defeating my single purpose for being here as much as I have been this month. That's all. I have to know I at least said it, for myself.
[Q:146738320 Who knows. Megaanon's theory is going to take time to come to fruition; it will be months for Wikileaks to have the immunity that is being argued for. Remember, this is just a defence - it hasn't even been accepted in the current trial. If it is, that doesn't mean that Wikileaks is automatically immune. Something else has to happen to directly address the question of whether Wikileaks has third party immunity. However, if this current defence is accepted, having a precedent and Trump's people making that argument is a pretty big shift in tone than a year ago.]
Anonymous (ID: QHQSZUwT) 10/26/17(Thu)13:43:01 No.146747560

But look into the federal protections imposed on legally filed named parties, that start the day of filing until casecis closed. Do that and you'll see why it was done now and how "months" won't apply, in the specific areas it needs to.
[Q:146742854 How is Vegas shooting related to this? More than a coincidence Paddock's brother arrested for CP yesterday, no? Is what really goes on at Area 51 connected to Vegas?]
Anonymous (ID: QHQSZUwT) 10/26/17(Thu)14:01:58 No.146749489

It's only as much of a "coincidence", as (((they))) banked on YOU, finding it to be, right?

The same people who 4+ weeks later still can't give you a shooter motive, all the sudden realize crazy brother in assisted living Bruce, has pizza on his computer?

Same people who can't tell you where the hell Campos was in the actual country, or not, between the shooting and Ellen show, are telling you now a laptop they've had for 4+ weeks is missing a hard drive? Must've been really hard for them to have to admit such blatant oversight on the same day they took down Bruce, right? Especially after having to also explain missing, border hopping Campo, too.

And to top it all off, as if they weren't desperate enough to get you off their asses, they tied in an "oldie but goodie" by throwing y'all another good Sandy Hook, conspiracy confirming, "Adam Lanza had pizza on his computer" claim, of course now coming to light, after the SAME FBI, trying so hard to snuff y'all off Vegas, unironically released "declassified Sandy Hook docs", just in the unannounced yet completely right time... for (((them))). It's all bloodied chum for the sharks who don't know there's a hook attached...

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Articles In This Thread

4chan: One post today apparently from MegaAnon, about the significance of tweets today from Wikileaks
MrFusion -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:18
4chan: More MegaAnon: Wikileaks timing; Assange is alive; ignore Corey Feldman (honeypot); IGNORE NOV.4!
MrFusion -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:18
Gotta wonder if MegaAnon KNOWS that about Feldman or if instead...
hobie -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:18
13-min video: Styx666 - "Corey Feldman To Go After Some Hollywood Perverts"
hobie -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:18
I think Feldman is sincere, whether or not he is being cynically manipulated by the treasonous and corrupt
MrFusion -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:18
Dr. Oz tweet w/ 5-min video: "On today's show, for the first time ever, Corey Feldman identified one of his alleged abusers"
hobie -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:18
Just a few more: MegaAnon says Feldman and the other harassment/pedophilia charges are in use as a distraction from the treason/corruption
MrFusion -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:18
5-min video: Paul Joseph Watson - "Bullsh*t 'Russian Collusion' Narrative Collapses"
hobie -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:18

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