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SORCHA: "CIA Creates Las Vegas Massacre “Reality Show” As Shooters Info Leads To Takedown Of ISIS Leaders"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:20



Important Note: The following reports should be read in their entirety in order to obtain the needed factual context one must first have to understand this one: Attack On FBI Convoy In Las Vegas Leaves 3 Dead As Wikileaks “Bombshell” Prepares To ExplodeCritical Las Vegas Massacre Witness Found Dead As “Area 51” Warned Was True Target, Not ConcertCIA Director Issues Cryptic Warning After Las Vegas Massacre Security Guard Witness DisappearsShocking Discovery Reveals George Soros Made $73 Million From Las Vegas Massacre—and—9/11 Playbook Followed For Las Vegas Massacre, Including 16 September MI5 Warning—and—Shock Discovery Reveals White House Given One Week Warning Of Las Vegas Massacre—and—Las Vegas Massacre Witness Kills Self And Daughter After FBI Raid—As Missing Piglets Search Continues—and—Trump Warns America Is In “Calm Before The Storm” As Links Between Las Vegas Shooter And CIA Grow—and—Russian Mafia Link To Las Vegas Massacre Confirmed As Stephen Paddock Accomplice Captured—and—Russia Identifies Las Vegas Shooter As CIA Arms Pilot As Israel Probes Stolen Weapons Flight To Nevada—and—Horrific “Pyramid Sacrifice” Massacre In Las Vegas Warned Is Chilling Message To Trump.

Important Note: Russian intelligence agencies label CIA “false flag” events using ritualistic names--such as “Pyramid Sacrifice” for the Las Vegas massacre, the “Tower Sacrifice” for the 9/11 attacks, the “King Sacrifice” for the murder of President John F. Kennedy, and the “Child Sacrifice” for the killing of nearly 100 children in Waco, Texas—just to name a few.

October 18, 2017

CIA Creates Las Vegas Massacre “Reality Show” As Shooters Info Leads To Takedown Of ISIS Leaders

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A troubling new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today shockingly reveals that the psychological “narrative fixing” tactics being employed by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to cover-up the true facts behind the Las Vegas massacre has taken its most bizarre turn yet with information being released stating that a once missing critical witness to this mass killing has resurfaced and will appear later today on an American “reality show” programme—while at the same time, the SVR is reporting that two top radical ISIS terror leaders in the Philippines were killed after CIA gun runner Stephen Paddock’s Filipino girl friend, named Marilou Danley, revealed their location to pro-Trump forces. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to this report, one of the most critical witnesses to the Las Vegas massacre is as supposed MGM Mandalay Bay Hotel security guard named Jesus Campos—who was first reported as being wounded by CIA gun runner Stephen Paddock—but whom the SVR quickly discovered was not registered as a security guard in the State of Nevada and had all of his information scrubbed from the MGM internal base of employees—immediately after which Campos disappeared while armed guards were placed around his home.

With Jesus Campos having gone missing for nearly a week, this report continues, the only mainstream media publication in America writing about his mysterious disappearance was the Los Angeles Times—and who had, also, openly questioned why the Mandalay Bay Hotel’s massive “always watching” camera surveillance system had not captured any videos of CIA gun runner Stephen Paddock.

Important to note about the Los Angeles Times, this report explains, is that it is the only pro-Trump major publication in America, whose CEO and Publisher was a long time News Corporation (Fox News) executive named Ross Levinsohn—and who had ordered his newspaper not to follow the “Deep State” edict, during the 2016 US presidential election, to publish false polling data “provingDonald Trump couldn’t beat Hillary Clinton—thus making the Los Angeles Times the only major mainstream media outlet in the US to correctly predict Trump would win.

Los Angeles Times 2016 US presidential polling chart published on the eve of election showing Trump would win

Knowing that the Los Angeles Times was not going to be complicit in the “Deep State” cover up the Las Vegas massacre, either, this report details, the CIA, yesterday, “silently whiskedJesus Campos into the satanic lair of Hollywood where he taped an interview for a “reality show” titled ELLEN scheduled to aired later today—and that is hosted by a radical leftist homosexual named Ellen DeGeneres whom a research document published by Arizona State University noted as being “Public Lesbian Number One”—and whose followers throughout America the conservative Family Council religious organization has warned are “raising an army of radical leftist homosexuals” to overthrow President Trump.

With Ellen DeGeneres being an avowed hater of President Trump, and stating that he would never be allowed on her ELLENreality show, this report continues, the CIA found the perfect sycophant to interview the critical Las Vegas massacre witness Jesus Campos—and who during his taped interview stated that “he wouldn’t revisit the events of the massacre” and added that this “would be his only public comments on the shooting”.

In order to keep the silence of Jesus Campos, too, this report details, he was undoubtedly paid a huge amount of money for his ELLEN appearance—with his further having received over $35,000 in private donations on the GoFundMe site, but that has now been discontinued—with a company named Encore Event Technologies creating a new GoFundMe account for him that has raised an additional $11,000, and is still active—while at the exact same time, and very sadly, the YouCaring burial fund for the Las Vegas massacre survivor and witness to there being multiple shooters, 28-year-old Kymberley Suchomel, has raised just a little over $6,000 towards the $10,000 her shattered family needs—and whom was mysteriously discovered dead after she had vowed to form a group of her fellow survivors in order to expose the cover-up of this monstrous CIA crime.

American “Deep State” lavishes riches upon CIA stooge Jesus Campos (center)…

…while the true heroine Kymberley Suchomel’s shattered family nears financial ruin in their attempt to honor her with a dignified burial.

To how the CIA is using its “narrative fixing” tactics to cover-up the Las Vegas massage, this report continues, has long been known—and as explained recently by the highly decorated former CIA counterterrorism expert Kevin Shipp—who last month “emerged from the wolves den to expose the “Deep State” and the shadow government as two entirely separate entities”—with his documenting how the US mainstream media feeds information directly to the CIA, who then returns it to them in articles meant to “alter the perceptions of the American people.

In exampling how the CIA floods America with its “narrative fixing” memes, this report explains, it creates “articles” to be published in local newspapers—like one recently funneled to the California Newspapers Partnership, and who had one of its local newspapers, called the Ukiah Daily Journal, publish an “articleslamming anyone believing that there were multiple shooters involved in the Las Vegas massacre—and wherein a particular disparaging reference was made against pro-Trump journalist Laura Ingraham—with this article exactly stating: “On her Fox News program, “The Ingraham Angle,” host Laura Ingraham endorsed similar speculation.”

Anyone reading this CIAnarrative fixing” “article”, this report says, would then be led to believe that Laura Ingraham was a “conspiracy nut” for her believing that there were multiple shooters involved in the Las Vegas massacre, after all she had said as much on her Fox NewsThe Ingraham Angle” television show—but with, and critically, none of these readers noticing that “The Ingraham Angle” television show doesn’t even exist yet—and is not scheduled to air until 30 October.

At the same time the CIA continues its “narrative fixing” meme about the Las Vegas massacre, this report continues, CIA gun runner Stephen Paddock’s Filipino girl friend, named Marilou Danley, provided pro-Trump forces with vital intelligence about Paddock’s arms deliveries to ISIS terrorists in the Philippines—after which Danley was placed on the US “no fly” list preventing her from leaving America—and that enabled the Philippines military to defeat the remains of ISIS in the war-torn city of Marawi after their troops took out two leading members of the jihadi network.

To the truest understanding of CIA gun runner Stephen Paddock’s arms deals with ISIS terrorists in the Philippines, as it relates to the Las Vegas massacre, this report explains, began in July, 2017, when former Obama regime “holdover officials” embedded within President Trump’s Department of Transportation shockingly granted US air rights to Silk Way Airlines.

Silk Way Airlines, this report explains, is an Azerbaijani state-run cargo airline that was exposed this past February (2017) as being a major carrier for “arms-to-terrorists” that it hid in diplomatic cargo—and whom investigative reporter Dilyana Gaytandzhieva documented the CIA was a major “customer” of—and that after making these revelations, was interrogated, tortured and then fired from her job for linking the CIA to Syrian terrorists. .

Upon President Trump being alerted to these former Obama regime officials approving Silk Way Airlines flights in to the US, this report continues, FBI forces loyal to him revealed that an early June (2017) flight of this airline landed in Chicago and was met by “known associates” of the feared Las Vegas based Russian Mafia leader Razhden Shulaya—and whom these same FBI forces quickly put under arrest, along with nearly his entire criminal organization.

Feared Russia Mafia leader Razhden Shulaya taken down by FBI in Las Vegas on 7 June 2017

On 1 August, this report further details, a Silk Ways Airline flight from Dubai was scheduled to land in Chicago, but whose arrival was delayed until 3 August due to “mechanical issues”—and that upon its arrival, an American man named Stephen Paddock arrived at the US Customs gate of O’Hare International Airport, but before passing through, turned around and left—but with evidence proving his being in Chicago documented by his having booked a hotel room in this US city for both of these dates.

US mainstream propaganda media alleged that Stephen Paddock was in Chicago to target a concert crowd at the Lollapalooza Festival

After the FBI linked both Las Vegas based Russian Mafia leader Razhden Shulaya and Las Vegas based Stephen Paddock to these Silk Ways Airline arms delivery cargo flights, directed by the CIA, and arriving in Chicago, this report continues, SVR intelligence analysts needed no “mental exertion” at all to quickly determine that they were both part of an international arms smuggling ring—and who were able to launder their millions-of-dollars of profit of in the American gambling mecca they both called home.

This report further notes that FBI forces loyal to President Trump have, also, now been rushed to Malta to aid in the investigation into the assassination bombing death of the renowned international investigative journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia—whose stunning Panama Papers discoveries revealed “Deep State” leader Hillary Clinton’s vast money laundering operation linkages—to include her links to Russian oligarchs who paid her hundreds-of-millions in bribes that the Obama regime kept the American people from knowing about—but just hours ago, the US Senate announced its opening of an investigation into.

To the American ever being able to discover the shocking and horrible criminal truth about the “Deep State”, Hillary Clinton, CIA gun runner Stephen Paddock, or the CIA itself, this report concludes, remains highly doubtful—particularly with new reports emerging that the CIA is now urgently pleading that President Trump not allow the release before the end of this month of thousands of top secret documents related to the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy—and that the CIA wants to keep the American people from seeing for another 25 years.

Same as it was then, the same it is today.

Other reports in this series include:

Attack On FBI Convoy In Las Vegas Leaves 3 Dead As Wikileaks “Bombshell” Prepares To Explode

Critical Las Vegas Massacre Witness Found Dead As “Area 51” Warned Was True Target, Not Concert

CIA Director Issues Cryptic Warning After Las Vegas Massacre Security Guard Witness Disappears

Shocking Discovery Reveals George Soros Made $73 Million From Las Vegas Massacre

9/11 Playbook Followed For Las Vegas Massacre, Including 16 September MI5 Warning

Shock Discovery Reveals White House Given One Week Warning Of Las Vegas Massacre

Las Vegas Massacre Witness Kills Self And Daughter After FBI Raid—As Missing Piglets Search Continues

Trump Warns America Is In “Calm Before The Storm” As Links Between Las Vegas Shooter And CIA Grow

Russian Mafia Link To Las Vegas Massacre Confirmed As Stephen Paddock Accomplice Captured

Russia Identifies Las Vegas Shooter As CIA Arms Pilot As Israel Probes Stolen Weapons Flight To Nevada

Horrific “Pyramid Sacrifice” Massacre In Las Vegas Warned Is Chilling Message To Trump

October 18, 2017 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

RMN is an RA production.

Articles In This Thread

SORCHA: "CIA Creates Las Vegas Massacre “Reality Show” As Shooters Info Leads To Takedown Of ISIS Leaders"
MrFusion -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:20
Tweet w/ 8-1/2 min video: "Full Ellen interview of Mandalay Bay security guard Jesus Campos and building engineer Stephen Schuck"
hobie -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:20

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