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SORCHA: "Deadly Car Bomb Blast Follows US Warning To Russia That “America Is On The Brink”"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:20



October 17, 2017

Deadly Car Bomb Blast Follows US Warning To Russia That “America Is On The Brink”

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A chilling new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that just hours after Ambassador Jon Huntsman, yesterday, warned Foreign Minister Lavrov that “America is on the brink” due to catastrophic allegations about to be leveled against Hillary Clinton, a massive car bomb assassination blast killed the renowned international investigative journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia—whose stunning Panama Papers discoveries revealed Clinton’s vast money laundering operation—and that was quickly followed by Clinton failing to appear for scheduled interviews she had in London, and explained away by her aides as being due to her having “broken her toe. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

The face of pure evil

According to this report, known as the “One-Woman Wikileaks” who led the Panama Paper revelations, Daphne Caruana Galizia was assassinated in Malta yesterday when a powerful explosive device blew the vehicle she was driving into several pieces throwing the flaming and bloodied debris into a nearby field—with this assassination occurring about 45 minutes after Hillary Clinton aides left the Ecuador Embassy in London were they failed in their negotiations with Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, and who is preparing to release highly damaging information about her—with Clinton, herself, afterwards, too, angrily stating that Assange was “a tool of Russian intelligence”—and whom she, also, claimed interfered in her failed 2016 US presidential bid that she now shockingly claims was “a crime worse than 9/11”.

Want to know more? Click HERE.

Forensic experts walk in a field after powerful bomb blew up car killing Panama Papers investigative journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia

As to how the thousands-of-deaths of innocent American men, women and children, and the tens-of-thousands of shattered family lives that occurred on 9/11 compare to Hillary Clinton losing an election of any kind, this report continues, clearly demonstrates her having an unstable mind bordering on the insane—and that is a circumstance of her no longer being able to control the vast power levers in the US that have long protected her criminal activity—one of whose past examples of was stunningly revealed yesterday by President Trump’s FBI releasing once secret documents proving that former Director James Comey had, in May 2016, prepared his 5 July 2016 statement exonerating her of all crimes—and that Comey wrote prior to his having his FBI agents interview Clinton, or even allowing them to finish their investigation.

With President Trump, however, controlling these vast power levers now, not Hillary Clinton, this report details, the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) revealed yesterday that pro-Trump forces were preparing a counterattack against Clinton and her “fake news” claim that Russia interfered in the election—and that the SVR exampled by noting that one of President Trump’s closest media allies named Shawn Hannity (of Fox News) had cryptically tweeted on 8 October “T Minus 7 and counting. Tick Tock…..”—that was followed 7 days later when, on 15 October, Wikileaks Julian Assange tweeted out an “encryption key” for what is expected to be a “bombshell” revelation that could “explode” everything—and just hours ago, too, Hannity making an urgent alert announcement that during his show scheduled to air later today [9:00 p.m. US East Coast time] that Circa News investigative reporter Sara Carter, and The Hill’s reporter John Solomon, “would be breaking a story on Tuesday evening that relates to Hillary Clinton and the Russian collusion narrative”—and that he had preceded with a 16 October tweet, posted at 5:04 p.m., stating “Tick tock tomorrow. BOOM”.

President Donald Trump (left) and his close media ally Shawn Hannity (right)

In support of these pro-Trump forces preparing to counterattack against Hillary Clinton, and her leftist mainstream propaganda media sycophants, this report continues, Foreign Minister Lavrov reminded the world that no evidence has ever been shown proving Russia had anything whatsoever to with the US election—and that was impossible to cover up if it had occurred, with his stating:

The fact that almost a year has passed with so many people involved in the process, and there is still not a single leak about a fact that would confirm these accusations says a lot.

American society in general, especially in terms of foreign affairs, is built on leaks, and it is impossible to seal up the processes used to investigate the so-called Russian intervention.

Therefore, they simply do not have these facts.

Going even further, this report notes, Foreign Minister Lavrov, also, signaled to these pro-Trump forces the Kremlin’s knowing that Hillary Clinton and her “Deep State” actions are part of a mass conspiracy to “undermine the Trump administration”—and who stated about this fact:

When the majority of Democrats cannot get over the loss of their candidate in the presidential election, and a considerable part of the Republicans rejects inconsistency of the current administration, including President Trump, this story, anti-Russian history and continuing hysteria in the US reflect the internal political struggle.

President Donald Trump (left) and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov (right)

In not knowing how this “internal political struggle” in America will end up, though, this report concludes with a grim reminder that World War III is now closer than ever to becoming a reality—and as evidenced by the massive movement of Chinese troops to the North Korean border, while at the same time the US has deployed its feared Special Forces “Decapitation Team” to South Korea—and that led to one MoFA analyst noting in this report that all of these events are occurring according to the Second Fatima Warning that said “when you see a night illumined by an unknown light, know that this is the great sign given you by God that he is about to punish the world for its crimes, by means of war”—and that has just occurred in the skies over of London that have now turned orange-yellow glaringly highlighting a blood red sun—and where Hillary Clinton now resides as her fate hangs in the balance.

Early evening sky over London on 17 October 2017

October 17, 2017 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

RMN is an RA production.

Articles In This Thread

SORCHA: "Deadly Car Bomb Blast Follows US Warning To Russia That “America Is On The Brink”"
MrFusion -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:20
Re: SORCHA: "Deadly Car Bomb Blast Follows US Warning To Russia That “America Is On The Brink”" *NM*
PaulLeoFaso -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:20

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