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Rumor Mill News Reading Room, Current Archive reader describes more of the obvious fakery of Vegas that will be used as a pretext for the Police State

Posted By: NaturalWisdom
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:20

In Response To: Posted Oct 5: Shooter IN THE CONCERT CROWD - You be the judge! [VIDEO] (NaturalWisdom)

False Flags are Pretext for Police State, says Reader
By Brain Buster
Oct 8, 2017
Click here


Today YouTube, Facebook and common search engines are censoring more information and it will be harder for real truth news to get out. Think about this: they claim upwards to 20,000 thousand people attended that country music festival--how many cell phones with cameras would have been there as well? You should be able to literally see hundreds of pictures of ambulances and people loading bloody bodies on gurneys. You would see blood everywhere.

And it should be stated upfront these events are staged using crisis actors and some could easily have worked with Halloween fake blood and acted as if they were shot. Reports of blood do not necessarily mean anything. How many pictures of mangled body parts do we see?

One fake actor interviewing with CNN (who sounds about as authentic and traumatized as a joke) claims his friend was shot three times and he held him in his arms (but zero blood!). Check out at 8 minutes 30 seconds into this video (actually the whole video is worth watching) but this guy is total BS: Mandalay Bay Shooting HOAX, Crisis Actors, Gun Control Agenda!!

Surely the gunshot sounds from some places sounded real--such as from the hotel--but they could have been "blank bullets" coming out of real automatic rifles or a machine gun. Yet there is also cellphone footage at the actual concert crowd in which people are heard declaring what they were hearing was "fake" gunshots. So you may have various sources of gunshot sounds.


There have been several faked mass killing events over the last years--that most people believe were real events. Ninety percent of Americans still think the Orlando Pulse event was real and there is another example of no blood even though 50 supposedly died and another 52 were wounded? There were also real killing events of a mass nature that were officially blamed on innocent suspects. But this last event is so full of red flags (like the Orlando Pulse nightclub event) that it is most likely no one was killed and no one was shot with a real bullet.

Lestado Codicus, on December 3, 2015 at TheRealStrategy.Com writes: "...The average amount of mass shootings prior to Obama's election was 2.5 per year.... This year the total is 14.4 TIMES HIGHER than the average in 2008. Either everyone is losing their minds this year or many of these events are what I like to call a false flag".

A new genre of acting has evolved with 9/11 and the war on terror. Some actors sign up to be "crisis actors" in which they participate with Department of Homeland Security and the Military to create scenes of pretended war scenarios and pretended terrorist events (where the act as if they are wounded or killed on the battlefield or in a crime scene). Hollywood-like stage-scenery and costumes are included. Some of these actors sign elaborate contracts which contain "secrecy clauses".

And so it is only takes one more step to take these crisis actors to create fake news. There is enough money out there to get a better-staged event--this stuff has been pretty amateurish so far (and the acting is absolutely lousy). One of the actors posing as a witness has already been identified as a professional media insider.

Another reality Americans should understand is that it is now lawful for the American government to disseminate fake news propaganda to the American homeland. Previously two laws prevented this: the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 and the Foreign Relations Authorization Act of 1987. But recently by way of a National Defense Authorization Act this important restriction has been overturned by our own Congress and so it is apparently legal for our Government and the media to lie to We The People. And lie they do on a routine and flagrant basis!

The limited footage of the MSM coverage of this massive event is in itself a major mystery. You should see massive amounts of blood; mangled bodies, total pandemonium, ambulances and gurneys actively moving in crazed fashions everywhere (most of these events have mostly police cars and police patrolling while the staging areas for wounded passively clean and stagnant). You would be hearing loud screaming everywhere--even marines scream when shot in war conflicts. The people interviewed would sound absolutely traumatized--not like they are merely talking about some movie they saw.

This event is so fake. From a few cell phone cameras on the Internet, you hear bullet sounds and you see crisis actors hiding for cover and others following. You see people running and jumping over fences. You see some crisis actors falling like they were hit by bullets. But there is no screaming like had it been real. There is no blood. There are no body parts breaking away. It is not close to what a real war zone would look like.

In fact, some cell phone footage has a man standing among others who cringing close to the ground. He raises his hands at the supposed shooter and shots obscenity at the shooter. He would not show such bravado if people were really experiencing real bullets (and there were many minutes of the equivalent of machine gun fire). Everything is so fake. Another video has three or four men standing up and drinking cans of beer.


Anti-gun people have already discussed getting the guns out of the hands of mentally unstable people and veterans. So if you believe in some so-called conspiracy theories you can be labeled crazy. Also, our own government has been motivated to label patriots as suspected or potential terrorists.


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