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Hmmm...Interesting I Wonder If "Anonymous" Is

Posted By: Lion
Date: Monday, 12-Jan-2015 14:38:28

In Response To: "The Wanta Plan" and the Mitterand Protocols. (igots2no)


David Crayford himself?

This "control over the Collateral Accounts" psy-opp - not to mention the players involved - is really getting old.

Those with their ear to the ground should have gotten a clue 30 plus years ago when former CIA chief, and professional psy-opp developer GHW Bush bragged the Collateral Accounts psy-opp was to 'put out the carrot - but NEVER PAY".



"I refer to people like Leo Wanta, Michael Cottrell, Karen Hudes, Neil Keenan, Drake, Casper, Wilcock, David Crayford, and many others. The only person that stood out as the Lone Wolf was David Crayford."


Personally, I don't really care who wants to be the biggest authority on a psy-opp that never accomplishes anything except creating a big cover story distraction for total criminal takeover of world financial markets.

For neigh on to 30 years, I have read, and or listened to these hucksters put out cover story after story, claiming to be the 'official signatory', or the 'only legal authority', or the 'head of the family' etc, etc, etc.....

I could say "Blah Blah Blah" but I don't wish to be trite.

I could be wrong, but my reasoning behind pointing out that David Crayford is the "Anonymous" is this piece, is because Crayford is always quick to point out (as do many others) that all of the other hucksters are out of line, unlawful, illegal, or illegitimate etc. - and only the OITC has any lawful authority over the 'Collateral Accounts'.

Well, guess what boys and girls...

Anyone can claim to be king - but neither the American people, nor any Human Beings on the entire planet - are better off than they were 30 years ago.

And I do emphasize Human Beings - which is a totally different animal than any member of the banking cartels or the 'Collateral Accounts Administrators' - who just happen to be one in the same.

What has occurred in the past 30 years is the criminal fascist banking cartels have cemented their control over world financial markets - but nothing has been accomplished for the good of the people - the real Human Beings.

After 30 plus years of the bullshit hopium psy-opp, - No one has accomplished a damn thing - other than creating a cottage industry of keeping the psy-opp cover story going.

Crayford and the 'OITC' have accomplished nothing except for pontificating their position.

Leo Wanta, Michael Cottrell, Neil Keenan, Drake, Casper, Wilcock, et al - have accomplished nothing except for pontificating their position and selling their version of the story.

I find it quite interesting however, that Karen Hudes is being maligned by all the other front line hucksters, yet Hudes is the only one of the group who truthfully admits the Knights of Malta/Jesiut/Vatican leadership role in the world financial criminality.

If you want to know who is in control, look at who is never criticized.

Additionally, I have to agree with the Arabic Ambassador who recently stated:

"How many grandfathers do you want? We have millions of them we can send you. When will you people realize you are being played"?

The Ambassador should know well about who is playing whom - when, on the same note, even the Arabic Ambassador shows us documents that his family has control over multi-trillions of dollars that could set Human Beings free from the slave system of the bankster Kabball - but of course no one can access any of it except 'the family'.

And who sets over the heads of the bankster Kabball?

The 'royal' families, of course.

Same game - different face.



: By Anonymous
: Jan 13, 2015 - 11:44:03 PM

: To The Administrator of

: Sir / Madam,

: I am writing to you and other websites in respect of the
: subject of the Collateral Accounts and the all too many
: number of people who make claims about these accounts and
: the assets. I refer to people like Leo Wanta, Michael
: Cottrell, Karen Hudes, Neil Keenan, Drake, Casper, Wilcock,
: David Crayford, and many others.

: As a retired Intelligence Officer I have quite a bit of time
: on my hands and have undertaken an extensive amount of
: research on this subject over several years, utilising the
: facilities of friends who are still operational in the
: Intelligence networks around the world.

: When I started on this subject it puzzled me and confused me
: when it shouldn't have done. It didn't take me long to
: establish the reason for this puzzling and confusing
: situation, which was far too many conflicting stories by
: people making claims about the collateral accounts, or as
: some people refer to it as the wealth of the world.
: Strangely, from all my research, most of the stories
: carried the same basic issues but brought into question the
: ownership of these accounts or wealth. Also strange, was
: the fact that the majority of those persons making the
: claims were somehow and in one way or another, connected to
: the American Government or Officials of the American
: Government, the World Bank, the Central Intelligence
: Agency, the US Armed Forces, or Journalism. That in my
: opinion as a former Intelligence Officer is too many
: coincidences to be a coincidence. The only person that
: stood out as the Lone Wolf was David Crayford.

: It was also very strange that these claims commenced in a very
: mild form in 1995 and have continued in an increasing
: manner right up to date with more and more people making
: claims against this apparent wealth in the latter years,
: yet when you read all the various articles and listened to
: numerous videos, which I have attentively undertaken, as
: boring and demanding as that can be, there is a definite
: and heavily weighted "It's America's Gold and
: Wealth" and a free for all distribution factor when
: all of this can be brought out and the public made aware of
: these accounts and / or wealth.

: On the other side there is one person who appears to stand by
: logical principles and legalities based upon an organised
: system surrounding these accounts / wealth. There appears
: to be a well organised "David and Goliath"
: situation here, which, when we understand how organised and
: recorded things are, and have been for decades; should not
: exist at all. It is very strange that it does exist at all
: which leads me to state that much of what is being
: published in written or video form is deliberate and total
: misinformation designed for a specific purpose.

: Let me get to the actual point of this letter to you. This is
: one specific point that I have intensely researched as I
: was active at the time and to a degree what it entailed was
: on the fringes of my own specialised work at that time.

: Former Ambassador LEO WANTA. Having read every article and
: listened to videos possible, either from Leo Wanta or about
: Leo Wanta, especially his latest video and the writings of
: Michael Cottrell, I am amazed and disgusted at their
: dogmatic and audacious claims and proposals.

: As I have previously stated, this bordered on my own
: specialised work at the time, so I am fully aware that both
: Leo Wanta and Michael Cottrell are false claimants. What I
: am about to state will, I hope, blow the lid off their
: particular box.

: Leo Wanta claims that he entered into an agreement with
: President Ronald Reagan in respect of the money he is
: claiming is his and being blocked by the Banks and / or
: Government of the US. What Leo Wanta was involved with was
: fraudulent from day one, and I am sure he realised it at
: the time. Through intensive research I have established
: that Leo Wanta was responsible for the theft of assets of
: this wealth in conjunction with George Herbert Walker Bush,
: Head of the Central Intelligence Agency during Ronald
: Reagan's time as President. Those assets were utilised
: within the Federal Reserve Trading Programs, generating
: trillions of US Dollars in returns. This was for a specific
: purpose which I will identity below.

: The question at the time was how to implement what was planned
: and use all this money for the purpose intended. A very
: cunning scheme was developed by the Central Intelligence
: Agency which was eventually referred to as the
: "Mitterand Protocols". However, there were still
: barriers to overcome, one of which was getting the world to
: accept the "Mitterand Protocols" which could not
: be achieved based upon the real purpose of these protocols.

: Deliberately, cunningly, and deceitfully those persons behind
: all of this decided to link the "Global Settlements
: Agreement (Ferdinand Marcos 1980)" to the protocols
: which promised substantial payments to every Government
: that signed the "Mitterand Protocols".

: Obviously, the countries of the world signed these protocols
: believing they were going to receive substantial funds for
: their country. Needless to say, no country ever received
: one cent of the funds attached to the "Mitterand
: Protocols", nor would they ever receive any funds. The
: world had been conned, in its highest form, and coerced
: into signing these Protocols when all the time Fraud by the
: initiators of these Protocols was the absolute and ultimate
: intention.

: Leo Wanta was deeply involved in all of this.

: Instead of paying out these generated funds to the countries
: who signed the Protocols and under what they claimed as the
: "Global Settlements Agreement", amounting to well
: over $600 trillion USD, the funds were used ultimately for
: the nefarious purpose intended which was, bringing down the
: "Iron Curtain" and destroying Communism in Russia
: and the former Eastern Bloc. Trillions of USD was pumped /
: paid to people and organisations within the former Eastern
: Bloc and Russia, to destabilise all these countries, and as
: we all know the "Iron Curtain" fell and Communism
: effectively destroyed in 1989. There was however some funds
: left over from this International Crusade against
: Communism. Those funds amounted to just over 60 trillion
: USD , which is the money that Leo Wanta is claiming is his
: and for which he has entered into agreements with the Banks
: holding those funds and the US Treasury to get the funds
: into American into his account and under his control.

: I can say that at the time we were all livid with the actions
: initiated by America, and implemented under the Protocols.
: What the three Master Signatories (France .... President
: Mitterand, USA .... President Ronald Reagan, and the UK
: .... Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, and not surprisingly
: the very same three parties of the Trilateral Trillinium
: Tripartite Gold Commission established in 1945) did
: destroyed the status quo that we in Europe were maintaining
: to further political dialogue.

: In fact many of us stated that these three leaders (Reagan,
: Mitterand, and Thatcher) should have been tried for treason
: against their own countries and the world, because that is
: what it amounted to. They deceived their countries, and
: lied to all other countries around the world, for their own
: political agenda, an agenda that continues vigorously and
: intensely to this very day although the leaders at the time
: have since long gone from power.

: It was not until early 2011 that the Master Holder, and yes
: there is a Master Holder of this wealth which I am fully
: aware of now, realised what had happened and immediately
: ordered a "Block" on all remaining accounts. At
: the same time all documents marked "Top Secret"
: or "Above Top Secret" or "Cloaked in
: Secrecy" related to Ronald Reagan's term of Presidency
: were immediately declassified to allow for a thorough
: investigation which I understand (and that is from official
: sources) still goes on today.

: Here I have to agree whole heartedly with David Crayford's
: comments. He rightfully stated that, quote "as these
: funds (In excess of $600 trillion USD) were generated from
: stolen assets of the Collateral Accounts, the funds legally
: belonged to the Collateral Accounts and that what funds
: remained ($60+ trillion) on account have been returned to
: the Collateral Accounts" end quote.

: Therefore, neither Leo Wanta nor Michael Cottrell has any
: claim to any funds that remained on account in banks across
: America and Europe. Again, I concur with what David
: Crayford has previously stated being, quote, "any
: agreements executed by these people, which is referenced to
: the remaining funds, are illegal and unenforceable in
: law".

: Unfortunately, Russia, and even many of the former Eastern
: Bloc countries are still suffering from these idiotic and
: empire building policies of the past.

: There is another "Twist in the Tail" here as well,
: which I was only informed, by my official sources, about in
: the last few months. This "Twist" makes the whole
: thing laughable but at the same time shows just how
: deceptive and criminal the initiators of this
: "International Crusade to bring down the Iron
: Curtain" have been.

: It has been officially established that the liquid funds (That
: is money literally paid in cash) paid to people and
: organisations within the former Eastern Bloc and Russia
: were deliberately fake USD Notes printed outside of America
: and cannot be used as currency. Any other money on account
: and transferred by any bank would be electronic and
: therefore considered as legal currency and a liability on
: America.

: How much is actually involved of the $600+ trillion USD
: originally generated, I am not aware of. The question being
: asked now is "Were did any original currency go and on
: whose accounts was it credited to". That is one reason
: apparently why investigations are still going on.

: So Mr Wanta and Mr Cottrell your game is up. You may be able
: to deploy misinformation to the masses which some will
: believe, but you cannot deploy your lies against official
: records and official information.
: I have no doubt in my mind the same will apply to people as
: Karen Hudes, Neil Keenan, as my research continues with
: remarkably and non-coincidentally, similar results as the
: above.

: I have written this to bring out some of the truth to the
: people who have a need to have a belief in something for
: which they believe in what appears to be the best for them.
: The Official truth tells a completely different story from
: what you are being told by people such as Wanta and
: Cottrell.

: Please do not quote my name as what is stated above may border
: on Breach of Official Secrets, although I have been very
: careful to avoid such matters.


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Articles In This Thread

"The Wanta Plan" and the Mitterand Protocols.
igots2no -- Monday, 12-Jan-2015 11:20:41
Hmmm...Interesting I Wonder If "Anonymous" Is
Lion -- Monday, 12-Jan-2015 14:38:28
E-mail from AL HODGES: "Anonymous and the Wanta Plan"
hobie -- Wednesday, 14-Jan-2015 04:49:27
E-mail from Al Hodges: Michael C. Cottrell, Affirmation #4
hobie -- Friday, 16-Jan-2015 20:37:47
Reader: "Any possibility that someone..."
hobie -- Saturday, 17-Jan-2015 00:25:27
Reader: "Knowing Al Hodges as a man of honor and integrity, I trust ..."
hobie -- Sunday, 18-Jan-2015 03:49:57
Reader: "I see nothing that compels me to believe Mr. Cottrell any more than Mr. Wanta."
hobie -- Sunday, 18-Jan-2015 04:00:53
Reader, link to audio-only video: "James Martinez: Michael C. Cottrell’s Disclosure of Cabal Financial High Crimes"
hobie -- Wednesday, 21-Jan-2015 02:34:33

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