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St. Malachy O'Morgair's list of Popes

Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:40

In Response To: NEW SCANDAL SHAKES VATICAN In the choir of Benedikt's (ex vatican pope in pension) brother were raped as many as 67 boys: (IZAKOVIC)

St. Malachy O'Morgair was born in Armagh, Ireland, in 1094, more than one thousand years ago. During his visit to Vatican between the end of 1139 and the beginning of 1140 he had a vision and sow all the popes that would live from his time until the last pope. He committed the visions to paper and handed the manuscript to Pope Innocent II who placed the manuscript in the archives where they remained "unread" for nearly four centuries.

Malachy's prophecies were printed in 1559 by the Benedictine historian Arnold Wion in his book �Lignum Vitre.� It contained the list of 112 future popes. All the Popes, except those of twentieth century, he has described by the symbolic names using items such as the coats of arms they had, or that of their families or other significant items that could be seen in hindsight. Popes of this and the previous century were symbolically described by their activities characterizing their pontificate.

John Paul II, who died on April 2, 2005, was 110th Pope. His motto was �De Labore Solis�, which can be translated from Latin in two ways � From the labour of the Sun or of the eclipse of the Sun. Today is clear that both translations are right.

Link to article VATICAN INTERPRETATION OF THIRD FATIMA SECRETBenedict XVI, the 111th Pope elected on April 19, 2005, was described by St. Malachi to be recognized as "The glory of the olives".

Benedict XVI, ex Cardinal Ratzinger, born on April 16, 1927 in Marktl am Inn, Bavaria, Germany just before Hitler�s rise to power, choose his present name after The Order of St Benedict, also known as the Olivetans. The founder of this order, St Benedict himself has prophesied that before the end of the world comes about, his Order will triumphantly lead the Catholic Church in its fight against evil, which may well account why Ratzinger chose his name. He said he chose the name Benedict XVI because he greatly admired Benedict XV and his Papacy. He would like for his Papacy to reflect the concern for people that Benedict XV displayed in his times of turmoil.

Benedict XV was Pope during the first world war, when Christians were killing Christians and his motto was "Religion Depopulated".

Prior to his nomination Benedict XVI, then Cardinal Ratzinger, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, today considered to be the most excellent theologian of our times, was the principal speaker when, on June 26, 2000, the third part of the secret of Fatima, was released to the public by the Holy See Press Office. According to him, the Third Fatima Secret was fulfilled during the last century (Fatima Secret sheet is linked to article that describes that event).

Afterwards, as Pope John Paul II become more weaker, general impression was that he was doing most of the job of the aging Pope.

Soon after he took office, Benedict XVI started important changes in Vatican.

Croatian daily "New Leaf" on March 18, 2006. reported that Pope has removed "Treregnum" from papal shield. This change, which Benedict XVI has conducted in silence, is now visible in Popapal Yearbook for 2006, which was just released for sales to public.

Treregnum or three-crown, Papal tiara with triple crown, last time resided on the head of some Pope in 1963, when Paul VI was crowned with it. For the occasion he was presented with the new Treregnum from his former, Milan parish. He never wore it again, it was sold on the auction for help to the poor by New York's Archbishop Cardinal Francis Spealmann.

Nor John Paul I nor John Paul II did want to be crowned by tiara, but they have incorporated it in their Papal shields immediately after they become Popes, as all their predecessors did.

Benedict XVI who now presents himself with Bishop's mitre primarily as Bishop of Rome, which is his prime and oldest title, by this sheds the last external sign of rulership dignity, which is exactly in accordance with conclusions of Second Vatican Council.

Treregnum, or Tiara, that has still remained on the shield of the town of Vatican, was, supposedly, given by Emperor Constantine himself to Pope Sylvester as the sign of the liberation of the Church. Its shape and name draw their origin from the headpiece Persian Emperors carried.

Soon was noticed that in the same yearbook, in the listing of the titles of the Pope, the title it "Patriarch of the West" is missing. This omission has been commented in various ways so Vatican on March 22, 2006 had to publish explanation which finishes with the following statement:

"Consequently, the title it "Patriarch of the West", little clear from the beginning, in the evolution of history became obsolete and practically not more usable. It appears therefore senseless to insist on dragging it along.
That much more when the catholic Church with the Vatican Council II has found for the Latin Church in the shape of the Episcopal Conferences and their international reunions of Episcopal Conferences, the canonical
ordering adapted to the today's necessities.
To omit the title of "Patriarch of the West" clearly does not change nothing to the acknowledgment, so solemnly declared by the Vatican Council II, of the ancient patriarchal Churches (Lumen Gentium 23). Still less such
abolition can want to say that it under-intends new revenges. The renunciation to said title wants to express an historical and theological realism and, at the same time, to be the renunciation to one pretence, renunciation that could be of help to the ecumenical dialogue."

According the St. Malachi's prophecy that was published by Vatican in 1980, the last Pope will be 122th, �Peter The Roman" and during his reign Rome will be destroyed.

The Book of Revelation prophesies destruction of Rome also. According to Baxter, as present
Pope is 79 years old, this could happen rather soon.

But there are other opinions that state that the original prophecies of Malachi did not contain the Petrus Romanus motto - it was added after the 1820 publication of the prophecies, at the time of the First Reich.

This could mean that Benedict XVI is the last Pope and that we shall witness Great Tribulation during his reign.





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NEW SCANDAL SHAKES VATICAN In the choir of Benedikt's (ex vatican pope in pension) brother were raped as many as 67 boys:
IZAKOVIC -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:40
St. Malachy O'Morgair's list of Popes
IZAKOVIC -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:40

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