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Focus Sessions: Edward Snowden - Real Whistleblower or Limited Hangout?

Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:40

Monday, July 10, 2017

Priority Blog Request: Edward Snowden - Real Whistleblower or Limited Hangout?

Q. In the years before Edward Snowden there were several whistleblowers who came out with similar revelations about the surveillance state (Thomas Drake, William Binney, J. KirkWiebe, Dennis Montgomery, Sibel Edmonds, etc.), but they never got the mainstream media attention that Edward Snowden has received. Not only has he been covered by all the mainstream newspapers (which are all 100% controlled by the PTW) but he has also been turned into a pop culture icon through Hollywood movies, documentaries and books.

The closer you look at Edward Snowden's escape story, his cut-and-paste CV, and current behavior the more it becomes obvious that he is a manufactured character to give people a sense of hope, justice and change while feeding the public with carefully manufactured leaks.

Why would he get so much media attention while so many other legitimate whistleblowers got and are getting ignored, ridiculed or killed?

A. I hear that the PTW (Powers That Were) are handling this very delicately. I get when things eventually happened with Snowden, it went down rather quickly (and unexpectedly). The PTW regrouped after the initial leak, and because Snowden was viewed as both a sign of hope and truth, they could not take him out (the way they wanted). It would put people everywhere into a revolt, so it was better to slowly allow things to surface that could be managed. This kept the hero alive, even though he was living under a microscope of some very powerful people.

Q. Why has he never revealed any real damaging leaks about the deep state, 911, human trafficking, political blackmailing, A. I., the military-industrial complex etc.or at least commented on these topics?

A. I then get that the truth is always in plain sight, but we have to look with our eyes (wide open). Snowden has resources on the inside, some are genuine, and some are manufactured by the PTW so they can control his information (content and flow).

He is very aware of the wrong doings of the government, but he is careful what he releases (also has limited documentation). He also has to keep some things withheld as insurance so he won't be killed. I then hear that discussing the privacy invasion was more broad scope, but when you start to reveal things such as 911 or human trafficking, there are some very important political people that would be brought to their knees (and it is certain death). He is constantly teetering a dangerous line..

Q. Does the NSA really have neat power point presentations about the scope and complexity of their surveillance system on their servers for download or were these flashy files created by some organization for deliberate leaking?

A. I get the information was accurate, but the information was put into a more user (or rather reader) friendly visual application.

Q. Why does he promote old school privacy advice such as using the Tor browser and encrypting your communications when the NSA is known to intercept any communications before they get encrypted by having default hardware back doors in every device within the Intel processors and batteries?

A. I get that since this isn't the most common protocol, communication done this way isn't on their radar. Also, the NSA may get the information, but it is either tagged or coded in such a way that it sits in a data base unless specifically recalled (and there is an abundance of information). The information many times gets buried.

Q. And again, how was he able to steal documents and escape from that same all powerful surveillance state if they can track anyone anywhere instantly (through his laptops, phone, voice analysis, browser fingerprinting) and kill them remotely via satellite? Even if he was helped by someone as you suggested in a previous reading?

A. It happened fast! He knew how much time he had, and had some trusted contacts in other countries. He was able to get this information while he and his contact still had clearance (and I get his contact used some kind of VPN so geographically he could be ahead of the game), and then they vanished.

It was easier at this point to make an example of him, labeling him as a traitor, rather than kill him and start a series of riots.

Q. What is the background story and meaning of the photo of Ed Snowden with CIA director Michael Hayden?

A. I get when this picture was taken in 2011 Snowden was planning what he was going to do. He wasn't for certain exactly what, but he knew he had to shed the truth somehow. Then, I hear the phrase "keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer." Snowden was keeping his soon-to-be enemy very close.

And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-

Q. Considering this fool-proof system how was he able to outsmart the most powerful intelligence agency on earth?A. I get this man is brilliant, and he helped to design (or troubleshoot??) much of the system. It wasn't easy, and timing of everything was critical. I also get something about him replicating someone else's ID??? It was like he "appeared" to be in several places (or even no place) at the same time..

Q. Regarding the photo: What was so special about Ed Snowden's and Michael Hayden's relationship? Not every little data analyst Joe gets to have a professional photo shooting with the director of the CIA.
A. I see that he wasn't just a"little data analyst," he was a go to resource. I also get that Snowden worked on some very high level projects in the past, so Hayden knew his name. When Snowden saw him at the gala, he took the photo op.

Q. Is it true that Ed Snowden and Mark Zuckerberg (the founder of Facebook) are cousins?

A. (Wow!) I could not connect to this. (But, this doesn't mean it can't be true, I just couldn't see it).
at 8:03 PM




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