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SORCHA: "Enraged President Trump To Unleash Global Trade War After EU Sentences Baby To Death"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Sunday, 2-Jul-2017 15:59:16

In Response To: SORCHA: "Leftist Insanity In America Erupts As Trump Prepares To Unleash “August Armageddon”" (MrFusion)

Source, with links and images:

July 1, 2017
Enraged President Trump To Unleash Global Trade War After EU Sentences Baby To Death
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A sobering new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today says that President Donald Trump became so enraged after the European Human Rights Court (EHRC) ordered the immediate execution of a British baby before his parents could bring him to the United States for treatment, he overruled nearly all of his administration officials and ordered the unleashing of a global trade war against what he characterized as the “elite parasites on humanity”. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to this report, in the first recorded instance since Adolph Hitler’s October, 1939, euthanasia “Action T-4” programme (that called for the elimination of the incurably ill) was unleashed by Nazi Germany killing tens-of-thousands of defenseless human beings, the European Human Rights Court this week sentenced to death an 11-month old British baby named Charlie Gard while stating that this infants continued treatment to sustain his life would cause “significant harm”—and in spite of his parents raising nearly $1.8 million to fly their ailing child to the United States where he could have received lifesaving treatment.

So repugnant to the Germany people, in fact, was the Nazis “Action T-4” euthanasia programme that murdered disabled babies, this report continues, on 24 August 1941, Adolf Hitler himself was forced to end it—but to the shock of the entire civilized world, this sadistic murder of defenseless babies saw its revival this past week in the European Union.

Not just did the European Human Rights Court order the immediate death of baby Charlie Gard, this report notes, they also refused to allow his heartbroken parents to bring their precious infant home to die among those who loved him the most—and only by Pope Francis intervening, were these parents even allowed to have a few more hours to spend with their baby until the Angels carried him to God’s loving hands.

With President Trump having vowed that he would appoint US Supreme Court justices to overturn America’s abortion laws, and his stating that the greatest thing he had ever done was “creating four beautiful children”, this report details, upon his learning that the European Human Rights Court had sentenced baby Charlie Gard to death, he immediately ordered his government to begin preparing for a trade war.

To initiate this trade war, this report explains, President Trump is preparing to utilize a Cold War-era trade law that allows him to restrict imports of goods deemed critical to US national defence—and that he’s prepared to do by imposing tariffs on steel and aluminum coming into the United States, and that will begin next week after he addresses European Union leaders at the G-20 Summit in Hamburg, Germany.

Even as President Trump prepares to face down these Nazified European leaders who are now resorting to killing babies, this report further notes, the US mainstream propaganda “fake news” media continues its hourly assault against him too—with their even stunningly making up stories they foist upon these people as being the truth, while at the same time knowing that they’re publishing nothing but lies.

Of the greatest creators of “fake news” being spread by these US mainstream propaganda media elitists against President Trump, this report explains, is CNN—who this past week alone were caught on secret videos saying that American voters “are stupid as shit”, were revealed to have 17 million bogus Twitter followers, were forced to fire 3 of their journalists for making up fake Russia-Trump stories, completely made up a meeting involving a Trump official that never happened, and just hours ago, aired a “fake news” cover of a tabloid magazine they claimed was real.

Pulitzer Prize winning investigative reporter Glenn Greenwald, this report notes, shockingly revealed the deception behind these US “fake news” propaganda mainstream media publishers and networks disparaging President Trump by exposing their vile plot and his stating, in particular, about The Washington Post:
“While these debacles are embarrassing for the paper, they are also richly rewarding. That’s because journalists — including those at the Post — aggressively hype and promote the original, sensationalistic false stories, ensuring that they go viral, generating massive traffic for the Post (the paper’s executive editor, Marty Baron, recently boasted about how profitable the paper has become).

After spreading the falsehoods far and wide, raising fear levels and manipulating U.S. political discourse in the process (both Russia stories were widely hyped on cable news), journalists who spread the false claims subsequently note the retraction or corrections only in the most muted way possible, and often not at all.

As a result, only a tiny fraction of people who were exposed to the original false story end up learning of the retractions.”

And of the greatest “fake news” retractions these US mainstream propaganda media elitists have been able to keep the American people from knowing about, this report continues, is the blatant lie that 17 American intelligence agencies confirmed Russian interference in the US elections—and that The New York Times was forced to retract this past week with their correctly stating:

“The assessment was made by four intelligence agencies — the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National Security Agency. The assessment was not approved by all 17 organizations in the American intelligence community.”

Even worse, this report notes, the four Obama regime intelligence agencies making this “fake news” claim of Russian interference in the US election did so for political reasons and were directed to do so by Obama’s Director of National Intelligence, and proven lire, James Clapper—and as evidenced by a highly respected Zerohedge investigation report that stated:

“It turns out, however, that in addition to Clapper’s office there were only three intelligence agencies involved in that assessment, not 17, and that the conclusions were drawn not by the actual agencies in full, but by a mere two dozen loyalists from those agencies hand-selected by Russophobic eugenicist Clapper himself.”

Though President Trump continues to battle against those satanic “fake news” forces seeking his destruction, this report continues, one of his staunchest allies in the US Congress, Representative Jason Chaffetz, was forced to resign this week after receiving death threats over his plan to fully reveal the inner workings of the “Deep State” in a new book he’s writing—but with his not being able to afford the private security needed to protect him and his family, was given a lucrative contract by Fox News so he could do so.

Knowing too that the powerful forces backing President Trump are closing in on them, this report says, the “Deep State” was just sent hours ago an ominous message by one of the Obama regimes most feared leaders, the former Attorney General Eric Holders, who stated on his Twitter page: “To the career men & women at DOJ/FBI: your actions and integrity will be unfairly questioned. Be prepared, be strong. Duty. Honor. Country.”

To the “real/true” Americans, however, who actually know what “Duty, Honor, Country” really mean, this report concludes, their unflagging support of President Trump knows know bounds as he wages war against his “Deep State” enemies and European baby killing elitists—and as, perhaps, best typified by The Washington Times writing this past week in their article titled “Mad Genius Of Trump Drives Schoolmarms Of Political Press Crazy”:

“The Trump presidency is a little like having a dog. Every day that passes, you love the dog more and more until it seems impossible to love him any more.”

July 1, 2017 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

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Articles In This Thread

SORCHA: "Leftist Insanity In America Erupts As Trump Prepares To Unleash “August Armageddon”"
MrFusion -- Sunday, 2-Jul-2017 15:58:21
SORCHA: "Enraged President Trump To Unleash Global Trade War After EU Sentences Baby To Death"
MrFusion -- Sunday, 2-Jul-2017 15:59:16

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