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Mueller, FBI Are The Obstructionists – Hiding Comey Memos Behind “Ongoing Investigation”

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Saturday, 17-Jun-2017 15:41:51

In Response To: MUELLER CONFLICT Of Interest – Special Counsel Statute States MUST Step Down (RumorMail)

Apparently those of us who thought that the President of the United States was the chief executive of the nation and that the Justice Department and under it the FBI reported to him were mistaken. The FBI and some individuals within the DOJ are, it is now being demonstrated, autonomous powers unto themselves and in some instances, where they still report to the White House, it’s effectively the Obama White House.

Those of us, including those in Congress who want to find out what kind of monkey business James Comey and by extension, Robert Mueller, Rod Rosenstein, Loretta Lynch and others are up to are out of luck. Whatever kind of subversion against the United States, President Trump and his administration, hostile actions taken in the pursuit of the administration’s demise, is being assisted by the deep state in the form of the FBI and elsewhere.

James Comey’s memos, to the extent that they exist, aren’t going to be revealed, at least not without a fight. Comey’s best friend, the supposedly independent special counsel, Robert Mueller, is colluding with leftist Andrew McCabe, the acting FBI Director, to keep them hidden. Supposedly it’s done in the interest of protecting an investigation, but protecting Comey, as well as facilitating the witch hunt is a more honest, accurate description. It’s tough cookies for the administration, which must come as quite a shock to Donald Trump, who we all thought won the election and was now the President, with the Constitutional authority and powers granted.
The excuse for obstruction by the FBI is the typical “ongoing investigation”

The excuse for obstruction by the FBI, as the true obstruction of justice exists there, at the State Department, DOJ, and the intelligence agencies, is the old reliable standby, that releasing the memos they supposedly hold would interfere with an ongoing investigation. Of course that supposed investigation, more accurately described as a perpetual persecution, will continue until they’ve somehow been able to force the President from office. At that point there will be no request to have the documents released because the point will be moot and if one is made, it’ll certainly be ignored or another equally dubious reason for obstruction invented.

On May 16th, The Hill requested the Comey memos, citing open records laws. According to the FBI, those records fall under a part of the law that allows them to be kept hidden if they have been “compiled for law enforcement purposes, but only to the extent that the production of such law enforcement records or information… could reasonably be expected to interfere with enforcement proceedings.” Their position is that releasing them would do just that. Reasonability is in the eye of the beholder.

Maybe the FBI should just leak the rest of them like Comey and his libtard professor friend did with the one that he admitted to giving to his friend, Daniel Richman, to leak to the New York Times. By doing so Comey created the argument that the situation forced Rosenstein’s hand in naming a special prosecutor, the obvious cover he needed. Comey had no way of knowing the result or timing if the events had taken place as natural, random occurrences, but he could easily have conspired with Rosenstein to provide him with the excuse he required to appoint their mutual friend.
Senators don’t have any better luck getting evidence than do Presidents

Senator Charles Grassley demanded the bagman, Richman turn over the memo in a letter dated June 10th, a demand that has, like most attempts to secure documents involving criminal politicians and officials, been ignored. Comey won’t have to worry about being discovered as long as his best friend is running the “investigation.”

In conducting the action of obstructing access to documents which could prove damaging to Mr. Comey, the FBI, under the current direction of another Comey crony, Andrew McCabe, wrote, “The records responsive to your request are law enforcement records. There is a pending or prospective law enforcement proceeding relevant to these responsive records, and release of the information… could reasonably be expected to interfere with enforcement proceedings.”

There you have it, Mr. Attorney General, an admission by the FBI that the records are not Comey’s but official law enforcement records. Demand them, better yet, send US Marshals over to pick them up. You and President Trump have been far too accommodating to these vermin to this point. The new sheriff wasn’t sent in to attend tea parties. He is supposed to be kicking butt, taking names and draining the swamp. It’s past time to stand up like a man, to defend this nation and your President from the evil that is attempting to overwhelm us all.

: Thank you for reading and sharing my work – Please look for
: me, Rick Wells

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MUELLER CONFLICT Of Interest – Special Counsel Statute States MUST Step Down
RumorMail -- Saturday, 17-Jun-2017 15:38:04
Mueller, FBI Are The Obstructionists – Hiding Comey Memos Behind “Ongoing Investigation”
RumorMail -- Saturday, 17-Jun-2017 15:41:51
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