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LEADING CROATIAN RELY DRIVER: 'I was driving Rimce's car, it's a beast ... I believe I know what's the biggest mistake and ..

Date: Monday, 12-Jun-2017 12:33:53

In Response To: ‘Grand Tour’ Host Richard Hammond Airlifted After ‘The Biggest Crash’ Jeremy Clarkson Has Ever Seen (IZAKOVIC)

.. and what's the main cause of the accident'

AUTHOR: Marijan Projic

NOTIFIED: 12.06.2017. U 14:52 error-and-what-is-major-cause-accident / 6224771 /

I drove many racing cars, from a regular 80-horse racing car to a variety of Formula, but Concept One is something else. Less than three seconds to hunder (km/h), under eight to two hundred, the numbers that speak for themselves and the only touch point of Concepta One with everything else I was sitting with was four-wheel drive, last year Juraj Šebalj spoke after several rounds at Grobnik after siting behind the steering wheel of the car put tugether in Sveta Nedelja (Croatia).

Special car

The driver who won the 11 titles of the Croatian rally racers last year, hunted the eighth victory in the legendary Delta race last weekend. After finishing the first stage in the new car, as a leader, he dropped out in second stage. - No doubt, that was my mistake. I was a bit too much to go and I went out, "said Šebalj, who, in spite of his obligations, came to look at Richard Hammond's" Grand Tour "television show, while in the mountainside of Switzerland he tried Concept One, which once Sibalj also drove.

"It's hard to categorically claim what exactly happened, but I can only say that Concept One is really something special. It's only a matter of seconds to leave your foot on the accelerator pedal and you're 50 km / h faster, and you're not even aware of it. It was a special experience that can not be compared with anything else.
The Grobnik is a wide race track with long lines, but to the Concepta One steering wheel has been narrow, and the lines have shrunk well and I simply did not want to try it off the track. The car is a phenomenal, real beast that needs to be thoroughly acquainted before trying to look for its extreme limits. Without any desire to ring as a general after the battle, I think anyone who is in charge of the Concept One should respect his performance, "said Šebalj.

Meanwhile, Richard Hammond voiced, who between the two mountain racing huts in Hemberg, landed a million euro worth of electric car. The British TV head, who had taken a moment off the broken leg and injured knee before the car turned into a bumper, told a video at a Swiss hospital telling his wife and children about the accident, with an unquenchable dose of British humor.

Rimac has shared an accident report during the Grand Tour tour on social networks, but no statement explains the cause. The car is completely destroyed in the fire but electronic data should be available because the latest evolution of the Croatian electric car is equipped with more than 500 sensors integrated into a complete telemetry system that, with the help of the 4G network, is capable of loading all driving data to Cloud system.

At the amateur video that caught a moment of accident, is visible that the rear part of the car at the beginning went left, and then to the right side, which was much stronger and resulted in the breaking of the protective fence. - The drift has occurred after the finish line, and it is often the case when drivers, after passing through, aim to suddenly kick off the throttle leg and impair the dynamics of the car. But it is indeed impossible to make a snapshot of whether it is a purely driver's fault - said Šebalj.

Almost dragster

- Theoretically, Concept One can, like a tank, turn around at the single point. Each wheel is powered by a separate engine, and the whole system is controlled by the RAWTV or torque vectoring system that operates in several variants and I have to admit I was thrilled with its work on Grobnik. The team working on programs that manage the power of the engine has transformed Concept One from the crazy dragster that has no rush in acceleration races, in a real sports racing car. Mathematical formulas that replace differences in practice bring momentum dosing options to every single wheel and Concept One can at one point become a front-wheel, rear-wheel, all-four wheel car with all possible ratios, and its upgraded version holds the Concept One literally glued to the asphalt - highlights Šebalj who believes that the biggest mistake of the Croatian car is its enormous power. "Maybe I'm not right, but as I watch the tape, it seems to me that it's a driver error.

Numerous advantages of lithium-ion batteries have caused their rapid expansion among electronic devices, and since 2010 they have also become the main driver of electric car manufacturers. But with the many advantages of lithium-ion batteries, they also have their faults, which in certain circumstances can result in overheating and even explosion and fire.

Heap of metal

Samsung Mobile Phones or Dell Notebook PCs are just some of the devices that have been hit by battery failure due to poor "packing" or misplaced charging, but when it comes to cars, especially the last cases where Tesla models are most commonly mentioned, all auto-ignition cases Are related to damage caused by crashes or fouls on foreign bodies on the road. The American electric car maker has also been hit by state agencies, but the external causes of battery ignition and the ways to prevent it are quickly established.

The damage caused by the sweeping of the road in Switzerland caused, by all probability, the self-ignition of Concepta One, but what is worrying is the speed with which the fire appeared and spread, leaving behind an unrecognizable pile of plastic and metal.




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