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Reader: Who Is Lying About The Murder Of Seth Rich?

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Wednesday, 17-May-2017 13:54:54

In Response To: ALERT: # Of Leaked DNC Docs Match # Of Docs Found On Seth Rich’s Computer!! (HotCoffee)

Hi HC.. Good to see you posting on here :-)



From Reader Kyle:

Hi Sus, could you post this under Hotcoffee's Seth Rich link? it's just another take on the subject.

Thanks, Kyle


By Derrick Broze

A controversial investigator has reported that former DNC staffer Seth Rich was in contact with WikiLeaks before his murder in July 2016.

On Tuesday, Fox5 in Washington D.C. released a new report claiming that Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich was in contact with WikiLeaks prior to his murder in July 2016. The report claims a private investigator hired by Rich’s family has found tangible evidence of a connection to Rich and WikiLeaks. According to D.C. police, Rich was shot twice in the back as part of a botched robbery in D.C.’s Bloomingdale neighborhood. Curiously, Rich’s wallet, money, and an expensive watch were not taken during this robbery attempt. Only 12 days after Rich’s death, WikiLeaks began releasing thousands of hacked emails from the DNC. The apparent hacker behind the leaks is a character known as Guccifer 2.0 who claimed to have accessed the emails via a vulnerability in DNC servers.

However, after the damaging emails became public, the deadstream media and Democratic power players denounced the leaks, calling them “fake news,” and accusing the Russian government of being involved in the hacks. Meanwhile, opponents of Hillary and supporters of WikiLeaks began speculating on the possibility of Rich’s death being connected to the DNC leaks. Now there is more fuel to that fire as Fox5 D.C. released an interview with private investigator Rod Wheeler, claiming that evidence “on Rich’s laptop that confirms he was communicating with WikiLeaks prior to his death.”

Fox 5 reports:

Wheeler, a former D.C. police homicide detective, is running a parallel investigation into Rich’s murder. He said he believes there is a cover-up and the police department has been told to back down from the investigation.

“The police department nor the FBI have been forthcoming,” said Wheeler. “They haven’t been cooperating at all. I believe that the answer to solving his death lies on that computer, which I believe is either at the police department or either at the FBI. I have been told both.”

When we asked Wheeler if his sources have told him there is information that links Rich to Wikileaks, he said, “Absolutely. Yeah. That’s confirmed.”

Wheeler told Fox5 that he has “a source inside the police department” who claims officers were told to “stand down” in regards to Seth Rich’s murder. On Tuesday, a spokesman for the Rich family said Wheeler was not authorized to speak for them and said his claims were “unsubstantiated.”

We are a family who is committed to facts, not fake evidence that surfaces every few months to fill the void and distract law enforcement and the general public from finding Seth’s murderers. The services of the private investigator who spoke to press was offered to the Rich family and paid for by a third party, and contractually was barred from speaking to press or anyone outside of law enforcement or the family unless explicitly authorized by the family.

However, spokesman Brad Bauman noted that even if emails do surface it does not necessarily mean Seth Rich worked with WikiLeaks.

“Even if tomorrow, an email was found, it is not a high enough bar of evidence to prove any interactions as emails can be altered and we’ve seen that those interested in pushing conspiracies will stop at nothing to do so,” Bauman said. “We are a family who is committed to facts, not fake evidence that surfaces every few months to fill the void and distract law enforcement and the general public from finding Seth’s murderers.”

Let’s pause for a moment and look at two important pieces of information. First, the “family spokesman” is actually a professional Democrat crisis PR consultant with the Pastorum Group, a recently formed consulting firm.

Seth Rich’s new “family spokesman” is Brad Bauman a professional Democrat crisis PR consultant with the Pastorum Group.

— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) August 11, 2016

To say that Bauman might have a bias when speaking for the Rich family is putting it mildly. Bauman specifically works in crisis management for the Democratic Party and the DNC leaks have by far been the most disastrous scandal to hit the party in the post-9/11 era. Is it that difficult to imagine the Democrats placing one of their crisis management experts in front of the Rich family? If so, Bauman could act as a barrier to prevent the family from looking further into what they have so far called “baseless conspiracy theories.”
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The second point of note is that Rod Wheeler, the private investigator interviewed by Fox5, has a history of appearing on Fox News as an expert in a variety of fields. One interview he conducted with Bill O’Reilly centered around an alleged rise in “lesbian gangs” attacking people. As the Southern Poverty Law Center writes (note: I can’t stand the SLPC for their propaganda mongering as much as the next free thinker, but facts are facts):

Confronted by the Intelligence Report, Wheeler was unable, in several phone and E-mail exchanges over a two-day period, to specify a single law enforcement agency or officer, police report, media account or any other source he relied upon for his D.C. area lesbian gangs claim. But he insisted that his report was accurate and that any law enforcement officer who disagrees is “out of touch.”

“For some reason or other, these organizations don’t lay it on the line because they don’t know what is going on on the streets,” said Wheeler. “This is a serious crisis and the so-called experts are missing it.”’

I mention this fact because it relates to Wheeler’s credibility. It’s up to each individual to decide whether they will accept the claims made by him. Thankfully, researchers of Seth Rich’s murder do not have to rely on Wheeler’s words alone. Fox News also reports that “a federal source” has confirmed that Seth Rich did indeed make contact with WikiLeaks through now-deceased director Gavin MacFadyen. The federal source claims to have seen a copy of a forensic report of Rich’s computer which was issued by the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) within 96 hours of his death.

“I have seen and read the emails between Seth Rich and WikiLeaks,” the federal investigator told Fox News. The source claims the FBI has the emails. According to this source, 44,053 emails and 17,761 attachments between Democratic National Committee leaders, dated between January 2015 to May 2016, were sent from Rich to MacFadyen before May 21.

Fox News has not been the only source of speculation as to whether or not Seth Rich was involved in the DNC Leaks. WikiLeaks has issued a reward of $20,000 USD for “information leading to conviction for the murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich.” Even Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, seemed to hint at Rich’s connection to the leaks. During an August 2016 interview with Dutch TV program Nieuwsuur, Assange made an unusual comment that led some to ask what he knows.

“Our whistleblowers go to significant efforts to give us material, at often very significant risks,” Assange said. “There was a 27 year old, works for the DNC, who was shot in the back, murdered just a few weeks ago for unknown reasons other than that he was walking down the street in Washington.

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Articles In This Thread

ALERT: # Of Leaked DNC Docs Match # Of Docs Found On Seth Rich’s Computer!!
HotCoffee -- Wednesday, 17-May-2017 03:13:00
Reader: Who Is Lying About The Murder Of Seth Rich?
RumorMail -- Wednesday, 17-May-2017 13:54:54

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