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Did Turk new Sultan really won referendum; regarding the percents & last moment shift in referendum rules? - & tramp & puting deal

Date: Monday, 17-Apr-2017 05:45:51

'This could be a Pyrrhic victory': Regional analysts explain what dangers await Turkey but also Europe after the referendum

10:32 17/04/2017


Instead of consolidating Turkey, Erdogan's victory in the referendum actually could further destabilize the deeply divided country, and Turkey goes back two steps backward, warn regional analysts.

For the introduction of a presidential system vote was 51.3 percent, against the declared 48.7 percent of voters, according to 98.2 percent of the votes counted. In this count, by decision of the Supreme Election Committee are counted the ballots without official seals of the election also. But this is far from being the only irregularity for which the opposition complaints. But even Erdogan can not be satisfied.

GREATEST POLITICAL CHANGES IN MODERN HISTORY OF TURKEY: The opposition accuses the Sultan Erdogan of scam, EU concerned

"This referendum has not produced the result that President Erdogan expected. Such a close victory leaves the possibility of causing political instability in Turkey in the coming days "said Kenan Esref Rašidagić, assistant professor of He said that Erdogan's AKP party expected at least 60 percent of the vote. "In a situation where they completely ruled the media and public space, when the opposition was harassed in any way possible -in this situation the result of half and half, is essentially a very unfavorable outcome for the ACP."

The opposition has already demanded a recount of the votes of the majority because of doubts about the election results, and in major cities have already begun the protests. "If this suspicion is maintained, this thin victory actually could be a Pyrrhic victory, because it could cause further political instability," said political analyst and explains that the political system of Turkey will be completely redefined.

"There will be a concentration of power in the hands of one man, it will be easier to him to govern and that is indisputable," said Rašidagić adding that the traditional centers of power that exist at all levels of government and all structures - made the referendum completely make meaningless.

Rašidagić points out that the adoption of constitutional changes cause tectonic disturbances in Turkish politics.

Usurpation of power

And danger of such a system has exposed also Boris Varga foreign policy commentator fromn Novi Sad (Serbia).

"Semi-presidential system, like in most transition countries from the Balkans to Vladivostok, has its flaws and strengths, but generally prevents complete usurpation of power by one political figure or political groups. Strong presidential system threatens that Turkey returnes two steps back in relation to democratic reforms, "says Varga. He points out a close victory, adding that "results in the urban areas of Istanbul and Ankara say that that the legacy of Ataturk in Turkey is very vivid, and that the citizens of this country price the plurality system that they had gained, and that is deeply dividing society."

Closer to Russia, and more further to Europe

HISTORICAL REFERENDUM: Erdogan declared victory, look what authority he gets

Analysts agree about one more important detail - the constitutional changes represent a chance for closer cooperation between Moscow and Ankara.

"Russia supports the deficit democracies in the region and all that Turkey brings away from the EU," said Varga until Rašidagić adds that these are "two leaders who very easily find a common language." "They are both autocrats and most importantly - Russia and Turkey mainly, in the most internal issues - from energy cooperation to the market, import-export, are compatible with the economy so that there is very good potential to develop relationships, "said Rašidagić.

'Erdogan will democratize Turkey despite the West'

On the other hand, Ivan Ejub Kostic, Director Balkan Center for the Middle East, sees nothing problematic in close victory, but he the opponents of increasing the authority accuses of smear campaign.

"During the campaign, the referendum was totally personalized. The votes that were against the constitutional changes are managed effectively replace a story on the issues concerned constitutional changes that the dirty campaign against President Erdogan due to which we are weeks were incredible, omnipresent campaign in which the continuing talk only about how Turkey irrevocably slipping into dictatorship and that Erdogan after the referendum become a new sultan, "said Kostic. He added that there is little difference problematic only at first glance, since it is and Erdogan won his last election by a smaller margin, and it is in this referendum was higher turnout, a referendum was passed in spite of the enemies of Turkey.

"During the campaign for the referendum, there was a general mobilization of all those forces which is not in the interest of Turkey to continue going through the stabilization and strengthening of its capacity. When I say that of course I mean the extremely negative role of Western countries and their media who created practically psychotic atmosphere around this referendum, as if it were about to be or not to be for the future of Turkey, "a sharp Kostic who do not see why a referendum" on purely internal affairs of Turkey changed relations with Russia ". However, claims Turkey should "review its relations with individual EU countries that were absolutely unacceptable to behave during the campaign for the referendum and directly interfere in the internal political affairs of Turkey.
Autocracy of one man

Zarko Puhovski he expected little difference because the society in Turkey is divided, the referendum will not solve. The presidential system is in the country for a long democratic tradition associated countryÜ, you could have a counter-effect.

"The crisis of society will be tightened as it introduces a system that, with regard to, unfortunately, a low level of democratic culture in Turkey, can have effects as it enjoys in the United States or in France during De Gaulle, but will have the effect of authoritarianism, then , autocracy of one man and for Turkey from the standpoint of democracy, in my opinion, not good, "says Puhovski.


Turkey, simply, governs the entrance to the Black Sea, the only Russian entrance to the warm waters.

So tramp (also called Trump) & puting (also called Putin) got a deal how to devise Syria, and what turkey gets for that.

Problem is that, both, tramp & puting are not sincere about that deal.

So we are looking upon the puting invading the Europe from east and west, to protect his Homelend, and tramp must pay back his debts even from it's new york mob days.


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