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Reader B: "Could you be confused?"

Posted By: Lion
Date: Sunday, 16-Apr-2017 23:21:56

In Response To: Parody - Human Being Meets The Enlil (Lion)


Re: Parody - Human Being Meets The Enlil

Greetings :could you be confused ? What evidence is there enlil is the creator? Would it be safe to assume the hate you feel for re-legion is affecting you ?.....let it go?.....

Thanks, B

Information in piece above had to be presented as parody due to conventional wisdom; hive mind or group think.

Conventional wisdom, is a form of 'what's in style today', or what is the generalized belief system among the audience expected to be exposed to the information presented.

The inspiration for the piece above is my concern is for the innocents of the Earth who are currently besieged by forces detrimental to their survival as a species.

One of the primary points of the piece is Human Beings do indeed maintain a connection with Prime Creator, or with Source should one choose to refer to Creation as such.

Human Beings are unique in this aspect.

You may have heard the phrase "you are creators" or 'we are all one".

The reasoning behind such a statement begins with energies.

Everything Being energy at the most basic levels, our connection with prime Creator or Source is One, because we are individually bodies of Bodies of Light and thought.

In the metaphysical realms, Human Beings create thought energies, which eventually translate into matter - matter that is seen, touched, felt, or experienced.

That is why individuals such as David Icke and others of a learned perspective perpetuate the mantra of "remember who you are and what you are capable of."

Icke gives this warning over and over because he too understands the potential of the hive mind - or group think - which translates into what is called 'conventional wisdom'.

Pertaining to the cause and effect cycle formula described above, events and experiences are created, and occur in one fashion or another, when the group think-hive mind of the Human populace is channeled in any given direction.

This is why the soulless (dis-connected from Source) infection of negative beings within our existence work so hard to channel Human thought patterns in a direction which benefits the agenda of a destroyer class control system, but only demeans a positive uplifting of the Human Spirit.

Media, education, religious dogma, and political dogma, do indeed play a big part in the evolution of Human thought patterns.

"Conventional wisdom' then, is a derivative of influences upon Human thought patterns, implemented via the processes of
media, education, religious dogma, political dogma, and other assorted environmental conditioning.

Long held, and constantly reinforced though repetitive ritual, religious dogma is a particularly tough nut to crack, once it has been instilled in the mind of an individual.

Religious beliefs become very personal. A last 'line of defense' if you will, to that individual's emotional security.

To address your initial question, there is no historical evidence the Enlil (a title ) are Prime Creator or Source.

There is much historical documentation of the Enlill's manipulation of the Human species for their own self-serving agenda.

The Annunaki - "Those who from heaven to Earth came" admit as much in study and translation of the ancient Sumerian tablets, where the "Creator of All' is referenced as a force more powerful than even the Annunaki themselves claimed to be.

Another basic point of the original piece is that no matter the practice of predictive programming purposely implemented via religious dogma, prophesy, or otherwise - NOTHING is set in stone.

Our future us up to us - should we choose it.

Human Beings can still overcome the manipulators of Humanity.

Human Beings can provide a positive future for the benefit of our species - should We only remember who We are.



: Parody - Human Being Meets Enlil

: H: So we finally meet. I've been looking forward to this for
: some time.

: E: Make this quick. I have a ten o'clock with Jared Kushner.

: H: I just need to verify a few things. So I'll get right to
: it. You are the wrathful and jealous god of the genesis
: story, no?

: E: Yes. It is written, thou shalt have no other gods before
: me.

: H: Who says I need a god?

: E: It is I, your lord and master.

: H: A little stuck on yourself, aren't we?

: E: I am all that is, all that was, and all that will be.

: H: So say you. You are sounding much like a cheap politician.

: E: I should know. Political games are my right hand and my
: religions are my left hand. What do you want?

: H: What's your gig? Why do you have to be that guy?

: E: Gig? My gig? Impudent little Human. I am the great Enlil.
: Ye shall know my wrath!

: H: Shall know? Seriously? You need to know something, Ozzy. I
: already have a long experience with your will, and let me
: tell you here and now - your will sucks. You know, that
: giant sucking sound that parasites make? Charlie Brown's
: mom syndrome. But can you answer the question?

: E: Which question?

: H: As I said. What is your problem?

: E: My problem is your problem.

: H: Only because you are an invader; a conniver who made your
: problem my problem. Do you really think I would choose such
: a farce to exist within? Thanks for nothing, dude. Withs
: gods like you, who needs enemies?

: E: I am the Enlil! I can destroy you!

: H: I fear not. I get that you need to control and destroy.
: That is exactly my point. Destruction is all you do. Do you
: get what a dumb-ass move that is in the long run?

: E: I have served me well. My chosen ones are kings of the
: earth. I reward them with great riches and power. How could
: you be so foolish as to dispute that?

: H: Don't toy with me. You are NOT Prime Creator. It is
: painfully obvious you serve yourself. You must be aware
: that your chosen ones are despised among Humanity.

: E: It is because Humans are jealous of my princes. The jealous
: ones would do my bidding if the rewards were big enough.
: There is but a small distance between despised and
: respected.

: H: Only from your point of view, and one can only reason from
: their point of view. Truly, it is only fear you speak of.
: Fear of the great mystery of unknown force. Once the shroud
: of mystery is removed, most Humans will reject your charade
: outright.

: E: Oh, but you dream little Human. Seeking me is built into
: your DNA. That you can be assured of. My brother Enki made
: sure of that. You were a slave then, you are a slave now,
: and forever you will remain a slave.

: H: I do not agree, and hereby withdraw my consent. My will is
: to contest assumptions of the wicked despot. Write that
: down in your book of futures.

: E: I will destroy you!

: H: I think not. You need me too much. Without me, you have no
: power. It is not I who remains the dead soul. I possess
: that which you are longing for, but will never have. I am
: Prime Creator, and I am Source. You are not. You are
: separated from Me, by your own choice. You have always been
: belligerent. Younger were you then, and your father Anu
: wisely instructed you not to go toward the outer reaches
: where the hounds of the abyss do dwell. Neither did you pay
: heed to your fathers wise words. From your own impudence,
: your legacy remains only lord of the air among the children
: of Earth. Look at the example of your brother Enki. At
: least Enki knows compassion. You know only destruction. It
: is not your place to express your great despair against the
: children of Earth. Yet another 3600 Earth year cycle is
: nearly complete. Shall you say "I am the lord thy
: god" to your own father Anu again?

: E: This conversation is over. I am late for my meeting with
: Kushner. We shall not meet again. One of us will end.

: H: We can agree on that.

: -----------------------

RMN is an RA production.

Articles In This Thread

Parody - Human Being Meets The Enlil
Lion -- Saturday, 15-Apr-2017 13:07:28
Reader B: "Could you be confused?"
Lion -- Sunday, 16-Apr-2017 23:21:56

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