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Reader: "What would encourage me to contribute money to this website if my comments are disregarded?"

Posted By: hobie
Date: Tuesday, 30-Dec-2014 18:08:42

In Response To: * Soon, I'll ask you to contribute $1500 as fast as you can. * (hobie)

(Thanks, S. :)

Reader Stormy writes (and I'll comment at some length, following):


Re: * Soon, I'll ask you to contribute $1500 a....

Hi Hobie,

With all due respect. I reply to agents threads, those accepting emails, not unlike Watchman who stays clear of any rebuttals, on controversial issues. Whether I am in agreement with them or not it should be considered a form of freedom of expression. Most don't post my comments, nor reply to my email address stating their reason. What would encourage me to contribute money to this website if my comments are disregarded?

You Hobie, are one of the few who posts ALL comments. Thank you, and have a great New Year.


(hobie here.) A Happy New Year to you too, Stormy. :) The short answer to your question about what would encourage you is, "All that's here, provided for you and for everyone to read by the team of Agents who do this as a labor of love, 24/7/365."

In other words, "RMN gives first." :) And if someone is here repeatedly, it's reasonable to conclude that that one finds some value in what RMN provides.

We gladly do this for free - but that doesn't mean there's no cost involved in doing it. And, presently, Rayelan has an extraordinary circumstance to deal with; the RMN family can help her do it.

Whether one thinks of it as "giving something back" or as "an investment in the future, to make sure RMN is still here to read tomorrow", that's the reason one would provide something in this hour when it's very much needed. :)

Making the short answer longer :) :

When RMN first came onto the Web and had a facility to allow for anonymous posting, it was almost destroyed by folks who may well have been sent here (by what we nowadays call "the cabal") to do that very thing. RMN's conversational space was soon filled with the blitherings of:

  • "Vacuum Cleaners" a euphemism from the intelligence world that describes people who "befriend" whistle blowers in the guise of reporters, film agents, fellow investigators or concerned friends and supporters; for the sole purpose of bleeding every drop of information they can from a targeted individual. This information is then passed up the line.
  • "Disinformation Agents" whose purpose it is to sow doubt in an attempt discredit the information being put out by Rumor Mill News.
  • "Time consumers" whose questions and information are so good that much time is spent walking down roads that lead no where, but are extremely interesting. The purpose of the "time consumer" is to consume so much time that nothing can be written or published.
  • "Trained psychological Agents" whose purpose is to identify sensitive emotional buttons and press them as often as possible, thereby disabling writers and investigators who have sensitive and painful personal issues. This prevents the writers from doing their work. In some cases, it makes the writer lash out at attackers, and thereby discredit themselves.
And others. The result was that the first RMN was closed down. Different software was found, the same software we're using now (though I've modified it in many different ways over the years), and RMN came back online.

Since those earliest days fourteen or fifteen years ago, the Rumor Mill News Reading Room has been a place where only Agents have the ability to post - and only Rayelan commissions or decommissions an RMN Agent - and new Agents have to be invited to join the Agent team.

Once an Agent is commissioned, he or she is free to post whatever s/he finds to be important or interesting. There's no editorial policy to be adhered to and no advance moderation. All that's asked of the Agents is that they be civil and courteous in their dealings with one another - "no ad hominem attacks" is a particular rule in the Reading Room.

No Agent is required to provide a way for Readers to contact him or her. Those Agents who do provide a 'Send E-mail' link are not required to post, respond to, or even read any e-mails they happen to receive. They have essentially free rein there, just as they do in the Reading Room itself.

There are two reasons for that. First and foremost, of course, is to prevent agents provocateur or other troublemakers from taking over the Reading Room, as we had seen happen in earlier days.

The second reason is a variation of the first. It's to keep the Agents safe from harm. Most Readers would not believe some of the e-mail we receive. :) It can be quite hateful, vile even.

And it has happened sometimes in the past that someone would send e-mail to one or more Agents, designed to "separate him/her from the herd" and introduce discord at RMN. Those of us who have been at this for awhile can see through such efforts. Newer Agents sometimes cannot.

Many of the Agents who do not now include a 'Send E-mail' link in their posts did include such a link at one time. Then they received some of the e-mails I'm describing, and decided it wasn't worth the grief.

You honor me, Stormy, in saying I'm "one of the few who posts ALL comments". Thanks. :) In truth, though, I don't. There are some e-mails that aren't worthy of seeing the light of day, and others that do little to advance the conversation in the Reading Room. And sometimes the conversation on some topic has simply already run its course, with no benefit in starting it up again.

True enough, if I feel I _can_ post a Reader's e-mail message, I will, to honor the Reader and as a courtesy. But there's no policy in place that says I must or even should do that. It's a personal choice I've made. And it's my responsibility to determine whether it will benefit the Reading Room and all the Readers.

Only Agents can post in the Reading Room. If we were to say, "We'll post whatever anyone sends us," that would defeat the purpose of the arrangement Rayelan set up. We'd become a "posting service for others", not "a team of Agents commissioned by Rayelan herself".

That said, however: In recent years we've also set up a separate area, the Common Ground Independent Media (CGI) Room, where most anyone can enroll and begin posting for him- or herself.

CGI Reporters can post responses to items posted by the Agents in the Reading Room; CGI Moderator Susoni routinely brings suitable posts from the CGI Room and reposts them in the Reading Room.

As you said, Stormy, "Whether I am in agreement with them or not it should be considered a form of freedom of expression." We'd all agree with that idea. The point of RMN's unique arrangement is to include as many different perspectives as possible, knowing that no one of us has all the pieces of the puzzle.

Whether one's freedom of expression will result in publication in the RMN Reading Room, though, is a separate matter and left to the discretion of the Agents Rayelan has invited and commissioned to post here.

Worthy of note: Nowadays new Agents often come from among the CGI Reporters. The CGI Room allows them to show what they can do and to develop a 'track record'. Those seen as being potentially a good fit for the Reading Room may be invited to become Agents.



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Articles In This Thread

* Soon, I'll ask you to contribute $1500 as fast as you can. *
hobie -- Tuesday, 30-Dec-2014 04:55:01
Reader: "What would encourage me to contribute money to this website if my comments are disregarded?"
hobie -- Tuesday, 30-Dec-2014 18:08:42
Reader Stormy: "Financial support is the life-blood to freedom of speech on the internet. I should know. ..."
hobie -- Wednesday, 31-Dec-2014 00:02:06

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