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THE ORIGINS: The mother of all conspiracies: Titanic was deliberately sunk, here's why

Date: Sunday, 26-Mar-2017 11:26:28


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The mother of all conspiracies: Titanic was deliberately sunk, here's why

Three influential US rich - John J. Astor IV, Isidor Strauss and Benjamin Guggenheim were against the establishment of the Federal Reserve. All died on the Titanic ...

Author: Paula Manitašević
Sunday, 3/26/2017. at 08:11

The most famous passenger liner of all time, who tragically met his end in the evening, 15 April 1912, and a century later never ceases to fascinate people. In the last 400 years, there were around 65,000 maritime disaster and to some much larger (in casualties), but only about this story over and over again. About the Titanic was filmed over 500 documentaries and feature films, and written probably a thousand books. Why?

Shortly after the accident appeared in various conspiracy theories that the ship was intentionally sunk. It has long been believed that the reason for the sinking of the ship was a scam by ensuring that at the end of 'followed the' company White Star Line, which owned the ship was.

Much was said about the replacement of ships, about Bruce Ismay, Captain Edward Smith, and even the curse of the mummy and all sorts of bad karma. All these theories already extensively developed, but in recent years more and more mentions one which goes side by side with that of the New World Order.

The essence of this theory is the establishment of the Federal Reserve, the US central bank, which is considered theorists, closely associated with the most famous maritime disaster.

The on board are traveling three most powerful men in America, one of whom was John Jacob Astor IV., The richest man of his time and the first owner of the Empire State Building, or the land on which he built a skyscraper. The other two were Isidor Strauss, owner of the department store chain Macy's, and Benjamin Guggenheim, heir to mine gold, silver and copper.

These three powerful was the thorn in the side of the banking cartels because they opposed the establishment of the Federal Reserve.
The banking cartel and the establishment of the Fed

The leading bankers of the time - the family Rothschild, Rockefeller and J. P. Morgan, wanted to establish a central American bank that would be owned by them with the powers of the federal government. So being able to control the printing of money without backing in gold.

Eustace Mullins in his book "Secrets of the Federal Reserve" (Secrets of the Federal Reserve) writes that the seven influential bankers of the world in 1910, met on Jekyll Island off the coast of Georgia, to elaborate a plan on the establishment of the central bank, which they called the Federal Reserve Bank.

The meeting was Nelson W. Aldrich and Frank Vanderlip as representatives of the financial empire Rockefeller, then Henry Davison, Charles Norton and Benjamin Strong - representing J.P. Morgan, Paul Warburg, who came ahead of European banking family Rothschild.

How are these three families were close and business related is described by G. Edward Griffin in his book "The monster from the island of Jekyll '(The Creature from Jekyll Island, 1994):

'Family Morgan was in a friendly competition with the Rothschilds and became socially close. Morgan's London company in 1857 from financial ruin rescued the Bank of England, which was influenced by the Rothschilds. After that, Morgan served Rothschild as financial agent (...) Rockefeller entry into the banking sector, Morgan was not well received. They became fierce rivals. Finally they decided to reduce competition between themselves for a joint venture. In the end they worked to set up a national banking cartel called the Federal Reserve System.

Indeed, on Jekyll is based banking cartel, which aimed to achieve a monopoly in the issuance of certificates for the deposited gold or silver in the United States. Such confirmation is valid as money and with it could carry out foreign trade. By issuing certificates dealt with many private banks in America, a 'paper dollars' were called gold and silver dollars.

The Law on the gold standard in 1900 obliged the banks to each issued certificate (bond) must have really cover in gold or silver. A lot of such bonds sank the Titanic so for them never paid deposited gold, but what is left in the state treasury or in private banks. It was a great argument for "A group from the island Jekyll" that in 1913, a year after the marine tragedy, indicate the US congressmen to the issue of cash certificates should concentrate only in one place - in the Federal Reserve System, which would be the official US central bank.

Thus, the main objective of the banking cartel was - "flexible monetary policy", ie issuing (printing) dollars without backing in gold. That would mean that bankers can lend speculative money that has no real value.

Such a system has already been implemented in England in 1694 the establishment of the Bank of England (founded by Scotsman William Paterson, but later took control of the bank Nathan Rothschild). The founding Charter states: "Bank belongs all profits from the interest on the money that it creates out of nothing" (The bank hath benefit on the interest on all monies which it creates out of nothing). Thus, England as the country began to take loans and borrowing with huge interest and in the Bank of England is all registered as national debt. This debt actually repaid citizens through taxes, and if the repayment of state loans overdue state should increase taxes.

The same system he tried to take hold and in the United States on two occasions. The first is a private central bank founded by Alexander Hamilton in 1789, but was abolished in 1811 when Congress declined to renew the Banking Act.

President James Madison proposed the second best private central bank of the United States and it was established in 1816. He closed by President Andrew Jackson in 1836 who is vehemently opposed to the banking cartel calling them usurers. One of his most famous message to bankers is: "Your litter dens of poisonous and thieves. I intend to uproot you, and God help me, I will eradicate". Jackson died suddenly for unknown reasons.
Three main victims

Many businessmen who have acquired great wealth and influence in the United States did not want to state thus being robbed. Opposed the establishment of the Fed, and in this opposition were the most prominent Astor, Strauss and Guggenheim. In addition, it is believed that the aforementioned trio their influence to prevent the entry of America into World War.

Astor is strongly advocated for an isolationist policy under the principle of "America first" without mixing in "pragmatism", especially European. It was the advocates of these policies most opposed Woodrow Wilson's decision to introduce in 1917 the United States in the First World War.

Thus, the Troika is bothered by the banking cartel in their purpose and the problem was to be solved. The idea for the perfect crime could be born from the novel published in 1898 ...
The crime described 14 years earlier in the book

Long before it even emerged the idea of ​​building the Titanic, American writer and newspaper merchant navy Morgan Robertson wrote a novel Futility, also known under the title The Wreck of the Titan (Titan Wreck).

In his book, written 14 years before the actual tragedy, Robertson describes the largest and most modern "unsinkable" ship that moves in mid-April on his first voyage across the Atlantic, wishing to bring down the speed record. Ship strikes an iceberg and sinks. The manner and place of collision, capacity, number of passengers, ship dimensions, maximum speed, tonnage, number of lifeboats - all this is eerily coincides with another, then, undeveloped Titanic.

That coincidence is higher Robertson fictional ship was called - Titan! While he was still living at the time of the disaster, never explained the incredible similarity actual events with his amendment.

Such a scenario is a perfect fit banking cartel because it could easily be realized. It is only to build a ship, lure victims to the first trip and izrežirati hurt by its people. None of this was not a problem because the J.P. Morgan was the owner of the White Star Line, which is 1909 in Belfast began to build the largest and most modern ship of its time - the Titanic.

The connection to the Jesuits

Society of Jesus (Jesuits or Jesuits) was founded in 1540 Ignatius of Loyola in the context of the Roman Catholic Church. According to some theories, the Rothschilds have been for centuries the main bankers of the Catholic Church and the most responsible for the enormous wealth that the Church has accumulated a good investment and trading stocks. So, their connections were solid and through these connections selected a captain who will take the Titanic in death.

It was Edward John Smith, the most experienced and highest paid captain of the White Star Line, which was also a Jesuit. Smith is the first sailing of the Titanic should be the last voyage before retirement, after 46 years of service. In the official version of the tragedy states that Smith received eight warnings to slow down and be careful because of iceberg in the sea. To date remains unanswered the question of how a man with 46 years of experience, who is who knows how many times sailed the same route, he ignored all the warning signs.

In addition to Smith, on board was another Jesuit - Irish priest Francis Browne. The documentary National Geographic "Secrets of the Titanic" (The Secrets of the Titanic) states that Browne was influential Jesuit in all of Ireland and boarded the Titanic to Captain Smith gave the last instructions.

According to the official version, Browne had traveled from Southampton to Queenstown with his uncle who was a bishop in Ireland. On the way he met a wealthy couple who asked him to join them on a trip to New York, all at their expense. Browne allegedly Titanic sent a telegram in Dublin in which he asked for permission to go his way. The answer came in Queenstown, and read: "Get off the ship."
The victims lured through the media

Conspirators are so had boat and captain, took only lure victims that was the easiest part of the job. Because of the huge media fanfare, all of which are for themselves as to apply something in society had to be on board. I'm Morgan announced that he will travel to the Titanic to New York.

Astor is the young wife returned from a trip to Egypt, the Guggenheim was Paris, and Strauss was with her husband on the trip to Europe. Everyone should come to America, and the maiden voyage Titanic not be allowed to miss.

It is interesting to mention that Morgan cancels trip last day due to alleged disease. He later found in good health with a mistress, when she revealed the news of the tragedy.

Start the New World Order

After the sinking of the Titanic company White Star Line went damages of one million pounds (today around 100 million euros), which is a year later paid to shareholders, and most of the Morgan pocketed. It was the most successful year for the White Star Line in the history of this group.

In December 1913 the US Congress passed the law on the formation of the Federal Reserve (Fed). The law was passed thanks to Wilson that it is pushed, allegedly because he was being blackmailed for adultery.

America was in 1917 entered the First World War, which is funded through the Federal Reserve, which meant an enormous debt. From then until 2000, the US dollar and British pound lost about 98 percent of its value due to inflation.

Today, over 95% of the dollars in circulation speculative, but worth it determines the demand in the oil market. The Fed is one of the most powerful institutions in the world, and the date of its establishment is considered to be the beginning of the New World Order.


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