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A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats: The Real Reason Governments are Blaming Youtube for Terrorism

Posted By: Swami
Date: Sunday, 26-Mar-2017 03:18:23

In Response To: Extension of Tension: You Don't Wanna EVEN Try... (Swami)

The Real Reason Governments are Blaming Youtube for Terrorism | The Daily Bell

By The Daily Bell Staff - March 25, 2017

Ban all the things, and when we all live in padded prison cells, we will be safe from terrorists!

That is the plan. Because access to information is really the problem, according to the British government. As soon as people don’t have access to extremist material online, all this madness will surely stop!

The Prime Minister’s official spokesman said: “The fight against terrorism and hate speech has to be a joint one. The government and security services are doing everything they can and it is clear that social media companies can and must do more.

“Social media companies have a responsibility when it comes to making sure this material is not disseminated and we have been clear repeatedly that we think that they can and must do more. We are always talking with them on how to achieve that.

“The ball is now in their court. We will see how they respond.”

How laughable that the government claims to be doing everything they can. We all know that is not true.

But even more ridiculous is attempting to put all the blame on websites that host content. With massive amount of content on Youtube, how can they be expected to police every single video? They already review 98% of flagged content within 24 hours, and also within 24 hours they usually remove content that the government asks them to take down.

It sounds like Youtube is already on board with government censorship, but the British authorities want to go further. What we need is new laws, new fines, and punishment for companies who host extremist content, they say.

Damian Collins, who heads the Culture, Media and Sport Committee, said bosses should face a new offence of failing to act to remove terrorist videos and manuals from their sites.

He was backed by former terror tsar Lord Alex Carlile who said: “We need to reinforce the attack on internet radicalisation.

If a new law is necessary to compel internet service providers to co-operate with these efforts, it must be made.”

And what about failing to remove terrorists from the country? Should government officials face a new offence for that crime?

It’s not like these terrorists are carrying out precision attacks which require training and special knowledge. They are driving cars through crowds of people. They are opening fire in public.

Videos surely can lead to extremism. The government should know, they run the media which leads to widespread support of bombing the hell out of anything that moves in the middle east. While handfuls of westerners were killed in terror attacks, hundreds of innocent Iraqis were bombed to death by America.

So governments can literally fund all the terrorism they want, but if Youtube allows a video promoting terrorism to remain on their sharing platform, they are the ones causing the extremism that leaks violently back into the west.

As governments cry about the splinter in their neighbor’s eye–how advertisements were shown next to extremist videos, saying that Youtube was profiting off of extremism–they are blind to the log in their own.

Craig said the only winner is the defense industry. “Well, it’s good business,” she said. “In the first year of the war [in Yemen], the U.S. sold $20 billion worth of arms to Saudi Arabia, and Saudi Arabia has been buying more and more weapons as a result of this war, and the same goes for the British government as well,” she said. “Really it all boils down to financial gain and that’s the greatest win really for the U.S., but it’s an extremely costly one obviously for the civilian population of Yemen.”

But no, I’m sure the real root of the issue is videos on Youtube that encourage terrorism. It has nothing to do with the defense industry profiting off of war, destroying entire regions to make a buck, jamming propaganda down the throats of westerners to garner support for war and destruction that are like games to the governments involved.

The Fix is In

Oh and how convenient that when governments are able to force Youtube to take down extremist content online, they may just have given themselves the power to regulate any free speech on the internet, whether it is truly extremist or not.

And that is what this all comes down to. The government wants control over the internet, control over what we say, and how we communicate.

The terrorists which the government supports and creates will be the excuse for government censorship and oppression of citizens under their control.

And that is why the government needs to make social media platforms the enemy. It both distracts from the government’s own role in supporting terrorism, and gives them more power to police any opposition on social media to their oppressive rule.

The people are creating their own media, and it is cutting into the government’s propaganda business.

It’s always the same: right now they will use their power of censorship against “the terrorists,” and then they will use the hammer of the law against anyone who speaks out against their murderous, oppressive policies.


Praetor • 5 hours ago

Blame everyone else, but themselves. That is a sign of being a psychopath. Is it only psychopaths want to be rulers or is it rulers become psychopaths. What ever the answer, they all seem to be psychopaths. And Internet Reformation has definitely opened everyone eyes to this fact.!!!

James Clander • 5 hours ago

"The government should know, they run the media which leads to widespread support of bombing the hell out of anything that moves in the middle east. While handfuls of westerners were killed in terror attacks, hundreds of innocent Iraqis were bombed to death by America."

So true. Excellent summary and yes - -" then they will use the hammer of the law against anyone who speaks out against their murderous, oppressive policies."

notwithabang • 5 hours ago

May’s proscription, um - words of wisdom & vision - would presumably have stopped those Vikings and Normans dead in their tracks. Luftwaffe too.

She’s cutting edge ruthless is Mother Tess.

Bruce C. • 6 hours ago

Honestly, it's hard to tell whether some of these narcissistic "over achievers" are just dumb or evil. The Koran and Islam in general are plenty perverse enough to motivate radical narcissistic behavior. It would exist - and has had for centuries - even without the internet. The practical difference is that now there are more MEANS and OPPORTUNITIES to manifest insanity. It has nothing to do with "info."

Ironically, however, the basic sentiment of dissatisfaction exists for many reasons that go beyond sharia and are shared by many, it's just that the vast majority don't protest, or not violently. Again, the internet really has nothing to do with it.

notwithabang Bruce C. • 5 hours ago

Yes, no manual needed for violence.

And some overlook the fact that with new technology, the Trojan is already within the walls (or been "downloaded").

Remote activation of that pony has never been easier.

paul crosley • 10 hours ago

Her and Hillary are the female counterparts of Dorian Gray

Alan • 12 hours ago

Typical solution by government bureaucrats. Also typical to simply label believers who are following their religion's basic tenets as extremists rather than the religion itself which is the source of and the reason behind their "extremism".

Colonel Robert F. Cunningham • 13 hours ago

Oh, whine ... we need more light control to stop the flash as lightning runs rampant and unrestrained over those innocent particles of cloud cover (who are all good Democrats, mind you) ... Oh, whine ... and to make sure of the control (just like Marxism requires Communism) we must pass immediate legislation to silence all that complaining thunder that raises its evil noise ...

The law will effectively do that, we must just pass it ("to see what's in it") and remove all this weather bias and all climate, seasonal and otherwise ... Oh, whine ... we'll get to that evil snow and its disguise of hard white-shiney water as quickly as our MARXhu Akbar delusions ... er, legislations ... are intact ...

Destroying the Constitution will take a bit more time ...

timothy price • 13 hours ago

Congress shall make no laws abridging freedom of speech.
What part of "no" do they not understand?

Q46 • 17 hours ago

The proof: there was no terrorism prior to social media.

For example: Harrods bombing, PLO murder and mayhem at Rome airport, Munich Olympics, etc, numerous planes hijacked, bombings in Israel.... for example.

We are governed by people with no history, no awareness of the World or self-awareness, no competence.... but lots of self-interest.

Rich Is Little • 18 hours ago

They're fighting entropy and herding 8 billion cats.
Good luck with that.

Centurian Rich Is Little • 12 hours ago

As I have said in several professional lectures regarding working with physicians, the secret to herding cats to open can of tuna where you want them to go. That is precisely what the welfare and entitlement programs are designed to do. We need more feral cats!

Q46 Rich Is Little • 17 hours ago

They do not understand the Internet.

In times past, and for the same reasons, 'The government and security services are doing everything they can'... smashing printing presses, burning printed pamphlets and books, and putting printers and publishers in gaol.

And that didn't work either.

'.... should face a new offence of failing to act to remove terrorist videos and manuals from their sites.'

And also for failing to bow low when I walk past. Laws for omissions rather than commission?

Didn't we have civil and international wars to stop tyrannical maniacs like this from being in charge?

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Articles In This Thread

Extension of Tension: You Don't Wanna EVEN Try...
Swami -- Sunday, 26-Mar-2017 00:46:32
A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats: The Real Reason Governments are Blaming Youtube for Terrorism
Swami -- Sunday, 26-Mar-2017 03:18:23

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