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Reader: "I have been ill since 1957 ... At some point went to place where Medical Cannabis was available ..."

Posted By: hobie
Date: Thursday, 23-Mar-2017 17:00:06

In Response To: Reader: "The federal government should be sued for racketeering as part of a conspiracy to interfere with ..." (hobie)

(Thanks, J. :)

Reader J. writes:


Re: Reader: 'The federal government should be ....

Dear hobie: Thank you so very kindly for addressing this "Bell Ringing" message on the 'Real Truths of the Cannabis Plant.'
Please do not use my name or address, my entire family has been terrorised over this Medical Issue!!

I am 67 yrs. old, was raised in eastern SLC, Utah. In 1952 the US Army at Dugway Proving Grounds, Tooele, UT.,decided to test their newest biowarfare weapon, known as mycoplasma fermatan/suis by spraying this horrible material over the citizens of our Millcreek area. We had our 4 yr. old first victim go into coma, then die. Neighbor girl across the road from them fell over dead at 19 yrs. Girl directly behind this victim's home, also, fell over dead at 24 yr.

We lived two door down from this line of unknown deaths. I caught this bio-element at age 7, with the progressive symptoms (as told in Brucellosis Triangle, by Donald Scott. As did three other members of my family. We were also secretly exposed to radioactive material purposely placed in the headwaters of the Big Cottonwood Canyon (as proven to me by the late Kent Steadman, of CyberSpace another victim, 4-miles south of us.

I have been ill since 1957, missed much school due to illness caused by these agents. Have spent 60 yrs. seeking medical help for many various areas of my body. After two-near fatal auto accidents, the last, an intoxicated man came driving out of bar, right in front of me, my Comet hit his engine compartment of his full sized Cadillac Deville, had only seatbelt on, 1971, first yr. installed first year by law!

My car lost, still partially went through windshield, even with belt on. When the belt structures reached their Maximum Strength Stretched, the recoil of my badly smashed head and face, caught my eyelids on shattered glass, that 'cut-off both eyelids, and part of my right nose-nostril were lost in the twisted glass explosion that just ruined everything I ever had or would have because of the burning pain that never ever leaves my STRETCHED-Burning Spine, and entire body hurt in ways are not able to be described by this person in proper English without using foul, abusive descriptions of events, 17 operations for plastic surgery, & eyelid work extensive, nose the same.

Severe CHRONIC PAIN over 15 years of US Pharmaceutical Treatment ending in 240 mg. daily of Methadone. I was turned into a living-dead person for over 15 years. Manufacturer did not even have any suggestions as to how to get off dose of their product? Not even a suggestion as to " who" one of their consumers could go to for getting their product cleaned from a consumer of their product.

At age 38 discovered there was another handicap going on! After viewing 'letters to the Editor' in Akron Beacon Journal , two mothers of Dyslexic children were arguing over treatments used to help these 'young victims'. Recognised the fact, this expert they spoke of was one Dr. Harold L. Levinson, Great Neck, NY. So contacted the Dyslexic Center of Testing, made an appointment, got on plane and spent better part of that day being tested.

At end, Dr. Levinson, asked who had brought me there? When, I explained had come by myself, he looked rather puzzled? So, asked outright " just how bad is this? "Well, J., you are the WORST We Have Ever Tested Here..." Anything, I can do to help? Yes, we can try different medications to see if any will help any of the many symptoms that have shown up here. Your saving grace in your condition is your IQ is so high it covers the reason this was not discovered in grade school.

At some point went to place where Medical Cannabis was available, while traveling. Talked to two Canadian experts on subject at length Marc Emery and Michele Rainy (died of Crohn's Disease). With their help tried certain varieties which helped right away with the nausea, travel sickness, plus some of the pain conditions. My wife notice huge improvements in both pain levels and even improvements in my dyslexic conditions.

When, unable to find more Medical type Pot, was unable in Ohio. Wanted off of the most huge dose of Methadone, with no help available. So ended up locating "Specific types" of Cannabis to try growing to withdraw from the chemicals killing me!

At just the time they matured, was at 91 yr. old Mothers home with bad flu case. Knock on the door there turned out to be Law Enforcement barging into my Mom's house to steal my firearms and mothers self defense items. While explaining a full SWAT Team was literally tearing apart my mother in laws other house we were staying at.

They told me, they had me under investigation for 14-months watching everything so were aware "None was sold", which had told them was for just my Own Medical treatment. When realizing they planned to also charge my wife, new medical condition hit, called hyper-analgesia, were all the medicines stopped working and went into complete terrorism attack.

The damage caused by this over zealous effort cost us over $70,000 which broke us financially, our health collapsing, etc. Then finding out this was caused by ex-neighbor who was ex-cop we dropped 'friendship with' after learning person had connections with organised crime and had lied over number of issues. This person had-HAD Cancer and got well by information I had shown him concerning Rick Simpson's 'RUN FROM THE CURE'.

So, reason I am sending this is to beg 'EVERYONE' to Keep Cops, Courts, Agra-Business - out of Cannabis business..because they will "Ruin this Wonder Plant" to Weaponise it against humans and animals. Beings out to destroy Earth Have An Agenda To Choke Man Kind OFF From ANY Miracle Cures and such.

The USA IS NOW a REPUBLIC just as it was in 1776! Before criminals made illegal deals to rob N. America of at least 50% of gold and silver, 15% of Copper to feed the already SUPER RICH of The World. The Virginia Company and Corporation of the United States of America ARE Broke and WE OWE THEM NOTHING! THEY NOW OWE US and Let Them Return to their Nations in Europe, since Germany will WIN Running the show there, like they have always, by right of genius ability! So be it.


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Articles In This Thread

link, Natural Blaze: "Jeff Sessions Goes Full Reefer Madness"
hobie -- Saturday, 18-Mar-2017 15:27:37
Reader: "More education needed to show people the dangers of pot use. At the same time I wonder if de-criminalizing it would be better ..."
hobie -- Saturday, 18-Mar-2017 16:38:20
Reader: 'What "dangers" is this reader referring too?'
hobie -- Saturday, 18-Mar-2017 23:08:49
Reader: "Perhaps he/she could write back with the extensive list of health hazards related to this plant?"
hobie -- Sunday, 19-Mar-2017 23:32:15
Reader: "The federal government should be sued for racketeering as part of a conspiracy to interfere with ..."
hobie -- Saturday, 18-Mar-2017 17:10:51
Reader: "I have been ill since 1957 ... At some point went to place where Medical Cannabis was available ..."
hobie -- Thursday, 23-Mar-2017 17:00:06
Reader: "Leave cannabis be, Jeff. Concentrate on getting Hillary into prison."
hobie -- Saturday, 18-Mar-2017 23:40:29

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