two comments on this article from another site:
I read that in Trumps first 30 days he had saved the debt by I believe 12 billion dollars . The stock market is rallying . And many say that is not good? Don’t people realize that most of America works for someone else , meaning they are not self employed . So if their employer does not make profits then jobs are lost . But if money is flowing then the leaders in the businesses and stock market will tend to start some of their money to build , employ and buy more goods . Which means more jobs and money flowing to be had . The media people have made workers so mad that they don’t want the employers to profit . If the employers don’t profit , factories , businesses and operations begin to close . Then these mad workers are completely out of jobs . If there is no jobs to be had then these workers must come up with some idea that working Americans with jobs will buy of them their product , goods or services . If not then they starve ! So if you are an employee , you had better hope that your business you are working for is making profits or extra money . Other wise you will soon be unemployed . Americans need to get rid of the jealousy ! Or either become your own boss . Not everyone has the ability to be a boss and own their own business . If they could do it , it would have already been done by that person . So stop wishing for destruction of your employers business . They are the only thing giving you the ability to keep food on the table .
Mar 16, 2017, 9:08 pm
My comment:
Your point is well taken, and I am a fan of the book: “Atlas Shrugged”. However, there is a balance to this subject. The wealthy elite are taking too much, and the middle class is shrinking, and the blue collar class is growing. We are becoming a third world nation while the wealthy get richer. I don’t believe we should take money from the wealthy but there needs to be a better voluntary profit sharing system considered. Lincoln said “You cannot help the poor by taking from the rich”. We shouldn’t destroy the incentive for the company owners who strive for success and prosperity. Once the incentive to prosper is removed even the blue collar class will slow down their labor, since they have no incentive to ever get paid any higher wages. A free enterprise system is still the best system to build a healthy economy, but there needs to be some compassion and equability in profit sharing to encourage the entire nation to prosper fairly. Gxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks for the response.
I think the stock market has been delivering fake numbers for a long time now. And when you add in the computer controlled trading algorithms, then the reality of trades becomes tainted. Consider the gasoline/diesel prices we see at the pump. It has been known for a while now, that the trades for fuel are being made and cancelled in fractions of a second, in order to bump the supply/demand ratios, which increases the price we see at the pump. This artificial demand makes more money for a very few people at the expense of the many.
I often see the population being manipulated when it comes to redistribution of wealth. The politician says we need to take from the wealthy, but then describes the middle class wealth, not the truly obscene wealth.
So we have the self employed building a business from scratch, and hiring people to make that happen. Then we have the obscene wealth, dynasties and international financiers, who parasite off of entire continents. And I mean steal from the entire population through things such as usury on the government approved currency. Or forcing compelled contracts through manipulation of a governments laws, like forced insurance, auto, health.
This confusion among the population makes them easy to manipulate. They buy into a politicians campaign rhetoric. Of course this obscene wealth creation is only possible through the government allowing it or being complicit in it. Hence the revolving door between the public and private sector.
I have personally witnessed people, usually in the ghetto, who have realized what was going on, and determined to throw their weight on the backs of everyone else. It makes sense, because you can bust your ass at a job, and not get squat in return. You can jump through all kinds of hoops to get a job, or continue to perform, but end up with someone taking advantage of you. I comprehend why they give up. What this means to me, is that corruption breeds corruption.
We cannot have a balanced give and re-give societal condition, when there are huge parasites feeding off of entire populations.
The population is slowly learning these details, yet many are still confused, because they see things as one extreme or the other, not considering the finer aspects that give context to what we are experiencing. We have had a mainstream media that has been taken over by the cia/wallstreet/international-financier for many decades now, and the people have spent their time giving their attention to sports, tv, idols, and chasing the fiat usury based dollar instead of asking questions as to why they are busting their ass and going deeper into debt.
I have worked at many businesses, where the people there were busting their ass to pay off that debt, working way to many hours. Very very few have ever asked why they have to work that much. They only ask why I didn't want to work that much, as if something was wrong with me.