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Trump Deputy Asst. Infers [sic] Potential Amnesty Program For Non-Felon Illegals

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Sunday, 12-Feb-2017 14:16:09

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Deputy Assistant to President Trump, joined Judge Jeanine Pirro on her February 11th, 2017 program for a discussion that included the deportation of illegal aliens from the United States. In that discussion Judge Jeanine asked her about reports that there are random ICE sweeps taking place and that ICE checkpoints have been set up in Los Angeles. She mentions other reactionary ravings about things that should have been taking place all along, naming “people being deported,” saying she finds it fascinating that now illegals are being provided attorneys to protect their “rights.”

Huckabee seems to be making an effort to calm things down, some of them of possible concern to those of us who are ardent Trump and DHS supporters. She subtly injects qualifying conditions into her statements, saying, “Look the bottom line here is that the ICE team and the ICE officers are simply enforcing the law and law that has existed before Donald Trump even took office. They’re just actually enforcing it. This is real simple here, people that have come in here illegally, that have felony charges, are not going to be allowed to stay.” Is she inferring that those who don’t have felony convictions can stay?

She says, “This is a law that has needed to be enforced and something that frankly we have to do in order to protect our country, and they’re stepping up and following the law. And I don’t know why anyone would complain about our law enforcement doing their job and enforcing the law.”

She paints the picture that ICE is enforcing the law in its entirety, but they’re not. While prioritizing based upon risk factors makes sense and perhaps should be the methodology employed in the beginning, nobody who is picked up collaterally who is here illegally should be set free. They’re still lawbreakers and to do so is not enforcing the law. It’s dangerously close to a continuation of the same type of lawlessness that Hussein Obama was engaged in, only from a different perspective. There was a time, not long ago, during the Clinton and even the George W. Bush administrations, that a call to what was then INS notifying them of illegal employment would bring about a raid and employer sanctions. That was close to actual law enforcement, with a minimal amount of political appeasement and where we envisioned ourselves returning.

Judge Jeanine pursues the line of discussion further, saying it was her understanding that “the deportation is not just those who have felony convictions and are here illegally, but those for whom there are already adjudication orders, so that there already has been the due process, adjudication in court, that you are illegal, you have to be deported and then they just never showed up to be deported.”

Judge Jeanine asks, “Are you comfortable that even without the wall, that the people that we’re deporting now can be kept out or do you think we’ll only have to go through this again?” Huckabee Sanders doesn’t want to answer that question, a signal she knows we’ve still got a long ways to go with shoring up our southern border.

After the dodge of “I don’t want to get ahead of where we are right now” she shifts the question to one of focus, stating, “I think the bottom line is the main priority that we have to do is we have to know who’s in our country, why they’re here, are they here for the right reasons. (They’re effectively self-immigrating by trespass, as long as they’ve steered clear of the law.) And if they are then let’s put them through the process and let’s do this in a legal form and fashion. Let’s not have open borders, if we have open borders we can’t have a country. That’s been one of the big priorities of the President. He’s going to enforce the law, he going to build a wall, and frankly, he’s going to secure our country. That is the number one job of the President and it’s one that finally we have a president that takes seriously and is going to take every measure under the Constitution to do just that.”

Except he’s not, and, as much as I have supported and will continue to support President Trump for representing the everyday American and recognizing that he’s still in the infancy of his presidency, these comments do seem to be setting the stage for future actions stray into the fringes of Obama territory. She’s describing the enforcement of the law within parameters that are not established as being part of the law. Others are effectively being excluded from enforcement, just as they were under the former pretend ‘president.’

The entire premise of her argument is one that indicates an amnesty of some sort is in the works. If it weren’t there would be no reason to inquire as to the reason why somebody is here, something she alluded to, or in putting them through the process, “in a legal form and fashion.” It’s turning illegals into legals by surrendering our dominion over entry, by rewarding squatters, most of whom are either on support or working under falsified identification. Either way it’s someone that shouldn’t be extended priority considerations and is not consistent with the positions of President Trump when he first came down the escalator and announced his campaign.

While it may be the best way to deal with a difficult situation and decision, President Trump should remember the value we place upon straight talk and honesty. If he’s planning an amnesty, he may not be able to talk about it yet because the floodgates would then be opened. But appeasement is often a mistake and to reward the lawbreakers now squatting in our nation is just wrong.

We Americans want those jobs back and we want our suppressed wages to be allowed to rise. We want jobs for our kids, working in a burger joint or cutting lawns. Employer requirements to E-Verify will make much of this unnecessary as will the imposition of existing fines on violating employers.

The actions that we are seeing from the men and women of ICE are a breath of fresh air, an encouraging sign. The comments by Mrs. Huckabee Sanders are not. The illegal aliens aren’t the only ones getting mixed signals, but none of them voted for our President. We’re the American citizens, the ones he’s promised to put first. Enforcing the law means all of it.

President Trump has had his work cut out for him navigating all of this as the Senate obstructed his confirmations. Attorney General Sessions understands the issues and is leading from an America first perspective. He won’t share the same views Mrs. Huckabee Sanders just expressed, and he can be quite persuasive. President Trump knows the value of his counsel.

Rick Wells

RMN is an RA production.

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Trump Deputy Asst. Infers [sic] Potential Amnesty Program For Non-Felon Illegals
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