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To: You think the reptilians are bad? Perhaps you should reconsider. Your life depends on it!

Posted By: sonofthewind
Date: Thursday, 9-Feb-2017 21:36:15

If you are close minded, lack imagination of possibilities and probabilities, don't read any further. It will be too “wild” or “out there” for you.

This post is based on this link I came across not that long ago, how to clean your skin from bug poison. The guy should get the Nobel price for medicine!

Tried it and it works! The procedure eliminates bug poison from the biggest, probably most neglected but most important organ...our skins. If you decide (highly recommended), to clean out your skin from bug poison, you'll discover there are THOUSANDS of them little and not so little, initially white colored “pin heads” as you brush your skin with hydrogen peroxide, as it is shown in the video.

Your face is FULL of these flea bites, even on your eye lids, ear lobes, ear canals and on the bottom of your nostrils. Your private parts are no exceptions! These bug (mainly flea) bites are everywhere on your body. Believe it or not, accept it or not, your skin is full of toxic bug poison from their bites. When I state “bug poison”, I mean mostly FLEA poison.

The danger is that their toxic poison is in a layer of your skin, that is not “controlled” by your immune system. The area where there is no blood or very minimal blood circulation. That layer could be likened to “no-man's land” between country borders, that is off limit to everybody.

As a side note, if you ever happen to get into that narrow strip of land (about 50 feet or so wide) neither country can grab you while you are in that area. There are “bridges” at certain spots where you can be grabbed though. Think of “no-man's land” as a river with bridges. While you are on the river, neither side can grab you...only at the bridges.

Anyway, wherever blood circulates in your body, it cleans out any invader but these bug bites stay in “no-man's land”, form a “network” system with tentacles that stretch everywhere in your body, including your internal organs and constantly pumping poison into your body, so your immune system never stops fighting them. You are constantly “down” or sick. The bug poisons in our bodies are the most likely reason for cysts on our internal organs, like on our kidneys for example, as almost everybody has them!

There are many status quo created “hobby horses” dished out to people like the aliens, UFOs, flat Earth, politics, various conspiracies, etc., you can do absolutely NOTHING about, only “chew” on them and keep yourself occupied until you die. Accomplishing nothing meaningful.

If you take the time and read this post however, you'll discover that you CAN do something about and understand many things that didn't make sense to you before.

There is a fine line, you have to walk. Nothing/nobody is completely “evil” and nothing/nobody is completely “good”. You have to find that fine line between the two. THAT is the “narrow road” many spiritualists talked about.

If you ever had dogs, cats, they did get fleas and if they did, you also have flea bites on your skin. Even if you visited people who had dogs, cats, those pets had fleas that jumped on you, then had their way with you.
You should set up several of these flea traps in your home. Night lights do just fine over the trays.

Flea poison stays in your skin for DECADES. The only thing you may notice about them unknowingly, when you have some itch at a certain spot and don't see anything there. The itch is coming from “under your skin”.
You see the significance of this slogan?
The flea poison is “under your skin” and when you itch at that spot, it means your immune system detected it, working on it and trying to eliminate it.

There is a much more SINISTER and unbelievable “speculation” side to this flea poison issue in your skin.

If you decide to clean your skin, you'll notice THOUSANDS of puncture holes the fleas made and they are either concentrated or they are in a strip, that is half inch to two inches wide, up to fourteen inches long on your arm or chest or back or legs.

Initially, I thought the flea was looking for blood and that is why the so many puncture holes, BUT WHAT IF the flea was actually depositing its eggs into the skin?
Again, I base this question on the countless puncture holes on the skin. The paths, the strips, the patterns the fleas took, remarkably resembles when somebody is planting seed.
Do they plant their eggs in our skins?
The blow fly for example will deposit its eggs inside a wound, so this procedure is common to bugs.

How are you with black flies and mosquitoes in the Summer months?
Do they love you?
Do they fly around your face all the time?
If they do, my guess is, because they sense the flea poison inside your skin and attracted to it.

Now, the status quo tells you they are attracted to the CO2 in your breath. Since nobody really questioned this, everybody accepted it but uno momento Herr Status quo cockroaches!
What do people do with those bug repellents the status quo sell them?
Do they spray their mouths to neutralize the CO2 in their breath?
No, they put them on their SKINS!
Is there CO2 on your skin?

Why them bugs don't bother you after you put the bug repellents on your SKIN?
You are still breathing out CO2, yet miraculously, the bugs don't bother you anymore, after you used the bug repellents on your SKIN.
Is there anything “fishy” about the status quo's CO2 explanation?
The chances are, your skin is full of bug poison and those bug repellents hide them bug poisons, for a short while.

Many years ago I made a bug zapper from an auto transformer, light dimmer, and a 60W light bulb. Placed them inside a double screen cage where the high voltage was connected to. It attracted many bugs but hardly any mosquitoes.

I also noticed that if I sweated, they were even more attracted to me. I had an old T shirt that was falling apart and full of sweat, so I cut a piece out of it, wet it slightly and placed it beside the light bulb, inside the cage of the bug zapper. Lo behold mosquitoes were trying to get to that piece of rag and got zapped.

I couldn't figure it out why, at that time, but now I KNOW that when I sweated, some of the bug poison also came out of my pores and that is why the mosquitoes were attracted to it. So much for status quo bullsh&t about CO2. CO2 might have a tiny role, but certainly NOT the major player why bugs are attracted to you.

Once in a while, we hear about “chemical weapons” in the MSM, but how many times have we heard of “biological weapons”?
Believe it or not, fleas are “biological weapons”.

How sinister are the entities who are behind the status quo???
Who came up first with the term; “chem-trails”?
Is it possible, it was a status quo “controlled opposition” move, to sidetrack people from what they are REALLY doing?
WHAT IF, those “chem-trails” are not really “chem-trails” but “bio-trails” with bio engineered flea eggs and some chemicals to sidetrack those eager beaver “investigators”?

Last year, there was a huge flea infestation in this area. We also had plenty of “chem-trails” in the past three years. Fleas are the perfect carriers (weapons) of diseases too, as they are all year around and they even hop into your bed.

There is an unbelievable amount of knocking and hate towards the “reptilians”. This hatred started mainly by the bug eyed entity with the name of “Icke”.
Remember the old saying, the eyes tell you who you are?
How many people around you have bulging “bug eyes”?

Is there anything common between bugs/insects and humans?
Not that I know of.
Is there anything common between reptilians and humans?
Primarily, we both have the same foundation for our brains. The “reptilian brain”. Additionally, our skins resembles scales, like lizard scales. So, we humans have a DEFINITE connection to the reptilians but ZERO connection to bugs.

There is great joy these days in many circles that the reptilians are fleeing the planet and their bases are taken over, blah, blah, blah, and now, we will be free from these evil lizards.

As it was stated before in other posts, did anybody take heed to?
Be careful whom you “kill”, because you just might kill your best ally. Be careful about deceptions and don't stop when you discover a “layer” of it, thinking there is no more to it. Keep digging!

There is an age old conquering strategy that was/is extremely effective. “The enemy of my enemy is my friend” or create circumstances/events so your enemies will fight and eliminate each other while you come out at the end, smelling like roses. Bankers use this strategy all the time, financing both sides, playing them.

WHAT IF, the bugs took over and they are pitting us humans against the reptilians we are related to?
I am not really into this “alien” stuff but if I recall, the “Andromedans” are insect like entities.
Isn't there an “Andromedan council”?
Isn't there a conspiracy against humans and reptilians by bugs?

Did you notice the bug sprays the status quo sell you now are not the same as they were before?
Last year I sprayed a black fly with one of them sprays. It laughed at me and flew away. By the way, Summer is coming so get your cayenne pepper, dish soap and water solution in your spray bottle and give it to them. When they get hit with this solution, they are dead within five seconds.

Did you also notice the incredible picture resolution and details of the specific insects that are on those spray cans?
Am I “far out” if I state it is a subliminal effort for you, to accept them bugs to be your “family” members?
You keep pictures of your wife, husband, family on your desk at work. When you open your cupboard, there are these high resolution pictures of insects “smiling” back at you and they certainly DON'T LOOK DEAD on those pictures.

If you decide to clean your skin, it will be painful and tedious. If anybody knows another faster way to do it let us know. Your skin will look ugly, especially where there are a lot of poison and there will be abrasion like scars. When there is bleeding, that is a good sign, meaning your blood can clean out the area. Wherever blood can go, it will clean.

This brushing your skin with hydrogen peroxide process works even on moles you got. At least on some of them but maybe on all of them but didn't have the time to try. I tried on one small mole and it is disappearing, almost gone. It appears to be that the moles on your body are major nodes for the bug poison. Doctors will tell you they put out “tentacles”, which they go everywhere in your body and that is why they don't recommend to remove them.

Just the other day a friend of mine got one mole removed. The doctor who did it was asked how do moles form. The doctor replied; “If I would know, I would be a millionaire.” There you go. It shows the attitude of the “doctor”. Money, money, money.
Well, doc, what I've learned and did so far, moles form from bug (flea) poison. You can be a “millionaire” doc.

This same doctor also said that ninety percent of the time when the mole is removed, nothing happens but ten percent of the time the individual who had his/her mole removed dies within a year.

The best way to ensure that people stay sick all the time is the spreading of fleas, a.k.a. “biological warfare” and no doubt in my mind that is going on now and didn't start yesterday or the day before.

From the condition of the skin, you know right away if somebody is infected with bug poison or not. Of course, the bug/insect controlled status quo made many skin cremes to cover up their bug poisons in you and keep them safe and secure right in your skins.

Out of curiosity, how is the skin on the face of the “Donald”?
Skin supposed to be smooth, silky, without any blemish. My skin, where it was cleaned already, is like the baby's bottom and of course, without any creams. If the skin is not smooth and silky, the bugs had their way on you.

As it was stated before, if you decide to clean your skin, it will be painful. It will sting, burn and will look awful, until it heals. You have to scrub and scrub. Wherever there is a lot of bug poison in your skin, as you brush, the hydrogen peroxide's interaction with the bug poison will create a very thin crusty layer on top of your skin.

Before you start cleaning your skin, you should make a place for yourself where you sleep and bugs can't go to or they'll re-infect you again with their bites. If you are that interested what is going on while you sleep, setup an infrared camera over your head and see for yourself what the bugs are doing to your face at night while you sleep. Long time ago I read that everybody eats at least one spider in his/her life, while sleeping.


“The enemy of my enemy is my friend!” Humans have NOTHING in common with bugs but we do with reptilians.

Wonder what connection such movies as; “Star-ship Troopers” and of the “Man in Black” (the one with the giant cockroach) have with reality. It is widely acknowledged that much truths are revealed through movies.

There is also the guy who is talking about “black goo” and “spider creatures” too.
Why are there so many spider sculptures around the world?
These spider sculptures are fairly new, compared to reptilians.
Are the bugs taking over from the reptilians?
Are there as many reptilian sculptures too as spider sculptures?

Are the bugs beating the reptilians, with our help?
Remember from the “Predator” movie this explanation?
“...and if the hunters lost, they made sure nothing survived...”
Reptilians are vastly superior to bugs.
If they see they are loosing to the bugs, will they also make sure nothing will survive?

What about the super hero of mankind; “Spider man”???
Everybody loves him. The bug/insect controlled status quo made sure of it.

What about this Outer Limit episode?

Never mind “holographic universe” or “we are living in a computer simulation”, how about if we are hallucinating, BECAUSE of bug poison in our bodies?

Our bodies were taken over (communication blocked) from our spirits. Our bodies are nothing but tools for our spirits to express itself in 3D, but when it is taken over (communication blocked) by hostile forces (bugs) the body doesn't obey to our spirits anymore but to the bugs.

You may read about such people (there are many more) as Mozart who played instruments and composed music in an extremely early age. His body (skin) wasn't poisoned by bug bites, so his spirit wasn't blocked to communicate with his body. His body did what his spirit dictated to it. Like a tool in a master's hand. We are all handicapped now. Courtesy of bug poison in our bodies that blocks communication between our spirits and bodies.

There is another slogan; “The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.” IMHO, if one could clean out ALL the bug poisons from his/her body, he/she would live a very, very long life and would be a “genius” in everything he/she does, as his/her body will do, what his spirit dictates.

The bug poisons in our bodies severe communications between our spirits and our bodies. It is not a deliberate “disobedience” from the body to our spirits. As it is stated, our bodies are only tools for our spirits. When this tool of ours is taken over by another entity, the tool “obeys” to that user. When we clean our bodies from bug poison, our spirits will control our bodies again.

Forget about eating this, eating that, drinking this, drinking that, taking vitamins, hormones, exercising, smoking, not smoking and the rest of the TRASH, the bug/insect controlled status quo dishes out to you. CLEAN YOUR SKIN AND KEEP IT CLEAN FROM BUG POISONS. THEN YOU HAVE A NEW LEASE ON YOUR LIFE! Finally, it will be YOUR life.

Tell the “Andromedan” bastard bugs to pack their bags and get the hell out of here and take their “Andromedan council” with them!

Once your third eye will be free from bug poison, you'll actually start seeing thing as they are. Clean your forehead where your third eye is and be amazed how much you'll dream, seasoned with OBEs.

Most likely your forehead, - where your third eye located - will have a big patch of thin white crust, after you brush it with hydrogen peroxide. The bug poison keeps your third eye blind, even when it is open!

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Articles In This Thread

To: You think the reptilians are bad? Perhaps you should reconsider. Your life depends on it!
sonofthewind -- Thursday, 9-Feb-2017 21:36:15
Hey 'sotw', not 'having a go' at Mr Ed's "Andromedan Council" are you? Interesting idea there 'bro', yours? What strength H2O2 is needed? *NM*
Bob -- Friday, 10-Feb-2017 02:58:13
Re: Hey 'sotw', not 'having a go' at Mr Ed's "Andromedan Council" are you? Interesting idea there 'bro', yours? What strength H2O2 is needed
sonofthewind -- Friday, 10-Feb-2017 07:48:31
oliverhaddo -- Friday, 10-Feb-2017 03:21:11
sonofthewind -- Friday, 10-Feb-2017 07:50:30
Re: Response from reader
sonofthewind -- Friday, 10-Feb-2017 17:26:47

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