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Reader: Tsunami Dream: Why do I keep having tsunami dreams?

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Thursday, 2-Oct-2014 01:24:25

In Response To: Another "Earth Changes" Dream ... (Journey)

Hi J,

This came in from a reader. I too have had mile high, wall of water dreams. Several in fact.

Tsunami dream is the one of the most popular dream symbols

Tsunami dreams are nonetheless an indication of your emotions. Smaller waves convey small emotions, while large tsunamis refer to big emotions. Want to know the tsunami dream meaning?

The tsunami dream is frightening. We've seen the destruction of tsunamis, especially the 2004 Tsunamis and the Japan tsunami disaster last March 11, 2011. Tsunami dreams alert dreamers that their past problems are surfacing. The dreamer is experiencing an emotional setback associated with unresolved problems.

What is going on in your waking life? Do you have an emotional block from a tragic event? Social anxiety? Poor communication with family members? Traumatic event that is now resurfacing to remind you of this past pain? The tsunami dream is trying to help you resolve your emotional struggles.

Recurring tsunami dreams are an indication of some type of problem that has troubled you for quite some time. If you have a tsunami dream without any problems, then it is possible the end of the world talk swirling around the media absorbed into your mind.

Ask yourself questions related to your professional and personal life? Are you happy? Have any resentment toward another loved one? A grudge against a friend? How is your current stress level? Are you changing jobs? Moving? Experiencing financial distress? Overwhelmed with a project? Want to tell your boss to stop giving you a hard time? Take on more work than you can handle?

Connect your tsunami dream to your waking life. Your waking problems are likely creating your tsunami dreams. A tsunami dream may identify suppressed emotions, personal struggles, private pain, and a number of emotional issues. Tsunamis are viewed as enormous waves powerful enough to destroy anything in its path. Because water is connected to your emotions such as the overflowing toilet dream, and or tidal wave dreams, you must make the connection between your sleeping and waking state of mind to understand the tsunami dream.

Make a list of everything that is troubling you. There must be some stress that is creating your tsunami dream. If you are a college student ready to graduate soon, then this upcoming summer may cause fear since job opportunities are limited. Do you fear moving back home? Struggle to afford the cost of living expenses? The tsunami dream notifies the dreamer to identify the source of their emotional struggles.

Making an adjustment into the professional world is a life-altering moment. Paying bills, conforming to work schedules, saving money, buying a home, and other major decisions take a toll on your emotions. The tsunami dream will pay the overwhelmed dreamer a visit until they resolve their waking problems.
Thus, the tsunami dream is trying to alert you of emotional problems. The height of the tsunami refers to the power of your emotions. Do you keep your emotions bottled up? Want to release your emotions to improve your quality of life?

The people in your tsunami dream are important. If you see strangers, then the tsunami dream is conveying that you need to open up to strangers? See family members in the tsunami dream? You need to improve your relationship with family members. The same process goes for friends and co-workers in your tsunami dreams.

Are you running away or facing the tsunami? Allowing the tsunami to engulf you is an indication that you are now ready to face your problems. Do you want to take a risk to resolve your emotional issues? But on the opposing side, running away from a tsunami in your dream interprets that you are trying to avoid dealing with your emotional issues and past problems.

Pay close attention to all dream symbols in the tsunami dream. The tsunami dream will eventually go away. You just need to put forth the best effort to make adjustments in your waking life. It is easy to fall into an emotional trap, as a result of hiding anguish and pain.

If you feel more comfortable sharing your problems with a stranger, then find a place where people are willing to chat with you. Many people fear criticism, especially when another family member and or friend lectures them. You must open your mind up to criticism. Don't let criticism affect you. In more ways than one, you will find that criticism improves your lifestyle.

The tsunami dream deals with change. Once you come to terms with an emotional issue, then you can resolve the core of your problems to move ahead. We linger on the past too much, which is the source of fear, anxiety, resentment, unhappiness, revenge, and many other stronger emotions. You must cut ties with the past to progress. It is better to gravitate toward the light rather than to regress back to the dark. We find comfort reaching the brightest light in our lives.

Your tsunami dream is identifying problems you need to resolve in order to live a satisfying life. Make no mistake that tsunami dreams are no coincidence because many dreams about tsunamis communicate with dreamers to make immediate changes. If the dreamer is about to move to a new location, the tsunami dream is telling them that they must accept the move in their mind.

You must adopt a positive peace of mind to fight off negative feelings and emotions. Tsunami dreams are prevalent to life changes. You must understand the types of emotions which are holding you back from enjoying life. The beauty of life is understanding your purpose, the moment when every memory forms the perfect puzzle. Are you working at your dream job? Accomplish your dreams and goals yet? Want to help people who are less fortunate?

Nonetheless, every dream symbol holds a dream meaning. Some people think dreams are nothing but visual images that reflect on what you view in the waking life. However, dreams are more than random images. As a dreamer, you must believe in the meaning of dreams to understand the power of dreams.

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Articles In This Thread

Another "Earth Changes" Dream ...
Journey -- Sunday, 28-Sep-2014 13:32:43
Reader: Tsunami Dream: Why do I keep having tsunami dreams?
RumorMail -- Thursday, 2-Oct-2014 01:24:25

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