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Merry Christmas World

Posted By: Liberty_Lady
Date: Sunday, 21-Dec-2014 12:18:46

Yes, I know everyone doesn't celebrate Christmas. I question that story myself. But the spirit of celebration is universal. Every culture has things they mark by feasting, perhaps fasting, prayer, dancing or in some way observing an occasion that is very important to them. That is one of the many things that connect us as humans. Believe me, there are far more things that connect us as people than divide us. Our clothing might be different, our skin color, shape of eyes or texture of hair might look strange to us. But underneath we are nearly all connected by the same emotions, by the love of family, pursuit of career, gathering of friends and yes, celebrating special occasions.

A hundred years ago this Christmas Eve, an incident occurred that brought this fact poignantly home to some soldiers on both sides of the war. In the fields of Flanders in France, during WWI, a soldier named Ensign Francis Toliver from Liverpool, heard a lone voice singing from behind the enemy lines. The German soldiers were celebrating Christmas as best they could. Cold, wet and far from home and family, they still tried to cheer each other up as they sat in their trenches that night.

Then the English soldiers, recognizing the melody, if not the words began singing 'Silent night' in English. Soon another song in German filled the air. Then 'God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen on the English side. This went on for some time. All at once the sentry noticed an unarmed man approaching carrying a flag of truce, followed by other unarmed soldiers. For a few hours these 'enemies' shared songs, stories, pictures of loved ones back home well hidden brandy and chocolate bars. They played soccer far into the night. Then as the dawn filled the skies, the German soldiers shook hands with the English soldiers and filed quietly back to their trenches behind the lines.

Ensign Toliver, in retelling this story, said the war wasn't the same after this incident. They always wondered who they were shooting at. Was it one of their Christmas Eve guests? It was borne home to these gentlemen that the men who start wars aren't the same as the ones on the end of their rifles. They aren't the ones lying dead or lame. For those who are interested, the song, called 'Ensign Toliver', portraying this real event was written by John McCutcheon. If you can find it, play it Christmas Eve in memory of those long dead German and English soldiers so far from home, reaching out in friendship and common humanity to the 'enemy'.

These are the things I think about when I see any country gearing up for war, beating the drum of patriotism. This story was nearly buried, so angry were the generals over this serious breach of military protocol. Of course! The Cabal and those military leaders who lick their boots don't want us to know just how much we have in common with the people of any other country. They want us to focus on the differences, especially religious differences to foment distrust and hatred.

How else could they get us to fight their wars? They certainly aren't going to duke it out on the battlefields. Nor are their children. That's where the cannon fodder comes in. We are sent off to fight the rich man's wars. Our sons and daughters, husband and wives; maybe our parent or sibling. These elite couldn't care less about us or our loved ones. They have a war to wage, money to be made.

I asked one of my teachers many years ago, why both sides prayed to God to let them slaughter the other side and win the war. It seemed ludicrous to me that people would think they could bargain God onto their side, while the other side thought the same thing. Since we are all His creation, why would we think He cared more about one side over the other. The teacher gave me a mumbled lame answer and hurried on with the lessons of that day. Critical thinking wasn't much appreciated even in grade school.

As I watched the invasion of Iraq, I cried for the people of that once proud and prosperous country. Did they know they were merely pawns on a giant chessboard? I think many did. How many lies were told to stir up this country so the citizens would support the war? Wasn't 9/11 a part of that? Afghanistan was bad enough. My brother wanted our forces to bomb them back to the Stone Age. I said, “Um, dear, I think they're already there.” They were no match for our military. Yet neither we nor the Soviets were able to totally conquer that country. Corruption did a far better job of it.

Today, since so many people are questioning the events of 9/11, the fear has worn off. It's time for another false flag event. And the Cabal will probably pull that off too. Law enforcement can't be everywhere and in some cases are complicit in the event.

It remains for us, regular everyday people, to use our heads. Has a country invaded us? Are their actions causing problems for us? Are they invading any of their neighbors who are our allies? (CIA sponsored invasions not counting) If the answers to any of these questions is no, then why is it we are declaring war on them and invading their sovereign nation? What business is it of the United Nations or their military arm, NATO to interfere in the business of any sovereign nation? These countries should have read the fine print when they asked to join the UN. An organization that is supposed to promote peace in the world has, in many cases, done just the opposite.

Why is it that Putin, observing NATO troops put in positions around Russia is feeling some concern? Russia is a member of the General Assembly as well as the Security Council of the UN. I would say that Mr. Putin is a student of history. He is the one who blocked the United States from trying to turn Syria into the next 'Iraq'. It pays to think instead of reacting to the drums of war and the stirring of patriotic fever to prompt our country into another war for profit. Of course when our economy is so bad, the military looks like a good alternative to a minimum wage job. Do you think that is an accident? Once you are in their clutches, you will be convinced by their propaganda that whatever country they want to invade is our enemy. But is it?

All five of my uncles served in WWII and came home changed men because of the carnage they'd witnessed and participated in. They seldom spoke of those times. They just wanted to get back to their normal life. It took the Germans, Italians and Japanese longer to recover. And did anyone else notice? As soon as a government was in place in those countries that the US approved of, suddenly they were our friends again. And the Rothschilds and the rest of the Cabal were a lot richer.

When are we going to stop allowing these obscenely wealthy hybrids to control our thoughts and actions? When are we going to send them to do their own fighting? Which of course they won't do since most of them are cowards as well as members of the same exclusive club. It will be up to all of us in every country to stop listening to war mongering political and yes, in some cases, religious leaders and begin to think for ourselves. Let's do like the citizens of Great Britain did when the elite tried to join with the U.S. in invading Syria. Shout “Hell No, We Won't Go!” They shouted loud enough and Parliament heard them.

We can become one people globally while maintaining our separate countries and cultures that we honor. Don't believe for one moment that we all have to become the same for peace to reign. We can deal with any criminal elements in our midst without destroying entire countries and cultures in the process. We can do it without giving up our freedom and without turning our brothers and sisters around the globe into monsters to be crushed. As Kennedy said, “We all live on the same little planet, we all breathe the same air and we are all mortal.”

Find a copy of John McCutcheon's song and listen to it Christmas Eve. It's a good place to start.

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Articles In This Thread

Merry Christmas World
Liberty_Lady -- Sunday, 21-Dec-2014 12:18:46
hobie -- Monday, 22-Dec-2014 03:47:20
Sainsbury Chocolate's OFFICIAL Christmas 2014 Ad (about 4 minutes)
hobie -- Monday, 22-Dec-2014 03:57:17

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