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Focus Session: ISS Space Station Scam

Date: Tuesday, 3-Jan-2017 10:32:36

In Response To: S.... HAPPENS (IZAKOVIC)

Monday, January 2, 2017
Priority Blog Request: ISS Space Station Scam

Hi Lynn, Hope you had a wonderful X-mas with your family!

And here come my questions: RE: ISS Space Station Scam

Over the years people have studied the video and photo footage of the ISS (International Space Station) and found some weird contradictions and discrepancies, which would have one conclude that most of the footage has been heavily edited / photoshopped or even completely faked, for example:

The astronauts bumping up and down during interviews (indicating they are inside a Zero G plane)

Scripted speeches, overly happy smiles and often ridiculously childish demonstrations of the effects of microgravity (more entertainment than scientific exploration)

The female astronauts always having their hair demonstratively open and standing up (as if fixed by hairspray)

Floating air bubbles appearing during space walks (indicating the scenes were filmed underwater inside a swimming pool)

Wrong perspectives or proportions of earth, no stars or galaxies visible (which imply photoshopped images) etc. etc.

Q. So does the ISS actually exist as such and float around the earth? (There are actually a few amateur photographs that seem to prove its existence)?

A. I get there is a station that follows earth, but I see it more like a satellite and not a manned station.. I don't see humans actually living on it. This station looks robotized and controlled remotely. Positions of the satellite can be shifted and photos can be taken (but I also get that what is taken is not what is shared because the distance isn't far enough to get accurate photos of earth, and true photos would raise too many questions).

Q. Do the ISS crews really travel all the way up to the station with Sovjet rockets, stay there for months on ends and then return safely to earth or is there some chicanery going on?

A. I get that the crews are sequestered much like the jury of a trial (those are the images I am shown). They are forced to sign legal documents that require secrecy, and taken to a remote military location. They really are gone for months at a time, and kept safe here on earth until they are required for a video, PR statement or some kind of testing.

Q. If so, how do they make sure that the handful of civil space tourists, who paid 10 million per trip, would keep silent about the deception involved?

A. I get that the tourists will be heavily vetted, and some kind of complication will prevent the complete "tour" from happening. It feels like there is one delay or issue after another. The few that will be "allowed" to go (who also have strong ties to the Powers That once Were), will get a huge "discount" in exchange for a false statement on how wonderful it is/was.

Q. And why seem to be China, Russia and Europe faking their footage, too? Is there a global agreement?

A. I do see some kind of "alliance" going on with these countries. It looks like a few things are going on. If the truth about the challenges of having humans too close or crossing through the Van Allen belt due to the radiation were to come to light (which also sheds truth on the inability to land on the moon), then other countries would have to admit some things they also lied about (or hid which is the same as lying to the people). They don't want that information being released.

The satellite stations also cannot hold an orbit far enough away from the earth (due to the constant radiation bombarding it) to get a clear photo of the earth. Seeing what they are able to remotely see would raise a lot of questions (and then I hear continent size and even shape of the earth from that distance just wouldn't make sense).

i also get that the footage has to be "doctored" because of the ET life that are in space all the time. Until disclosure occurs, we won't be able to see a clear and accurate photo.

And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-

1/3/17 Follow Up Questions:
Q. You say that the astronauts are taken to a military base. How do they get out of the rockets which supposedly take them up and how do they get back into the reentry capsules that fall down from the sky and land in the desert of Kazakhstan?

A. This looks to be all filmed like a movie. Then I hear that is Kubric can do the moon landing, with current technology they can certainly create footage to share. People only know what they are shown.

Q. What about the many amateur photos that show the space shuttle docking with the ISS? Have those been remote controlled then, too?

A. Yes, the radiation is too intense for human to live within that "station." They are great with the remote controlling of equipment (and have this technology fine tuned).

Q. What happened to the hundred of millions of dollars that have been invested in the civil space program?

A. Some is used for the "station / satellite," but most has been allocated for the military and weather manipulation programs. I also get that part of the "job" of this satellite is to monitor weather patterns (hot spots, cold spots, etc) so when HAARP is at work, it can enhance accuracy. It works in tandem (part of the function) with the weather manipulation on the ground.

Q. How have they been able to keep up this illusion of human space orbit for so many years when there should be plenty of intelligent engineers and scientists that could debunk the impossibility of this program with hard technical facts?

A. People innately want to believe what they see (for example, the moon landing). I get that if you were to seek out information, there are plenty of engineers and scientists that have posed questions, but disinfo agents do what they can to misdirect people away from that information. During my focus I was shown / told that the Van Allen Belt and radiation levels are the biggest challenge and reason why this cannot exist in the way we are being shown.



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Focus Session: ISS Space Station Scam
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