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Jim Stone posts a lot of interesting responses to reader comments

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Friday, 30-Dec-2016 23:36:55

In Response To: Jim Stone reports on increasing communication troubles and their significance. BTW, he also reposted a post from here by Watchman (MrFusion)


Message window stuff

This came in this afternoon.

Zach sent:

Hi James, Hope you're well. Did you happen to read the 13 page DHS/FBI Joint Operations Report (JAR)? What a joke! It starts with an unprecedented disclaimer saying in bold print that "the report is for information purposes only" and they make no 'warranties' about what is put forward in the report. Hahahaha WTF?!

They then go on to state that two hacking groups that they claim are Russian (again with no proof) gained access to Podesta's email account (without mentioning his name) via a spearphishing scam that allowed them access to his gmail credentials. They then spend 10 PAGES giving advice on how to protect against being hacked. This is so far beyond comical I can't even stand it. What the hell is going on in this country?? I even watched IDIOT dem pundits on TV say "well now we have an extensive 13 page intelligence report that PROVES once and for all the Russians hacked the election"! The republican idiot didn't even call him on it!! He just kind of went along like it was legit!

I am going to lose my mind trying to fathom how people fall for this shit. It's all so plainly an act. It's just a total game. Anyway I'm sorry, I needed to vent to someone who understands. Best, Zach"

My comment: The level of B.S we are witnessing in the bona fide "legitimate" media is enough to make anyone need counseling, even if it is over a beer with "joe".

Don't be to disdained, only the rock stupid idiots fall for it, and the war of independence was won with 3 percent participation. We have FAR MORE than that now. It just does not matter how many idiots there are at this point. One thing you can feel good about: ALL liberal democrats fall for that crap, which means the opposition really is rock stupid. They only got as far as they did because the rest of us had to work rather than baby sit.

Anonymous sent:

"Donald trump's proposed policy on Israel is a gift on a golden platter" Trump probably doesn't know that historical Israel and the state of Israel are different things.

My comment: That quote originated on this web site. My take is that it is a combination of ignorance, combined with the need to suck up to Israel to avoid getting his brains blown out. He's not entirely stupid on the topic, but not aware either. I am certain he knows he has to play suck up to Israel to get anything done at all. I am not thrilled, but since the last 5 decades have been a perpetual screw job on Palestine 4 or even 8 more years won't change things much and it will have to slide if he really does "Make America Great Again." The palestine situation absolutely galls me, but it is a cold hard FACT: What Israel did while Obama was president was far worse than anything they ever did prior, there's not a chance Obama is Muslim and no president EVER allowed Israel to get away with as much as Obama did. I am not thrilled with Trump's attitude, but how could Trump possibly be worse when at least Trump has a soul?

Curious sent:

"Greetings Jim. A while ago, on your site somewhere I read about placing comments on (other sites etc) being made invisible to others except oneself and how they can simulate a page (something like that). I think I've been experiencing things like that, and auto censorship on youtube . Can you explain that sort of thing again? Thanks, Curious."

My response: It is called a shadow ban. On some forum software it is called a hell ban. All forum software can do it. Once activated, a user can see their own posts, all the while the posts remain invisible to anyone else. It works by identifying the computer via IP and log in. The goal is to get people to waste all their time writing what will never be read.

PJR sent:

"On Neanderthals: "Those who, after the scattering [Tower of Babel], moved to colder regions but had darker skin, could suffer from vitamin D deficiency, such as rickets. The Neanderthals are a classic example of this. By the way, Neanderthals were not emerging primitives. That's fiction. They had a skull capacity (with its inferred brain size) larger than that of modern man. Classic descriptions of so called Neanderthal man were based in large part on the skeletal remains of a man suffering from severe osteoarthritis. He had degenerated. In fact, there are folk who would pass for Neanderthals alive today. It has nothing to do with history or intelligence, but rather, health! From: The discovery that's TOPPLING EVOLUTION by Jonanthan Gray - pg 205

My response: What I had read is that they basically had the same brain but the emotional capacity was reduced. The modern brain is seen as an advancement because it is more efficient per mass and is far more emotionally adept. There are still neanderthals and they can inter breed no problem so they are diluted out substantially. The biggest concentration has Khazar roots and is the Ashkenazi Jew. Soros is an OBVIOUS neanderthal, he has ALL the traits.

John Doe sent:

Jim, I wish to remain anonymous (please refer to me as John Doe) which will become obvious. Both a syn flood and a ddos attack can be sensed by your server and halted: 1. Write a cron job that runs periodically, e.g. every few minutes or whatever. It will sense from the logs any IP that is pounding the server and add it to a list. 2. After the cron job runs, it will unique the list and automatically email it to your ISP. 3. The ISP will then lock out those IPs within his router and may restart apache to free up sockets. The details depend on the server software you're running, e.g. Microsoft (horrors), linux, or whatever. We have had experience with this as the victim. The perpetrator usually uses old computers from around the world that are easily penetrated and used for the attack. Please let the alt news folks know that they can stop a syn flood or ddos attack with ease."

My response: My site already does that on every server, and the blocks don't need web host help, they just happen automatically. I only check a couple times a day and have a few that can't be stopped in the .htaccess file. I don't have time to deal with B.S. so it is all automatic. When I say I am getting attacked, it is always man in the middle type stuff.

Judgedredd sent:

Hi James, After much digging I found the neanderthal info that I remember getting from your site. A couple of interesting things I discovered while looking for this... I have been backing up your pages for over two years now and have over 1, 040 of them going back to 2013. Yet THIS page (the one where you wrote about this particular topic is not one that I have!! According to the date of my files, you wrote that piece on the 22nd March 2014, or thereabouts and that is the day I didn't copy anything off of your site. But I did find the two articles dealing with this. The one from a link you gave the day after (23rd March 2014) at the BBC, which is still there and is here: and the one from Michael Bradley who researched ALL of this extensively. His site (and research) is here: - More info is found here: though this is not a link that you originally gave. One of the links in your original article: - no longer works and neither does this one: as they have been scrubbed from the same website it seems. The last link is THE link that I remember reading which had all the pictures as examples of what was being talked about but I DID find it at and I have saved that page and will put it up on my site in the next day or so."

My comment: Gee, if I lose anything I'll have to get ahold of you. Please make sure the old web site is backed up (it probably is) because I run only on Ram and Rom and have no storage whatsoever local anymore because it always ended up getting weaponized against me with tracking garbage and spyware and keyloggers - stuff you have to worry about when you have writable space. Now, if I get "busted" there is only air on the computer but the lack of a backup bothers me. Of course it is all backed up multiple places online but in my hand? NO. The original location before I moved everything to Iceland is very important. I appreciate you doing that, and yes, you can obviously run the mirror at the Matrix Files. Thanks a BUNCH and oh - the Neanderthall stuff - yes, you said it well.

Anonymous sent:

"FAKING NEWS............ We are getting uncomfirmed reports from the whitehouse that Resident Obama has threatened to Scream and Scream until he makes himself sick.........An Unknown source stated that ..... He had been sent to bed with no supper and Nanny was not going to read him his bedtime story.............more updates as they come in............

UPDATE..............Unless he can have every thing he wants obama is going on a hunger strike............"

Anonymous sent:

"Subject: Bilderberg Website Taken Over By Anonymous Hackers | Zero Hedge."

My response: Yep, I heard of that. And they obviously have a bunch of paper trained snowflakes on their staff if such a takeover lasted longer than 0.26 milliseconds. Really makes them look snappy.

Anonymous sent:

"Jim, I've followed your website for a couple of years. At first, I was skeptical about the damage vaccines cause, but after doing my own research, I decided to stop vaccinating my children. At age 24, I was forced to take the gardasil vaccine when I applied for is citizenship and since then I have noticed a considerable decrease in my memory. I lose words and even when watching tv, during commercial breaks I will forget what I was watching. All issues that I never had prior to the vaccine. I have a 10 month old now, and I did not vaccinate him and the difference between him and my older vaccinated kids is huge. My oldest son constantly suffered from ear infections, pinkeye and general sickness, my daughters have horrible eczema and are constantly catching colds. Meanwhile, my un-vaccinated son has not been sick, started walking at 7 months and even when sick people are around him the most he's ever come down with is a very mild case of the sniffles. Thank you for putting the information out there, it is very important that we stop letting our children be poisoned. I wish I had known all this before, if I had known my older kids would not have been damaged by these poisonous vaccines."

My comment: No response needed, that pretty much sums it up. Thanks!

Mike sent:

"Jim, Mike Rivero (What Really Happened) is also down right now! It sure looks like an alt media takedown before the big event. Thank God Putin is showing restraint. Mike"

My response: Someone sent a GREAT message about how Putin handled the diplomat gaffe, it is farther down this page.

Anonymous sent:

"If Obama makes any International treaties, any thing he does could be completely reversed. By perhaps referendum with the public being given a clear choice YES OR NO to completely reset government back to pre 1925 style and back to REAL united states of america, throw all the current fake government in to jail, reset money, throw bankers in jail, throw obama in jail, throw Soros in jail, null in void everything the non-american president done, and null-in-void every treaty done by the fake government (was not performed by legitimate government so it not valid, a bit like the bridge I have to sell you!)."

My response: Trump is on the table. LITMUS TEST TIME.

Anonymous sent:

"Hi Jim, thanks again for your awesome work; I'm sorry I can't back up my admiration with a cash donation but you do have my best wishes for a Happy New Year. I'm writing today because of this one thing I'm NOT seeing in the alt media despite the level of MSM hysteria accompanying the recent liberation of Aleppo. Various theories have been floated as to why NATO et al are so desperate to "save face" in Syria and it is not just to hide the number of western-manufactured weapons recaptured from terrorists.

Q: What do Netanyahu, Cheney, Murdoch and the Rothschilds all have in common? A: Genie Energy and the occupation of Golan Heights. I haven't included any links because there is a wealth of fact-based material out there for anyone who cares to look. They have finished their exploration and are looking to drill. It just hasn't come up in any meaningful discussion of what the US is REALLY doing in Syria and I think this should change. Once again, thank you for all that you do :)"

My response: Syria is part of the ERETZ Israel. Oil was discovered. It was too perfect a country being run too well. It had too much history the Jews did not like. AND PEOPLE CELEBRATED THE LIBERATION OF ALEPPO all the while the scamming MSM did nothing but post a video of some hack girl who was probably sitting at CNN with a bunch of fake hollywood surroundings and a crappy web cam to make it "real". I said on the spot when they did that it was a FAKE JOB. And it obviously was. So CNN lied. Everyone else lied. Where's the news? That's just normal in the "real" media.

"Jim...I'd welcome more into re. Neanderthal Ashkenazi lineage. Here's a little from my research, "There is indication those who speak of themselves as Jews but are not are descended of the Nephilim, described (falsely) as ancient, giant, incarnate gods who created the rest of humanity ... to be their slaves, their human cattle, their goyim. "Nephilim", some sources indicate, means, "lead others to fall" (!) The Nephilim were gigantic in stature. Their strength was prodigious and their appetites immense. Upon devouring all of humankind's resources, they began to consume humans themselves. The Nephilim attacked and oppressed humans and were the cause of massive destruction on the earth. - .

I anticipate the Nephilim were related to the red haired giants spoken of throughout world history but who have been expunged from record. Many Native American tribes from the Northeast and Southwest still relate the legends of the red-haired giants and how their ancestors fought terrible, protracted wars against the giants when they first encountered them in North America almost 15, 000 years ago. (Interesting that Esau, of Biblical record, who threatened to slay his brother Jacob, was not only red headed, but had red hair all over his body. Indeed Esau in Hebrew means red. According to Eustace Mullins, Hebrew (Habaru) means bandit!)

Others, like the Aztecs and Mayans recorded their encounters with a race of giants to the north when they ventured out on exploratory expeditions. Who were these red-haired giants that history books have ignored? Their burial sites and remains have been discovered on almost every continent.

In the United States they have been unearthed in Virginia and New York state, Michigan, Illinois and Tennessee, Arizona and Nevada. Early Spanish explorers reported encountering red-haired giants in the mountains of Utah and Arizona as well. - This satanic lineage and awareness reaches back via their ancient mystery schools to "The Fall" and in splintered, deceptive fragments attempts to reach into the Golden Age of Lemuria when the rebellion against Spirit began ... judging good and evil;, worshipping the mind instead of Spirit ... which preceded and ultimately caused the planetary pole reversal, the sinking of continents and mass trauma-filled death. Of all the Judaic communities ... the Hassidic community is without question the worst, and particularly for women, who daily are reminded that they carry the burden for the fall of man as described in the Judaic bible vis a vis the story of Adam and Eve.

This fractured, psychopathic worldview, held secret by worldwide Jewry from the rest of humanity, is why former Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin declared, "Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves." - Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin in a speech to the Knesset [Israeli Parliament] quoted by Amnon Kapeliouk, Begin and the Beasts, New Statesman, June 25, 1982. The quote has now been removed from parliamentary record, and is vigorously denied. Thanks, David"

My response: I had that quote before it was removed from the record. I never followed up on it because I did not expect that to happen because there are so many other examples of that type of thing being said. As for the rest, it is not my subject area but I posted it for the interest of my readers. thanks!

Anonymous sent:

" new york is coming out with some pretty scary headlines regarding prep for nuclear exchange supposed insider info being denied by official , I'd like your take on it." My comment: Super Station 95 is an actual fake news site. Lots of stuff is being said.

Putin: I'll wait until there is an adult in the white house before discussing policy!
Stef sent:

RT is broadcasting in Silicon Valley. I was just watching BOOM BUST and news.

Have you heard Putin's response to obama expelling Russian Diplomats? It's too funny... he said he won't play school yard politics, he'll wait for the adult to be sworn to discuss Russia / America relationship. I'm para-phrasing but that's the gist. He also said he will not expel American diplomats and their families, instead he invited the diplomats and their families to the Kremlin for a New Years party!! Can you stand it?!? hahahahaha

I have tremendous respect for President Putin because he is a real live, full grown, hairy chested MAN who believes in national sovereignty, regardless of the country, and he's willing to help defend their right to exist. Complete opposite of the U.S. foreign policy of our , "crying on national TV," sissy bitch, faggot President. I know that you will get this message unedited cos there is no sensor getting offended by my verbiage. That being said, we recently watched the original "Warriors" film and they were soooo not pc.

My response: The message window does block offensive stuff but it has a brain and knew that should not be blocked. Good stuff.

RMN is an RA production.

Articles In This Thread

Jim Stone reports on increasing communication troubles and their significance. BTW, he also reposted a post from here by Watchman
MrFusion -- Friday, 30-Dec-2016 18:01:11
Jim Stone posts a lot of interesting responses to reader comments
MrFusion -- Friday, 30-Dec-2016 23:36:55

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