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I have a bank account that pays my bills even if I am overdrawn. And I am horribly overdrawn.

Posted By: Rayelan
Date: Thursday, 18-Dec-2014 02:35:33

I have a bank account that pays my bills even if I am overdrawn. And I am horribly overdrawn. I have no idea how it happened. Even looking over everything, it just doesn’t make any sense at all. I am over a thousand overdrawn and I have no jewelry to sell to come up with it. My gold and jewelry went years ago to keep RMN going and keep a roof over my head. Sadly, those of us who depend on RMN for part of our income, live on the edge all the time. I am on the edge right now and without your help, I don’t know what I will do…

I need over a thousand dollars to pay my bank what I owe it. If you can just fill up the Fundrazr widget to the $4,000 that RMN needs to pay its bills, this would do it. Also remember Hobie and Susoni. I always try to do something for them at Christmas, but this year I just don't have the money, the health or the positive energy to bring about just this result. If you identify with the RMN Family, please know that your family members who keep RMN up and running for you, need your financial help as soon as possible.

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All I am asking is for the full $4,000 that I knew I would need for December to be paid now. I can’t wait till the end of the month. I truly need this now.

If you want a fuller explanation, you can read the rest of this post. If you know that I don’t ask for money unless it is really needed. Then please help me.

Over the years Buck, my Golden Retriever and the Babies (two mini Golden Retriver wanna bes) have become the quasi official mascots of RMN.

Two days ago, I was horrified when I found my Golden Retriever, Buck, out in the snow unable to move. I had no idea what was wrong with him. A friend helped me get him in the car and over to his Vet.

There were no broken bones. There was no infection. The Vet guessed that he may have fallen and twisted his back and hind legs. She prescribed pain pills and an anti inflammatory.

An hour after he took his first pills he started walking again. Thank God!! You have no idea how heavy a 90 pound Golden Retriever is. He is back to normal... and I am happy to say that the "boyz" (the two doggies I got for my mother’s Christmas present the year she died.) …the “boyz”are in good health and loving the snow.

As for my health. About a month ago I had the flu. It turned into pneumonia and I spent 24 hours in the ER undergoing a breathing treatment.

I had barely recovered from the pneumonia when I developed the stomach flu. After two days I was so dehydrated and weak I could barely pull myself off the bathroom floor. I don't know how I made it to the ER where they kept me isolated from other patients. They had an IV drip going into my arm to hydrate me. It took almost 8 hours to hydrate me. They put something in the IV drip that took away my nausea.

I now have pneumonia again. Needless to say, there is nothing worse than being really sick during the busiest and most festive time of the year.

At the same time, I am moving.

Those of you who have been following the saga of the houseguest who overstayed her welcome by almost three years, should be happy to know that I decided to rent a new house. I found one that used to be a dairy. The property is 65 acres and has a pond. I can plant a huge garden. There is enough water to make sure the garden will always be watered.

The house is an old farmhouse with a milk house right next to the house. Milk houses are so cool in the summer that on my family’s farm, my whole family used to spend the hot evenings in the milk house because it was the only cool place we could find in the 110 degree central California summer.

The older folks played a card game called Pedro. My brother and I turned the crank on the ice cream maker. My favorite ice cream was peach. It was made from the peaches that came from the trees that my grandmother planted when we first moved to that house.

Reading what I just wrote, I guess the place I rented does remind me of the farm where I grew up.

The house I rented was/is in terrible condition. The renters who just moved out did nothing to clean up. They took their chickens, goats, and cows and left without doing anything to clean the house.

The owner of the house told me that I could do anything to the house I wanted to do. We first washed the walls, then the floors. We saw that the dining room floor was rough wood planks. The previous tenants had a rug on the floor. We didn’t bother to wonder what was under the rug. When we pulled up the filthy rug in the living room and bedroom we found the same rough wood planks.

I realized that I needed to either put new rugs and tiles in the entire downstairs or I needed to put down linoleum. I found a beautiful linoleum that looks like wood. And then I went home and stayed in bed for two days.

During that time, I told one of my workers to check the price of the linoleum. He had worked for the company years ago and knew how to negotiate a good deal. He did negotiate an incredible deal. The last I had heard about the cost, it was over $2,000 to do the whole first floor. I told my worker that I couldn’t afford that.

I added up everything I owed to people and companies and knew I needed help.
I had to pay $500.00 to Verizon immediately, or I lose my cell phone and my house phone.

My workers were owed over a thousand dollars. They knew I would be good for it, but they had rent to pay and other bills like food, gas etc. I had to pay them. I also had bills that needed to be paid. The cable bill was just days away from being turned off. I have my internet connection through the cable company. And then there was the ever infamous electric bill that my “house guest” runs up to make my life miserable and to keep me broke. She has succeeded in making me miserable and keeping me broke.

I had to ask for help from a reader who has become a friend. He sent far more than I had asked for and I was able to pay everything. Or so I thought. I hate to blame my lapses in consciousness on the pneumonia and stomach flu but I could think of no other reason that I would have completely forgot about the check I wrote. I do everything online using my iPhone or computer in order to know how much money I have to spend. I never spend money unless I have checked the balance and know exactly what I have.

I have a bank account that pays my bills even if I am overdrawn. And I am horribly overdrawn and I have no idea how it happened. Even looking over everything, it just doesn’t make any sense at all. I am over a thousand overdrawn and I have no jewelry to sell to come up with it. My gold and jewelry went years ago. Sadly, those of us who depend on RMN for part of our income, live on the edge all the time. I am on the edge right now and without your help, I don’t know what I will do…

RMN is an RA production.

Articles In This Thread

I have a bank account that pays my bills even if I am overdrawn. And I am horribly overdrawn.
Rayelan -- Thursday, 18-Dec-2014 02:35:33
hobie -- Thursday, 18-Dec-2014 02:40:01
hobie -- Thursday, 18-Dec-2014 16:48:42

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