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Date: Monday, 15-Dec-2014 06:02:47

December 15, 2014, 12:05

Photo: Catherine Shtukin / press-service of the Government of the Russian Federation / TASS

Text: Anton Krylov

Article by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, "Russia and Ukraine: Life under the new rules" may be the harbinger of a new foreign policy doctrine of Russia based on pragmatism and not on an outdated ideology.

On Monday, the "Nezavisimaya Gazeta" published an article by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev about what is happening in Ukraine. The text covers the most detailed aspects of Russian-Ukrainian relations, with the possible exception of the Crimea - the subject Medvedev said "is closed".

The idea is that it is a good idea that the first level state officials tell citizens about what is happening in the country and the world directly, without intermediaries, apparently, it is in the air.
On Friday, the newspaper VIEW recalled Roosevelt weekly radio shows, and three days later published an article about the Premier software.

Of course, a variety of conspiracy theorists oppose Kremlin's Spassky Tower Borovitskaya that is already trying to submit an article that it is an Medvedevs private opinion, but in beleivers in schizophrenia in the government believe most people are not able to cope with opacities in his own head.

Article about Medvedev is the official position of the Russian state on the Ukrainian question at the moment. From this end the analysis will proceed.

Ratio vs Emotio

Signed by Prime Minister text very clearly and vividly demonstrates the conflict between the rational and emotional towards Ukraine, which still exists in the minds of citizens and the state policy of Russia. Indeed, it was and still remains the fraternal relation whatever was sang about this by incompetent representatives of Ukrainian propaganda.

In the article there are a lot of transitions from the emotional to the rational: Medvedev remembers Ukrainian folk songs, something about the general history and construction of industry in Ukraine by Russia, something about the long and forgotten credit from 1993.

Now it is necessary to make a small note - the allegation that the Ukrainian industry has created Russia, which is, of course, controversial and even exaggerated. Medvedev wrote in another way: Dneproges "Pivdenmash" and other giants were built, according to the prime minister, "by the efforts of many people and businesses of the various republics."

But here we must agree on the terms. If it is recognized that the achievements were common then and negative - too common. Holodomor - wine and union, and republican and local authorities, and not the "genocide of Ukrainians." So they were built together, starved together, repressed and suffered reprisals together. Or Holodomor was genocide, but then all the positive that was created in those years, "wriggle" is not necessary. Either-or, no middle ground.

Medvedev, notes that nowhere was said that Russia has been in this family of nations "elder brother", and there were not even hints that show the notorious " Russian imperialism", of which are so fond those who blame it was real. Only "general", "together", "united".

Talking in detail about the history of the Russian-Ukrainian gas relations, Medvedev wrote a phrase which had already begun to argue vehemently advocates of the current regime in Kiev on both sides of the border: "... the Russian side has never used an economic factor for the decision of any political issues."

"What about a discount on gas in exchange for an agreement by the Russian Navy?" - Style Shukshin story "cut" they remember Kharkov agreements in 2010. And that's it.

Using the economic factor for the solution of political issues - are the current sanctions imposed on Russia by the European Union, the United States and a number of their satellites. This is Jackson-Vanik amendment. This is blockade of Cuba. That is, when economic relations were initially mutually beneficial, and now are spoiled for the sake of politics.

When Russia and Ukraine are contained in the answer to absolutely unfriendly actions that do not threaten, but hinted that are of most favored in this case, we move on to the global practice - it is not called "economic pressure". This is called reality.

So what is missing in the vast text by Medvedev - it is just clearly and distinctly said claim that emotions are of the past. A feeling that Russia again among thousands knows what time ¸is in the style of "last Chinese warning" scares Ukraine "new principles of relations", but in reality they will not going to move. I'd like to be wrong.

More cold pragmatism

Facts that leads the Russian prime minister in the article are well known to all but the Maidan protesters. Russian investments in Ukraine, the number of Ukrainian migrant workers in Russia, the quantity and quality of the Russian Federation and the EU in Ukrainian exports, unsuccessful attempts to push American fuel in the Soviet made nuclear power plants - it's all publicly available information. Not exclusive, no intelligence, no "Kremlin propaganda."

Ukrainian propagandists regularly used heaterd by decaying campaign "Do not buy Russian goods!", When in supermarkets products from Russia, as well as Jewish were in Nazi Germany, are marked by special signs. But the same people are very indignant when Russia puts similar obstacles on Ukrainian goods. Still, the old anecdote "And us, for what?" Aptly characterizes the ideology of the current Ukrainian government and its supporters.

Therefore, we will not retell well-known figures, and we shall proceed directly to the final text of Medvedev: "... the best way to prove that we in Russia respect Ukraine as a sovereign state - is a recognition of its right for the selection. But Ukraine needs to keep in mind that any choice - is primarily a big responsibility. In well-fed European future they have a lot of work to do, and not "jumping-in." If you want to live "like in Europe" – you must learn to pay the bills. To begin with - according to Russian.

Our countries are neighbors and can not cooperate. Just now this cooperation only says "European", rational and pragmatic. Russia intends to strictly follow its national interests. And it will be hard to defend them - as is the case with any other equal partner. Building relationships in the new environment, we leave emotions and "family feeling" in the past. And it does not let us keep the Ukrainian economy. We do not profit. And, frankly, we are tired.

Maybe just this - a little cold - pragmatism in politics and economy of our country lacks all the years after what was going on from the collapse of the USSR. And now, after the hardships and losses, we have a chance to build a real business, mutually beneficial relationship. "

Yes, Dmitry Anatolyevich. That is pragmatism we lacked - and not only in relation to Ukraine, but also in relation to all countries.

Pragmatism should be the alpha and omega of Russian foreign policy. Because throughout Russian history only pragmatic solution lead to victory and prosperity. And every attempt to "help brothers", "seek justice", "to fulfill their international duty," "maintain embarked on the path of socialist construction" lead to exactly the opposite result. Thrice and four times Bulgaria betrayed us, nothing but contempt, did not cause a variety of assistance to countries of the "third world", suffered from very cheap gas and open Ukrainians borders...

Kennedy's famous phrase, "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country" in international politics should be restated: "Ask not what Russia can do for your friends, ask what friends can do for Russia. "

Of course, to change the foreign policy of the current "generous Mother Russia" on a strictly pragmatic concept will not be easy - will require a paradigm shift of thinking of so many people.

But one country in the 20th century changed on isolationism to expansionism, despite the stubborn resistance of a number of politicians and prominent part of society, and now feels fine in the role of world policeman, despite going wild on external debt and ongoing terrorist threat. While other countries tried to develop their own suburbs, to the detriment of themselves to help everyone who spoke password "socialism", and as a result have collapsed. And independent Russia, alas, continued to follow on the course of this self-destructive ideology of Soviet foreign policy.

The economy must be economic rather than political, and in any case not ideological. Clear language and vectors of the new Russian foreign policy pragmatism - that's what I would like to read or hear in the next report of the government.



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